Recent content by Silverback

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  1. Silverback

    Subliminal Messages?

    I switched the video because I found the previous one contained what even I found hard to believe.
  2. Silverback

    Subliminal Messages?

    Satanism had infiltrated the music industry a long time ago. This video should clear things up. This can be difficult. It would seem to vary from person to person, although upbringing is the most likely case. Games don't need to do anything subliminally. They already do everything...
  3. Silverback

    Subliminal Messages?

    How can you say satanic stuff is bs? If you believe in the bible, then you believe the Devil is just as real as Jesus and God. Other than that, I agree that commercials are often times where subliminal messages can be found. Coke, McDonalds, so on.
  4. Silverback


    Adamic sin brought death. Seeing as we are all his seed, we inherited Adamic sin. Not everybody dies, however. The obedient go to one of two places. 1: Heaven. 2: A new "Paradise" Earth. The latter will be brought about after Armageddon, once all of the sinners have been cut off from God's...
  5. Silverback


    If you know better, you shouldn't live sinfully because it causes harm to God and yourself. It damages your intimate friendship with Him. To choose is to ask yourself: "Am I going to do good deeds, or evil deeds?" Man cannot serve two masters - Matthew 6:24 You're following God's law...
  6. Silverback


    Thats great. Great, we agree. I don't mean to come off as trying to cause anyone to feel guilt, or condemnation although I realise I could have done. I'm sorry. Yeah, I remember hearing before and you've just reminded me, that Satan likes to use such tools as apathy, grief, guilt, shame and...
  7. Silverback


    God gave us brains to put to good use, to woship Him. Making our own choices doesn't include being disobedient. Theres a fine line. Obedience = Endless blessings. Disobedience = Punishment for sins, like Adam and Eve, who themselves were disobedient. Damaging the gift of life, is not...
  8. Silverback


    I'll try to respond to this post without going too far. I've been angry all day for various reasons, so I'm sorry if I cause an upset. You said: "But it's our choice" God didn't put these things on Earth so we could harm ourselves with them. That would be abusing His gift of life. With...
  9. Silverback

    My T-Shirt Arrived :)

    lol... Just... lol.
  10. Silverback

    Subliminal Messages?

    Are they real? Yes. Do they effectively work on Human's? Yes. Are they Satan's follower's at work? Sometimes. Mostly in Government.
  11. Silverback


    Freedom of the self from addiction. You shouldn't have to move. These idiots who smoke around other people - with little respect for their health, should f*ck right off. Smoke where you can't harm others.
  12. Silverback


    Good point. Lets fall on Jesus, and let Him put His plan into action. There won't be a single tobacco farm or plant or anything of that nature in His coming system of things.
  13. Silverback

    That awkward moment...

    I thought you were a Christian?...