Jill is down to earth, mature and lovable. ashley is immature yet hot and would love you hardcore. im 38 years old and would choose jill. but i must say that the other re women are mysterious and hot also.

Red Joker;85127 said:Its a hard choice,but I gotta go with Ada Wong.She had me drooling over her in Resident Evil 4 and Darkside Chronicles...well not drool but I did find her very attractive.
Ivan;85790 said:Hey, if they all wanted you galactus, just take them to your "lair" and say there's plenty to go around! xD
Lmfaoo! :lol: :lol: Tremor was one of them. Tremor tremor... :lol: :lol:marcel_resident;85727 said:but i have question
who shoose the shainsaw girl:blink: that surprise me
Marquis;89788 said:can i change my vote?
all of a sudden, im cravin a jill sandwich :lol: