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which is better


Chief Researcher
I think PS3 is better, but the Xbox is cheaper. I never played Xbox anyway.
I also have to buy one of those to play the game


PSN: floaty_McTurd
you should go out and try both yourself.
everyone who owns a 360 is gonna bum that and vice versa..
theres probably a small few who will say that they have 360 and think ps3 is better..
in that case they obviously don't purchase their own consoles.


The Original
It depends what you want out of it tbh. I've only got an 360 so i'm not expert on the PS3 but PS3 has free online whereas the 360 makes you shell out £40 a year for online play.

PS3 comes with a Blu-Ray player as well iirc.

The only reason i bought a 360 over a PS3 was because of the line up of games at the time. And also the fact that it was cheaper.

Graphics wise, there is little difference and it depends on the game in question on which looks the best.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
free online play...??
i can't believe i didn't know that..
although how good is ps3 online, i've never heard excellent things about it.


Well-Known Member
so its just whatever i think or is one recommended over the other??
which one is better for gameplay for RE5


The Original
The gameplay is identical in almost everyway. Sure the buttons are different and theres a few minor issues such as the fact that you can't do the 'Rotten Egg Glitch' on the PS3 version but theres nothing that makes one version superior to the other.

I'd say it's just down to which system you want more. :)


Well-Known Member
ok thanks guys. i am too da*n broke to afford a ps3 right now. i found this 360 for $65 and it comes with 5 games RE5 included. think it is a ripoff??


Well-Known Member
well it says nothing about the hard drive and the cables and a remote soit may just be the system with no memery or anything and 5 games,.
the games themselves are over $100 worth anyway


Potato Lobber
La Femme Fatale;33741 said:
I'd be careful. $65 for a 360, RE 5 and four other games seems a little 'too good to be true'.

I thoughroughly agree.
You can never be too sure what has happened to the console/disc or anything for that matter.
Buy it from the retailers.
That way, it won't break down on you midway through RE5.


Well-Known Member
its totally upto you lol i wouldnt want to say either is better than the other because you might buy a ps3 and like it but wished you had the 360 or vise versa so thats your choice because you dont want to regret it in the long run lol


I make good toast
La Femme Fatale;33741 said:
I'd be careful. $65 for a 360, RE 5 and four other games seems a little 'too good to be true'.
Agreed - for all you know, it's been made out of a cardboard box and is full of dead hamsters. Or something....

Go with a retailer - that way you get your warranties and safety net if anything should go wrong.

Ada Wong™

Well-Known Member
La Femme Fatale;33741 said:
I'd be careful. $65 for a 360, RE 5 and four other games seems a little 'too good to be true'.

Without a doubt in mind. RE5 is like 50 or 60 depending, watch out.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
$65 for all that..if you was to actually pay for that, you would probably receive the 360 box and game cases MINUS the disks..
definitely a con..especially if its some website, the second you gave your bank details all your money would be gone..guaranteed.
if you want a cheap xbox, go on ebay, you can pick one up pretty cheap there, or even a cheap bundle, probably with RE5 included.
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