I appreciate your honesty and I understand what you are trying to say, I excuse myself if there was misunderstanding...
What I was trying to say in all that post is that to me resident evil 4 looked like a resident evil game because when I played it, it still feel like playing a Re game, the tension the atmosphere, the fact that you can still use the map, do your inventory, examine the scene, the tension when you are surrendered by zombies, the first time you face the ganado and the chainsaw was really cool and scary so were other time like when facing the invisible creature in the sewers or facing Verdugo Di ghiaccio, and you can still go back to previous point in the map...
While I think that resident evil 5 is a good game and did a good job in connecting the series, i think that missed some of this element, and became more action than ever but this wasn't the case during the initial concept and that the first concept was going to make The game even more horror than resident evil 4 and a true survival horror, whit survival elements, in some concept Chris should have also been able to become ill, and you should have stayed out of the sun because it will make chris mind and stamina less productive...
But all this later changed into a simple copy of Re 4 whit more action than ever, that why I say that for me it wasn't resident evil 4 who ruined the series even if it changed it but was re 5 who give the final stabb to this franchise...
Re 4 did change the re formula endeed and had less survival horror than previous game and more action, but resident evil 5 was going to take everything good from re 4 and evolved it into a true survival horror... That's why I think re 4 direction wasn't a mistake, because thank to that direction I was able to play beautiful game who took their gameplay from Re 4, like the evil whitin, uncharted, God of War, tomb raider, gears of War...
Even by having shooting element and a third persone perspective, the evil whitin is a true horror game , as well as resident evil 2 remake, and this was all possible thank to the resident evil 4 we have, that s why I cannot see it as a wrong direction for the series...
The direction was good but while game like the evil whitin manage to use that direction to make survival horror, Capcom wasn't unable to do that and decided to discharge everything and put more action in re 5...
Capcom had a choice whit re 5, making an horror game whit element from re 4, something like the evil whitin, or making an action game like gear of wars, they make the wrong decision and choose the second option probably because they were afraid that Re 5 original concepts were to much horror and the sales would have resented it
For me redident evil 6 is the only one that isn't a resident evil game, that is an action call of duty game, you cannot explore, you cannot examine the scene, there is no map, there is no inventory that can be prepared, there is only action element, there is only a linear path were the only things you can do is shooting enemy, there is no tension in this game, you can play the whole game by using meele, how can this be a resident evil game? Yeah we have the beloved protagonist, but the story is so poor that cannot be compared to resident evil anymore it look like it was trying to copy metal gear solid but failed miserably, we have Simmons a man that whit his family commanded America from the shadow, and than we have carla a clone of ada and Jake the son of wesker, I mean this is ridicolous, we also have the protagonist that survive unimaginable things like plan crashing, elicopter destruction, rpg explosions ecc
The entire motorcycle section or the part in the mountain whit sherry and Jake is simply ridicolus, they survived unimaginable things and they do unimaginable things...
While re 4 and 5 were action none of them had this kind of exageretion in action sequence and it still feel like the protagonist are vulnerable while in 6 they are super hero who can kill everything in their way and they cannot die even if they are shoot in the head...
In resident evil 6 the zombie and monster are the one ****ing their pant when facing leon Chris and the other while instead should have been the contrary XD
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. RE6 definitely was the straw that broke the camel's back. It lacked the open combat environments that were present in RE4 and RE5 and was just a much more uninspired and linear game. The gameplay wasn't as tight and the overall quality of the game was just a step down from the quality and polish the series is known for. It's not a terrible game and can actually be very fun but also frustrating as well and the story itself was just kind of throwaway and quite honestly, stupid.
I'm also well aware of what RE5's original concepts were and do wish they would have followed through because it honestly did sound quite amazing. It was like a bigger version of RE4 in so many ways. I don't think action was necessarily going to be toned down, but it did seem like they were really ramping up the horror by swarm idea which I still believe has immense potential, I just don't think it was ever properly executed in either RE4 or RE5. But it is a shame we ended up with a much smaller scale game not too dissimilar to RE4. Even some of the early trailers for RE5 have some interesting enemy a.i. and mechanics that were never in the final game that would have made the game so much more intense.
However, as good as that all sounds as a continuation of Resident Evil 4's direction, the Resident Evil 3.5 beta is just as, if not, even more enigmatic to me because it just looks like such a great evolution of Resident Evil REmake's visuals, gameplay, and atmosphere and the story itself was a proper continuation to what the series has been leading to. And while I was never against the over the shoulder perspective, it was cool to see them getting there anyway as the cameras were a nice mix of fixed perspective and over the shoulder. So I don't think anything would have been lost by going in the 3.5 direction and the series would have never needed to go through the many iterations it has now.
It's just so amazing to me to think how influential this version of Resident Evil 4 was, with elements of it being spread across multiple projects like Devil May Cry, Haunting Ground, the Resident Evil 4 we have now, to even Resident Evil 5 and Lost in Nightmares, and The Evil Within. For a game that doesn't exist to have that much influence on so many works is just honestly fascinating and would have sure as hell been an amazing game. Shinji Mikami described it as so scary you'll p*ss yourself, and from everything we know about it, it's heartbreaking to think that the we may have potentially just lost what could have been considered the greatest survival horror game ever, while also keeping in tact the identity of Resident Evil. Just think, if we got this game instead of the Resident Evil 4 we got, Shinji Mikami would have probably still been working on Resident Evil and the series would look totally different today, and probably for the best. I personally wasn't big on the paranormal stuff either, but that's definitely something that could have been fixed with the game still being largely the same.
The Resident Evil 4 we have now has its moments sure, but those moments could have been stronger if they didn't repeat them so often. I've always been of the opinion that survival horror games should never overstay their welcome because then you start to lose the horror, and that's exactly how I felt about games like Resident Evil 4, Dead Space, and The Evil Within. All games I enjoy for their great gameplay, atmosphere, and horror focus, but overall weak survival horror games. There's a great survival horror game in each of these games somewhere, but it's lost in all of the padding of repeat encounters that drag the games out and don't give you any breathing room between the frights. If you change the structure, rework the difficulty, cut out a lot of the fat, and give it more survival horror sensibilities, I think Resident Evil 4 could have been an amazing survival horror game.
Imagine Resident Evil 4 without the unnecessary island, without the dumb action segments like running from a boulder and dodging lasers, where memorable moments and enemy encounters only occur once, and there's only 3 acts (the village, castle, and lab) each designed like a classic Resident Evil game.
The village would be designed like any other Resident Evil game where you explore, backtrack through, and solve puzzles to progress, but on a much larger scale, all while having those big memorable moments like being chased by a horde of villagers and Dr. Salvador, the locked in a cabin sequence, and El Gigante fight.
The castle would be toned down from the ridiculousness that it was and be more reminiscent of classic Resident Evil with it being visually similar and somewhat designed like the Spencer Mansion. It'll still have the whole cultist theme, but there would be less enemies to encounter at a time as opposed to the village and it'll still retain moments like being locked with the Garrador, being stalked by Verdugo, and the garden maze.
From there, the game should finish off with a lab area featuring the memorable regenerators as a final scare to the player, rather than continuing passed that and throwing even more regenerators at you until they're not scary anymore.
Each area would have its own distinct atmosphere, enemies, and memorable encounters, all while still retaining that classic sense of Resident Evil despite introducing so many new elements and breaking new ground.
That to me, sounds like a much more ideal and stronger experience than the Resident Evil 4 we got now which was just linear action with enemies constantly being thrown at you section after section. It has some classic elements thrown in out of obligation but they're done poorly. Puzzles for examples always have the easiest solutions that are oftentimes found in the same area the puzzle is in to not break the linear design. Even backtracking is just an illusion because you're still just following the obvious linear path, and that path just happens to lead you back to an area you've been to before.
Resident Evil 4 is still one of hell a game and deserves all the praise it gets because it is undoubtedly one of the most influential games of all time that broke new ground and changed the landscape of gaming, but its influence on not just the series, but also survival horror hasn't exactly been seen as completely positive and the Resident Evil and survival horror fan in me can't overlook that.