CT: I take care of my hair every day, even trying out new hair styles and colours now and then, I put on some lipstick and perfume and I use skin lotion even though I don't need it, my face is always clean, I watch my weight and even lost a bit of it lately, I epilate my legs whenever it's necessary and there's no single piece of street clothing in my closet that could be called ugly.
Yet none of this matters apparently, I've recently been told that I'm letting myself go - basically just because I no longer use as much makeup as I did five years ago. Seriously? So it's all about makeup these days? If I used more makeup again, but didn't do any of the things I listed above, would I be better off? Sorry, but 6 am in the morning is a horrible time to get up as it is, I'm not getting up even earlier just to paint my face when all I do is go to work, a place where brains are more important than beauty, and where no one looks at me anyway.