Resident Evil 7 Your Ideal Resident Evil 7?

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I don't even know. 6 and Rev 2 opened up sooooooooooooo many plot points. Admitantly some with more promise then others. Honestly they probably have enough material for 7, Rev 3, and maybe a spin off game or CGI movie leading to 8.
My idea for a Resident Evil 7 can be found here. Ironically, it combines some of the ideas suggested from users above, such as mixing past BOWs into single hybrids. I had an idea for a multi-headed hydra BOW with severed limbs/orifices as one of the bosses you fight. I'll admit I got the idea from that from the hydra monster from Hercules (no, not Legend of Hercules, the one featuring the Rock, LOL) and King Ghidorah, the three-headed dragon monster from the Godzilla lore.

I also had an idea for a new type of BOW specimen. Basically, these are hallucinogenic zombies that appear/vanish at random. I had an idea for an abandoned boat level with dark rooms/hallways (a ghost ship, if you will) and even some hallways with trap doors, leading to any number of different scares and randomly opening-doors and dark corners where these things creep out of at random. As you progress through certain rooms/hallways, you'd also (vaguely) see these things crawling somewhere in the background and all in different areas as you move through each room/hall, almost in a revolving door. I also envisioned a room where symbiotic version of these things pop out of a pool of blood as you walk by (and by that, I mean that their limbs, arms and legs are literally attached to the bloodbath in a symbiote as they try to attack you). I think all of this would be creepy as **** if executed properly, though admittedly, it is a little bit Silent Hill-like.

I also created a couple new characters to make it interesting, you can read about those in my game script as well.
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I think all of this would be creepy as **** if executed properly, though admittedly, it is a little bit Silent Hill-like.
No, sounds like solid ideas to me. The viruses can give paranormal type abilities. Carla combines her body with a battle ship and spawns clones of herself. Wesker could move faster then the eye could track i think, but even if he couldn't the Tyrant at the end of 5 literally teleports.
Monsters don't have to be huge to be absolutely terrifying.
^Wesker can literally teleport all over the place, so nothing out of the ordinary at all. As for anyone asking, and you know this question would inevitably come up, "how can you be attacked by creatures that aren't real (since they're "hallucinogenic")?", well, you could say they're actually your typical zombies appearing more ghastly via said hallucinogens. And they could come from a hallucinogenic version of whatever virus created them, that would be an original idea that's never been done before in a RE game. A ship level (similar to Revelations) would be perfect for this type of zombie/BOW, it would literally be a ghost ship, LOL.

And the multi-headed hydra BOW could, in addition to severed limbs, have numerous mutated, distinct heads, and they would all be mutant heads, but very much inspired by mythological hydras (multi-headed dragons), they could all have long necks attaching them as well. That would look awesome if done right.
Okay, I get it. Everybody hates Chris (see what I did there?), but I for one am grateful that he didn't die in RE6, and I don't think he should die immediately in 7 either. Even though there are many reasons why you might be fed up with him, remember the good times we've had with him over the years. He's an integral part of the Resi family, and I don't believe we should be eager to kill him. Some people just want him dead because they feel his time has come and that he could get a hero's death or whatever. I get that, but I'm glad he didn't die in 6 because I for one wouldn't want him to be remembered as dying in what many people view as a mediocre RE game, and I think he deserves better than that. Furthermore, if he dies at the beginning of 7, then that shows that they don't care about one of the founding members of Resident Evil, which would be disrespectful to his memory and to those of us who still support him.

This has been a PSA by a Chris Redfield fanboy. Thank you all, and good night (and please don't take all of that stuff too seriously, just some food for thought). Peace out.
I don't think it's a matter of everyone hating Chris - I don't hate him, for me it's a matter that the series is getting so incredibly predictable. Perhaps I'm super biased on account of my affection for GoT... but I am rarely, if ever truly concerned for the characters. I know that despite the impossible circumstances they're put through... They're going to survive. Chris' story ended well with RE 5... He destroyed his key antagonist since the first game.

Resident Evil is supposed to be 'survival horror' - but for me, it's completely lost its ability to scare and shock precisely because I know all the characters we 'know and love' are going to get out unscathed. THAT'S not scary to me. I want to fear for these characters, because to me that's what a combination of good horror and good characterization does. But I never have and I doubt I ever will. Resident Evil is safe and predictable.
Unpopular opinion atm, but I'd appreciate a total reboot. The story is so wildly out of sorts that a relatively simple story about really badass cops vs evil corporation has become almost impossible to care about.
Unpopular opinion atm, but I'd appreciate a total reboot. The story is so wildly out of sorts that a relatively simple story about really badass cops vs evil corporation has become almost impossible to care about.
Unpopular, but not outright hated. I wouldn't mind a reboot, so long as Capcom doesn't kill the series while rebooting it, like with DmC.
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**** co-op. I hate it so much, it's pretty fun if you have somebody else playing with you but other than that it's annoying. And the AI is usually crappy. RE6/REV2 had improvements with the AI system but I still hate it.

Everything else I really don't care for. If capcom decides to make another action game, it wouldn't bother me at all. As much as I miss survival horror, I like killing zombies. With the action side to the game(s), they add a ton of enemies which makes the game wayyyy more fun IMO.
RE 7, IMHO, would have the eerie atmosphere like the original RE. The plot would be around Jill, Jake and Sherry going back 'home' trying to end the 'virus' threat once and for all but end up in finding more 'threats' in the end. With 'home' I mean the Arklay Mountain (I believe it hasn't been fully explored and exploited).
Imagine Jake and Sherry found a 'clue' of an underground facility bigger than Raccoon City trying to find their way into the facility under the mountain. Jill, on the other hand, find her way to the facility from the remains of the Spencer mansion.
I would love to play each character own plot with their own different abilities and styles.
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I want them to make it like the Revelations games. But maybe skip to make it like a tv show. A big budget game with nice graphics and good character models.

I would love if they had both Raid mode and Mercenary.
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I'm playing through Revelations 2 as we speak and Alex is a must have enemy for the next title, IMO. She is sadistic and twisted and that sort of character can help bring out the fear elements as well as simply being an impressive villain (I'm almost ok with her replacing Albert... almost.) . Capcom really has something going here with her especially if they use the same actress to portray her in the next game because her portrayal is very powerful. Revelations 2 has such a strong story that I'm kind of surprised its technically not a main game in the series. They need to stick more along these lines with the series if they want to continue pleasing their fans. I'm one of those fans who is alright with the action direction that this series has taken and Revelations 2 has proven to me that the series can still be scary even with that sort of gameplay. They also should not have the main story be multiplayer, only the extra content.

As for killing off Chris- p*ss off with that concept (especially in the beginning of the game- that to me sounds stupid). The only way I will support it is if it is done out of respect for the character. Look at what that character has accomplished over other characters- Chris has brought the storyline a long way so to kill him off in the beginning is a bit of a slap... unless its during an event involving him, Barry and Alex/Natalia (maybe like a little camping trip) where both he and Barry are caught off guard and are killed off by Alex. Because in a way it would be like Chris dies doing something he really loves and has a moment of normalcy. But otherwise, if they are going to kill him off, then his death needs to be heroic. Maybe have it happen in mid game where he sacrifices his life to save Jake. That would definitely be a shocker- to take out a leading characer at that point in the game (kind of like Red Dead Redemption where they have his son take his place at the end- only this would be Jake or someone else). I do however want to see another interaction between those two characters- preferably a friendship/mentor relationship which is ironic due to the relationship Chris had with Albert.

I have a feeling, regardless of what happens to Chris (or any other character for that matter), that if they did decide to kill off any major character from the series (in the beginning of the game) it will more than likely be Barry. Think about it- he's going to be at the wrong place at the wrong time when Alex decides to show her face again and this time Barry will be completely off guard seeing as she is sleeping in his home. It will be tragic and that's when it will become personal for Chris- because Chris is like the son that Barry never had.

I'm definitely not opposed to seeing Jill again and think that she needs to have a role in the next game whether she is the leading character or not is debatable. In a way I'm hoping the next game at least starts off more on a personal level where the characters are caught off guard and left to fend for their lives with simpler weapons that can be found or made with items throughout town this way a character like Chris will be more vulnerable. Jake also needs to come into play at some point.
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I couldn't agree with you more. It's kind of funny because it sounds like we share the same visions for what RE7 should be for the most part. I definitely think that Alex is what the series needs the most. She is capable of bringing the horror back to the series and is very unpredictable. There is so much history with her to explore in both the past of the series and the future. Especially since she was the "superior" of the Wesker children. The amount of speculation with Alex is crazy. :)

I wouldn't mind seeing Natalia as the main character in RE7. I had a theory a while back that she could be the main protagonist in the game but I'm not sure if Capcom will go that route now after hearing with the latest rumors. It's suggested that RE7 will take place in 2020 and Natalia will be 18 by that point. The game could take place in her mind as she tries to regain conscious control over her body. Capcom could create an excuse to make an acid trip of horrors as Alex does everything in her power to torment Natalia into hell to keep her drowned within. Weather we see this happen or not. I don't know, but I feel confident that we will see Natalia again as herself.

I have always loved the idea of Chris mentoring Jake. I am not opposed to see Chris die a heroic death. In fact I more than welcome it :)
A lot of people don't like Jake but I think he's great. He can move Albert's story forward by uncovering secrets regarding his past and he'll likely be there to oppose Alex. I got a feeling she is really going to **** him off or vice versa. Let's not mention that Alex is obsessed with immortality and Sherry is bonded with the G-Virus and can live for around 400 years. I'm sure Sherry has a role to play and I think Alex Wesker will be very interested in her.... body.

One thing I hope for sure is that Alex Wesker stays for the long haul and isn't just killed off in RE7. She has more potential for story development than any of the other villains in the series. She is very well written and extremely twisted like a Biohazard villain should be. I loved Albert and he will always be a favorite gaming villain to me.... but he's not scary. Alex on the other hand is not someone you want to mess with. She is easily my favorite villain in the series and I have been a fan for over a decade! (Yes before RE4) and she's quickly becoming one of my all time favorite villain's period!
Ultimately I don't want Chris to die though. Take Leon instead, CAPCOM. :paranoid:
Couldn't agree more, id take Chris over Leon any day. Part of me can't help but think that the whole "Chris vs Leon" thing always seems to swing in Leons favour for one reason. Leon was in the "Perfect" RE4, and Chris was in the "Awful" RE5. To me RE5 is more enjoyable, but you got those "Fans" out there that won't get off the bandwagon.
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I don't understand the fascination with killing off important characters for shock value. Chris means too much to the series just to be killed off for the sake of it. It's not necessary and it's pretty cheap. The same could be said about Leon, Jill, or Claire. Killing any of them off only decreases star power and kills the potential for future fan service. If the series were ending, then and only then should the possibility be open. Otherwise, if Chris had died in RE6, the game that tarnished the series' name, it would have been a huge disservice to the character. Just look at how poorly Wesker's death was handled. It not only caused an uproar from fans to bring him back, but now the series constantly tries to rely on his legacy rather than move on. If anyone should die, it's Barry or Ada. Not that either of them needs to be dead, but they're certainly expendable and well known enough to stir up fans emotions.
I don't understand the fascination with killing off important characters for shock value. Chris means too much to the series just to be killed off for the sake of it. It's not necessary and it's pretty cheap. The same could be said about Leon, Jill, or Claire. Killing any of them off only decreases star power and kills the potential for future fan service. If the series were ending, then and only then should the possibility be open. Otherwise, if Chris had died in RE6, the game that tarnished the series' name, it would have been a huge disservice to the character. Just look at how poorly Wesker's death was handled. It not only caused an uproar from fans to bring him back, but now the series constantly tries to rely on his legacy rather than move on. If anyone should die, it's Barry or Ada. Not that either of them needs to be dead, but they're certainly expendable and well known enough to stir up fans emotions.

I disagree whole heartedly. It's kind of funny because I just posted about this in another thread. Chris's death was set up perfectly and it's likely he was meant to die. Pier's was developed to be his successor. Despite being released after RE6. The Marhawa Desire really goes into the relationship or Piers and Chris and how Piers went from the humours joke cracking soldier to the battle harden and dead serious person he was in RE6. The death of the woman he loved changed him. Her sacrifice to save his life and his relationship with Chris training him to be his replacement, passing the mantle to him. Everything built up to what seemed to lead up to him replacing Chris. Even the first half of RE6 seemed like this. Don't get me wrong. Piers death was one of the best scenes in RE history imo and he got to be with the woman he loved. However he was built in a way that he was destined for something greater. A younger character like Jake, Sherry, Moira, and Natalia that the torch would inevitable be passed too. Like each generation in the Star Wars films.
Honestly, I don't really have any high expectations from Capcom xD In the end they'll do whatever they want to. I want Jill but I guess I can forget about that one :P