Resident Evil 3 Remake Jill's face model vs Carlos's hair vs Nemesis nose/teeth..which "flaw" is tolerable/nontolerable to you

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@Albertwesker959 ...Have whatever opinions you want. That's cool. But you DO keep saying Raccoon City was cold. And...that's just a dumb argument. I live in the midwest. In fact, I live in the midwest in a city about the size of Raccoon. I also live in this area in September. Midewest in September? You're talking like 80 degrees easy. Day AND nighttime are SUPER Warm in September in the midwest. It on of the hottest months of the year hear. So no...She wasn't cold outside. In fact, it was probably incredibly warm. Plus, to add to that, there's several parts of the city that a literally on fire, only adding to the heat...Just throwing all this out there.
my mistake than, in resident evil 2 remake looked pretty cold, whit rain and wind all over the place... But maybe it isn't that cold
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That's fear. People automatically assume "Cold" when they see "Wet." But hot rainstorms are VERY common during the summer in the midwest
Where i live is actually pretty cold during September October, especially during the night, and it rain many times... I simply connected my weather whit that of the remake and i thinked it looked pretty cold... That's my mistake
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Let me go back to my post that pretty much ignited this.
I said it was reassuring that Jill had a bigger bust size than Claire or Ada, a butt that looked good in those jeans and she had jiggle physics.
That seemed to have caused some people to think I was just happy the game was providing fap material, when that wasn't the case.

It was reassuring because it proved that Capcom's concerns weren't about being ethical, but were about making a good fun game with all the video gamey charm intact, they are free to make what they want, unlike Square Enix who were restricted and held back by their ethics department for FF7.

So that told me, even though Jill's outfit is bland and boring, it wasn't done for ethical reasons, SJW or feminist pandering or any of that, it really was done because they thought it suited the tone of game.
If the game was restricted by an ethics department or made to cater to those nut jobs then those little details would have been removed, so knowing they're still there is proof that the game is lovingly crafted by gamers who love games and the charm of video games, not a team who is trying to tick boxes.
Let me go back to my post that pretty much ignited this.
I said it was reassuring that Jill had a bigger bust size than Claire or Ada, a butt that looked good in those jeans and she had jiggle physics.
That seemed to have caused some people to think I was just happy the game was providing fap material, when that wasn't the case.

It was reassuring because it proved that Capcom's concerns weren't about being ethical, but were about making a good fun game with all the video gamey charm intact, they are free to make what they want, unlike Square Enix who were restricted and held back by their ethics department for FF7.

So that told me, even though Jill's outfit is bland and boring, it wasn't done for ethical reasons, SJW or feminist pandering or any of that, it really was done because they thought it suited the tone of game.
If the game was restricted by an ethics department or made to cater to those nut jobs then those little details would have been removed, so knowing they're still there is proof that the game is lovingly crafted by gamers who love games and the charm of video games, not a team who is trying to tick boxes.
Final fantasy 7 is still a good and fun game despite a misarable changing that dosent changes the overall experience and as i say before tifa was already changed in previous iteration of more than 10 years ago... They simply stack whit previous changing, because her boobs were exaggerated back than in that cgi cutscene but in gameplay were normally big
Again, final fantasy 7 remake it's one of the greatest game I've ever played, i don't see how tifa boobs can change the game experience or the overall game in general, the director put the same passion as the director of resident evil 3, the game is in development for over 5 years, so it's unfair to think the game charm will change because of a stupid change...

What was important in ff 7 were the gameplay, the story, the music and atmosphere, but it seems you think tifa boobs were one of the key factor that maked ff 7 a great game but it wasn't XD

It's like saying that re 2 remake loose his charme compared to the original because leon hair were changed from red to blond and claire outfit was totally changed, but it weren't they re outfit who make the game great but they re character and overall game experience... What really make a game loose his charm is gameplay changing and story changing like re 2 remake did, i would have preferred to have claire ass diminished instead of having the b scenario cut and the story and enemy cut but who care capcom is making a great and fun game because they didn't make ethical changing but they cut half a game, so it's good
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@Albertwesker959 You missed the point AGAIN.

You still think I'm against FF7 because it doesn't give me Tifa boobs, you're making the exact same assumption, that I just want fap material.

I'm not against the game because of the boobs, but because of the DEVELOPERS THEMSELVES, they CENSORED the game and ADMITTED it and I don't want to support that kind of behavior.

Is it getting through yet?
@Albertwesker959 You missed the point AGAIN.

You still think I'm against FF7 because it doesn't give me Tifa boobs, you're making the exact same assumption, that I just want fap material.

I'm not against the game because of the boobs, but because of the DEVELOPERS THEMSELVES, they CENSORED the game and ADMITTED it and I don't want to support that kind of behavior.

Is it getting through yet?
Yeah but this censor is not getting the game less fun, or else... And what you didn't get is the fact that tifa boobs in the original finfal fantasy were the same as the remake during gameplay and they also changed it in previous title so it s not really a new changing even if the developer admitted it

Also i don't see why this changing is a bad behavior
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Think whatever you want.
I understand what your concern is, i don't like this sort of things either, i don't like censore, but for final fantasy is really a Minamal things that will not change the overall game experiences... Since i already played the original i pretty knew this Changing is irrelevant... If there are going to be other Changing that will change the story, it will be relevant, but this is pretty uselless and didn't change the game... And I'm all in to spend my 70 euro for the game

If they will remake re 4 and they will decrease Ashley boobs i will not really care as long as the game tourn out to be a great game... The important things is that they didn't change story aspect because of censorship
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Yeah - but xMobileMux - your post from three days ago still did not age well.

You do not want to support a video game company that made a decision to add realism and get rid of cliche stereotypes about women's bodies. I mean, Tifa is still designed very sexily. They did not put her in a sweater or anything. They edited her to make it so that her proportions made more sense in the context of the game.

No matter how you slice your argument, you still come off as a creep. Other people have made way more valid arguments than that.

You keep saying you love Jiggle physics, but don't want the burden of saying it is fap material. You're a dang caveman.
I understand what your concern is, i don't like this sort of things either, i don't like censore, but for final fantasy is really a Minamal things that will not change the overall game experiences...
Changing the experience or not, if you are anti censorship, and you want to protest it, not buying the game is how you do that...IDK what's so hard to understand here. He's against something, so he's going to stick to his convictions, and not give money to a company that does things he's personally against...How are you not getting this...
Rain - Agreed. I understand what mux is saying in general. I get the premise. But it is coming off in a very dark way. His entire point is that the classic video game charm he wants in games in big tits and skimpy outfits. Like, I am a sexual being too - but I can appreciate art for more than just what gets me off.

And Kennedy - I think that AlbertWesker959's point for his arguments is that the anti censorship argument for this case is kind of petty. I think we can all agree that protesting is best done with dollar signs. And I will always believe in someone's ability to protest when they are doing it peacefully. Why not?
Rain - Agreed. I understand what mux is saying in general. I get the premise. But it is coming off in a very dark way. His entire point is that the classic video game charm he wants in games in big tits and skimpy outfits. Like, I am a sexual being too - but I can appreciate art for more than just what gets me off.

And Kennedy - I think that AlbertWesker959's point for his arguments is that the anti censorship argument for this case is kind of petty. I think we can all agree that protesting is best done with dollar signs. And I will always believe in someone's ability to protest when they are doing it peacefully. Why not?
No, Albert clearly DOESN'T understand that because if he understood, he'd know Mux is trying to protest censorhsip by not buying the game, and that would have been addressed. Instead Albert keeps making arguments for how it doesn't change the game's story/functionality. Well no duh it doesn't change the game's story/functionality. Anyone with a brain knows that. And Mux knows that. But Albert is acting as if that's his argument. While I'm not a fan of how Mux has presented his side, it's still not fair for Albert to misrepresent that. Or if he DOESN'T understand what Mux is arguing, then I spelled it out for him (Which is what definitely seems the case is based on the context I've read so far). And...even if Albert finds the reasoning petty, I'm with Mux on this one in that it's NOT petty. It's a slippery slope. Keep allowing this and companies will keep doing it, but take it further and further. So you need to protest the actions while it IS small things like Tifa's breats size, or skirt length. Now, in my opinion, it's not gonna matter for sh*t. This game is going to sell like there's no tomorrow because it's arguably the most requested video game remake in History. But in concept, I completely agree with Mux's mentality, even if I disagree on the instance he's citing. Albert doesn't seem to get any of that based on the context of his comments.
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Changing the experience or not, if you are anti censorship, and you want to protest it, not buying the game is how you do that...IDK what's so hard to understand here. He's against something, so he's going to stick to his convictions, and not give money to a company that does things he's personally against...How are you not getting this...
I get it, there was no need to repeat me this, but thank you anyway...

What i don't get is that he continues to think that an insignificant change like that can change an entire game experience making the game less good and charm, but this is totally untrue and unfair since the developer are putting passion on thus remake, did you get what i didn't get and what i was discussing?
What I don't understand is what the slippery slope is?

What is everyone afraid will happen? Games will feature more unique female characters? Like - what do you think the overall sacrifice is? Of course, we want to represent the art with 100% integrity. But I don't think an item like a more realistic bust size affects that. It just shows that humans are becoming better versions of themselves.

I can't see anything but good from this. Making better characters is not the same thing is censoring artwork. Especially when it comes from the inner workings of a company.
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I get it, there was no need to repeat me this, but thank you anyway...

What i don't get is that he continues to think that an insignificant change like that can change an entire game experience making the game less good and charm, but this is totally untrue and unfair since the developer are putting passion on thus remake, did you get what i didn't get and what i was discussing?
It DOES change an entire game experience for some people. That's what you're failing to get. You're expecting everyone to experience it like you experience it. But the KNOWLEDGE that a company has censored their art to appease a small but vocal minority that is pro artistic suppresion is enough to spoil and experience, because no matter how fun the game is, that knowledge is there. And it CAN and DOES poison the experience for some folks.

What I don't understand is what the slippery slope is?

What is everyone afraid will happen? Games will feature more unique female characters? Like - what do you think the overall sacrifice is? Of course, we want to represent the art with 100% integrity. But I don't think an item like a more realistic bust size affects that. It just shows that humans are becoming better versions of themselves.

I can't see anything but good from this. Making better characters is not the same thing is censoring artwork. Especially when it comes from the inner workings of a company.
I would defer you back to my 22% of Twitter users comment from a couple pages ago if you don't get it.
I can't see anything but good from this. Making better characters is not the same thing is censoring artwork. Especially when it comes from the inner workings of a company.

How does changing clothing and reducing breast size equal better characters? The size of a woman's boobs and how much skin she shows have nothing to do with her character. Hence, it's a censorship issue.
This brings up a couple of good points to argue.

We are validated in saying that we should keep the integrity of the games that the industry can make. If we're talking a major issue - like Joe Liberman's 1993 attempt to ban violence in video games - we can proudly say that is too far. And things like this are personal for some people.

But the issue at hand is the reduction of breast size. If someone let's that minuscule issue ruin what promises to be a great gaming experience, then they're being a little bit oversensitive. By all means, protest the game. But this is really a non-issue. Square Enix developed an entire team devoted to creating games that would be better for the public. And I for one applaud their attempt to make a better video game. We are not talking major censorship forced upon them and limiting their property. We're talking about a Square Enix attempting to improve their art. Protest away, but damn, if that isn't the weakest crybaby attitude I have seen in years. Some people (not anyone here specifically) need to grow up.

If we're talking about Jill again - then what the hell - they included the classic costume anyway. But hey, they redesigned the costume to keep up with modern tastes too. It is a win-win.

And Turo - A character with any breast size can be a great character. Sure. But my point is that we can do better for these characters and women in general. We don't have to create sexually idealized versions of women. I am only talking about a small symptom of an issue. You know the difference. I know you do.
It DOES change an entire game experience for some people. That's what you're failing to get. You're expecting everyone to experience it like you experience it. But the KNOWLEDGE that a company has censored their art to appease a small but vocal minority that is pro artistic suppresion is enough to spoil and experience, because no matter how fun the game is, that knowledge is there. And it CAN and DOES poison the experience for some folks.

I would defer you back to my 22% of Twitter users comment from a couple pages ago if you don't get it.
And as i say before I'm one of the first people who don't like censorship but in case of tifa it dosent change in a ****, they game is always good her character is better than ever and badass like this

Also tifa redesign was a design choice not a censorship
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