Resident Evil 7 Features Capcom needs to ELIMINATE from RE.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2012
Title is self explanatory. What do you think needs to be removed from the game, and what kind of feature they should substitute in for the one you want gone.

The one thing that I REALLY want gone is bright glowing weak spots. I feel it undermines the player and dumbs down the games way too much and makes it too easy. I want a boss that's hard because I can't figure out how to kill it, not because I didn't hit the dodge QTE in time.

Also I think it's time for a new IP. They need to ground the game and restrict the players mobility. Far less action, more stealth and survival horror.

That's all i can think of for now.
Almost everything introduced in RE4(except for the behind the camera perspective).

>Remove the Points/Currency/ammo drop from regular enemies it gives you incentive to seek out more action for reward.. instead of you just trying to avoid the enemies.
>Remove the "Melee moves" as in remove the kicking,suplexing,falcon punching etc etc keep the melee moves limited to defensive moves like dodging like in RE3 and maybe make the goddamn knife useful for once!
>Remove ALL the reocurring characters:RE series at this point is like a goddamn soap opera with its cast like give it a rest already!
>Remove the linear level design:i love backtracking&exploration! i don't want to go on a linear path.
>Remove the easy Puzzles:I want puzzles that actually require some thought.
>REMOVE the "Gun shop" i want to find guns&gun upgrades NOT buy them.. it cheapens the "Survival horror".

But this all just wishful thinking.. we all know RE7 will suck harder than RE6.
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I agree with Rockman - let's remove all the existing cast, replace them with Dino Crisis' cast, and then replace all the zombies with... dinosaurs while we're at it.

I disagree about the cast thing. I think they need to stop making new characters and focus on who they have. There is so much story to do from here on out and the evolution of some of these characters is nothing short of amazing.

Also I got a get feeling that RE7 is going to be one of the better games in the series! ;) I just got this feeling!
Remove co-op because it makes the game less survival horror. I hope that RE 7 will be a single-player game.
I actually don't mind co-op its hard to make co-op work but i think they can do it in the style of Obscure.. they kinda did that Revelations 2 but it wasn't as good...

But yeah i agree the main campaign should be one player only being alone intensifies your claustrophobia and the sense of helplessness but they should keep co-op in certain sections of the game.. kinda like RE 2's sherry&ada sections.
The linearity in the games. I thought to myself just a few minutes ago why the monster that is chasing you in Sherrys campaign in RE6 isn't scary. The reason I found is that the game is on a linear path all the time. In RE3 it felt like you we're in an open world environment and Nemesis could pop up pretty much at any time.

Shorter scenarios. If you still have to go with the linear scenarios make them shorter! Rather have many short scenarios than just 5 long ones. RE6 bores me because you have to sit and play for so long each time you want to finish a level.

Remove coop / partner. Yes this needs to happen! Sure a partner can be fine but make that person only pop up at certain and few times in the story. And make it an AI only (that isn't stupid) But please include both Raid mode and Merch in each Resident Evil from now on. It adds replay value by a TON after you've done with the single player. =)
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I haven't played 6, but didn't it show the player where to go? I'm sure a friend told me about this. Like there's a little door symbol. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? If this is true, they should remove that.

Another thing, they should remove (which is a bit silly) is the health and ammo meter on the bottom right corner of the screen. It bothered me ever since 4.
I haven't played 6, but didn't it show the player where to go? I'm sure a friend told me about this. Like there's a little door symbol. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? If this is true, they should remove that.
The game's literally a Point A to Point B action set piece.. you can't go anywhere else you'll be blocked by invisible walls.
Another thing, they should remove (which is a bit silly) is the health and ammo meter on the bottom right corner of the screen. It bothered me ever since 4.
That reminds me they should remove the old fashioned "Health meter" and replace it with the original "Fine" "Caution/Caution" and "Danger/Poison" status.. it was much less clichéd and was more realistic than a typical video game health bar.
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The game's literally a Point A to Point B action set piece.. you can't go anywhere else you'll be blocked by invisible walls.
That reminds me they should remove the old fashioned "Health meter" and replace it with the original "Fine" "Caution/Caution" and "Danger/Virus" status.. it was much less clichéd and was more realistic than a typical video game health bar.
Also do away with the stupid generic tablets and go back to actual herbs. Plus the inventory system in 6 was awful. It seems like over the years RE has slowly been doing away with all of the things that make it unique and becoming more and more generic.
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Get rid of the ridiculous weapon upgrades. You can't just upgrade a gun like they do in the games.
It's a video game though. Chasing after realism has never been the goal for Resident Evil games and I hope it never will be. :P
  1. Tie up loose story ends with long-running characters. Mainly Can't-Keep-a-Partner-Chris, MIA Jill, Original Dante (Leon), and Miss Mysterious (Ada Wong) Develop newer characters further.
  2. Redo the current Upgrade System. Have players find parts and a manual or something, not just buying upgrades.
  3. Maybe just have an ACTUAL GUN SHOP! Mainly for the BSAA Operatives. (Chris, Jill, whoever Capcom pulls outta their ass)
  4. Drop the Score System from the main story. Keep stuff like that in Bonus Game Modes.
  6. Bring back some old-school puzzles. A few easy puzzles are good but some longtime fans miss the harder stuff. Except that God-forsaken Water Sample sh*t from RE3: Nemesis.
  7. Tone down on Ammo Drops. Seriously, 10-year-old me would be ****ed at all the ammo we're getting these days while he had to suffer with a combat knife and his nightmares.
  8. Cut the Herb-flavored Tic-Tac crap. That's just plain stupid.
  9. I kinda miss the old Health meter from the PSOne/PSX games.
  10. Bring in the B-Squad! Okay just Rebecca and H.U.N.K. :angry:
  11. Bring back Jake Muller too. Just give HIM the Stamina meter since to balance out his Weskerness.
  12. I might caught a lotta crap for this but bring back Vector. I liked him.
  13. Have memorable bonuses. Like Tofu Mode. Or turn all Zombies into Dinosaurs...Or turn all Zombies into Demons...Or have a special weapon referencing Mega Man. SOMETHING!
  14. Most importantly, HAVE THE ROCKET LAUNCHER AVAILABLE AS A WEAPON! *glares at RE6*
  15. Actually this is the most important: SCARE ME! Haven't been legitimately terrified of Resident Evil since midway into the PS2 era.
Okay, done ranting.
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- Quick Time Events
- Cars, Motorcycles and other Racing stuff like in 6
- The inventory of 1 with only 6/8 spots for items, I want the item box from 4, which you can expand on with money.
- Time missions, where you have to stress and hurry before the time passes, those are bad for my heart, and we've been there done that.
- Zombies, really a child could kill an entire army of the, special zombies like Shriekers and Whoppers are still welcome.
- Boring environments like the streets and police offices.
- Revisiting the same room like 2000 times.
- Saving with ink bottles, really just annoying if you have to hurry and have to work and stuff, I want to save at ANYtime during the game.
- Stone bashing and rolling rocks that crush you, been there done that! I hate them!
- Rocket Launcher end, really why all bosses have to die with a rocket launcher?

And what is this fetish people have with the old Playstation days? Those graphics were so horrible they couldn't be scary AT ALL. I don't understand some people...
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- Rocket Launcher end, really why all bosses have to die with a rocket launcher?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices this. I'm actually working on something that is going to use this as a joke. Yes.... someone is going to die by a rocket launcher.... again xD

The final line will be "Oh, This is BULL****!"

Character A shoots an RPG, Character B backflips over it, Character C gets blown the **** up after getting dropped kicked by a 200 pouder. If I can get this working. I will definitely be sharing it :) It'll be a couple weeks and it is a school project.
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Well I like the endless Rocket Launcher cheat,but i'm just sick and tired of the final boss being killed by a rocket launcher, they survive being crushed or falling into lava, but a rocket launcher always does the job.
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Well I like the endless Rocket Launcher cheat,but i'm just sick and tired of the final boss being killed by a rocket launcher, they survive being crushed or falling into lava, but a rocket launcher always does the job.

All but two that I can think of that got hit by a rocket survived. In Nemesis's case, unless you consider a nuke the same as a rocket, which I don't xD

Alex Wesker should hardly count because that's cheating..... -_- plus her original body was meant to die. Either by the play or her own hands. A stupid excuse to make the character younger instead of an old villain, which would have been interesting.
- Zombies, really a child could kill an entire army of the.
I disagree! the enemies from RE4-6 are far easier to kill, the zombies in the old Re games were bullet sponges and ordinary gunshots didn't stop them, RE 4-6 enemies can be stopped by one bullet to the face,knee or hands and you can further punch&kick them like ragdolls its not even funny.
Revisiting the same room like 2000 times.
That's the hallmark of RE series! linear level design belongs in a shooter game like Call of Battlefield.
And what is this fetish people have with the old Playstation days?
I have to ask you the same question.. what is the fetish for shooters? Call of duty,Gears of War not good enough?