I don't even know. 6 and Rev 2 opened up sooooooooooooo many plot points. Admitantly some with more promise then others. Honestly they probably have enough material for 7, Rev 3, and maybe a spin off game or CGI movie leading to 8.
No, sounds like solid ideas to me. The viruses can give paranormal type abilities. Carla combines her body with a battle ship and spawns clones of herself. Wesker could move faster then the eye could track i think, but even if he couldn't the Tyrant at the end of 5 literally teleports.I think all of this would be creepy as **** if executed properly, though admittedly, it is a little bit Silent Hill-like.
I don't think it's a matter of everyone hating Chris - I don't hate him, for me it's a matter that the series is getting so incredibly predictable. Perhaps I'm super biased on account of my affection for GoT... but I am rarely, if ever truly concerned for the characters. I know that despite the impossible circumstances they're put through... They're going to survive. Chris' story ended well with RE 5... He destroyed his key antagonist since the first game.Okay, I get it. Everybody hates Chris (see what I did there?), but I for one am grateful that he didn't die in RE6, and I don't think he should die immediately in 7 either. Even though there are many reasons why you might be fed up with him, remember the good times we've had with him over the years. He's an integral part of the Resi family, and I don't believe we should be eager to kill him. Some people just want him dead because they feel his time has come and that he could get a hero's death or whatever. I get that, but I'm glad he didn't die in 6 because I for one wouldn't want him to be remembered as dying in what many people view as a mediocre RE game, and I think he deserves better than that. Furthermore, if he dies at the beginning of 7, then that shows that they don't care about one of the founding members of Resident Evil, which would be disrespectful to his memory and to those of us who still support him.
This has been a PSA by a Chris Redfield fanboy. Thank you all, and good night (and please don't take all of that stuff too seriously, just some food for thought). Peace out.
Unpopular, but not outright hated. I wouldn't mind a reboot, so long as Capcom doesn't kill the series while rebooting it, like with DmC.Unpopular opinion atm, but I'd appreciate a total reboot. The story is so wildly out of sorts that a relatively simple story about really badass cops vs evil corporation has become almost impossible to care about.
Ultimately I don't want Chris to die though. Take Leon instead, CAPCOM.aranoid:
Couldn't agree more, id take Chris over Leon any day. Part of me can't help but think that the whole "Chris vs Leon" thing always seems to swing in Leons favour for one reason. Leon was in the "Perfect" RE4, and Chris was in the "Awful" RE5. To me RE5 is more enjoyable, but you got those "Fans" out there that won't get off the bandwagon.Ultimately I don't want Chris to die though. Take Leon instead, CAPCOM.aranoid:
I don't understand the fascination with killing off important characters for shock value. Chris means too much to the series just to be killed off for the sake of it. It's not necessary and it's pretty cheap. The same could be said about Leon, Jill, or Claire. Killing any of them off only decreases star power and kills the potential for future fan service. If the series were ending, then and only then should the possibility be open. Otherwise, if Chris had died in RE6, the game that tarnished the series' name, it would have been a huge disservice to the character. Just look at how poorly Wesker's death was handled. It not only caused an uproar from fans to bring him back, but now the series constantly tries to rely on his legacy rather than move on. If anyone should die, it's Barry or Ada. Not that either of them needs to be dead, but they're certainly expendable and well known enough to stir up fans emotions.