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What's your sign?

What's your sign?

  • Capricorn

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Aquarius & Pisces

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Aries & Taurus

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Gemini

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Cancer

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Leo

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Virgo

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Libra

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Scorpio

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Sagittarius

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


wordy agronaut
I don't necessarily believe in it, though I do check compatibility from time to time, but I think it's neat because I love Greek Mythology. So what's your sign in the Western Zodiac?

The last board I was active at had a high level of Cancers...

P.S. I could only get ten responses, so a couple of options are two choices.


The Confucius of ReNews...Cheers KK.

The people who were born in this period are widely known for their dual personalities and ability to change mood from moment to moment. Although they hate to be tied down, they make lively, entertaining and romantic partners, even if they can be rather fickle if bored or unhappy.

The twin sides of their nature are perpetually pulling in opposite directions. Their brains are subtle and brilliant but they usually "lack continuity of purpose".

Of all people they are the most difficult to understand; in temperament they are hot and cold almost at the same moment. They love with one side of their nature and they are often critical or dislike with the other people. Their sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make them a good raconteur, although they have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with their relationships.

Such people are usually excellent in diplomacy, and dazzle their listeners by, their wit and brilliancy, but they usually leave them no wiser than they were at the start.

It is difficult even for them to understand what they want to achieve. At heart they are ambitious for social position; but when obtained they have already tired of it, and are ready to go in for something else or for something totally opposite. Being natural communicators these people do not suffer fools gladly; so once they are attracted to people, they have to ensure that they are not dull or mundane. They will no doubt spending ages chatting to anyone about every subject under the sun, just to keep feeding their ever active and inquisitive mind.

If taken as they are, in their own moods, they are the most delightful people imaginable, but one must not attempt to hold them or to expect them to be constant to their ideas or plans.

They believe they are truthful, constant, faithful, and so they may be at the moment, but every moment to them has a separate existence.

These people have an ability to see quickly the weak points in those they meet, and can reduce all to nothing by wit, sarcasm, or mimicry.

Almost all of them are great talkers and usually very much in demand socially because they are so entertaining. Gemini is the life of the party.

They often succeed the best, as far as money is concerned, but their more suitable career is generally that which requires diplomacy, tact, and finesse. The representatives of lower types are unscrupulous in finance and untruthful. They often make successful gamblers and company promoters of "get-rich-quick" schemes.

Either type make hosts of friends and are kind-hearted and generous to the person who fills their thoughts at the moment, but "out of sight, out of mind" explains their fits of "forgetfulness" as nothing else can.

In all matters of affection they are human puzzles. They can love passionately and yet be inconstant at the same moment, and it is only their shield of diplomacy and exquisite tact that keeps them from often making a mess of their lives.


wordy agronaut
Capricorn. :)
That's good I guess?
Certainly! My best friend is a Capricorn, and my first boyfriend... well, my only boyfriend and now my ex... is a Capricorn; I get along really well with them, which is weird because Libras are supposed to be bored by Capricorns. But I have a friend who is huge on Astrology, and he told me the day I was born on has planets in Capricorn--or something!


So bin ich eben
Certainly! My best friend is a Capricorn, and my first boyfriend... well, my only boyfriend and now my ex... is a Capricorn; I get along really well with them, which is weird because Libras are supposed to be bored by Capricorns. But I have a friend who is huge on Astrology, and he told me the day I was born on has planets in Capricorn--or something!
I can't imagine why anyone would be bored with me. :cool:


Kahnum of Outworld
Now, I didn't remember the meaning of "modest" to start with, so I looked up it's definition and apparently it has many meanings. What do you mean when you say I'm modest? That I'm not a pain in the ass? lol!
No, you were talking about how you're an expert of making the ladies laugh and modest means not tooting your own horn so...you connect the dots. :p


Moving Mountains
No, you were talking about how you're an expert of making the ladies laugh and modest means not tooting your own horn so...you connect the dots. :p
Ahh, thank you, Magnolia. :D *hugs for you* :p You are kind.

I'm not so sure I'd call myself an expert, but I like to laugh & make other people laugh, so yeah... Thanks, love. [just incase you aren't aware, "love" is something alot of English men & women speak to one another in some parts of the country. It's like second nature. American's might say "dude" or "buddy" but British people might say "love" or "mate". Just want to get that cleared up].

- On an unrelated note, my keyboard won't properly work... I've got to punch the letters to get them to appear on screen. I gave the keyboard some new batteries fresh outta the packet... Maybe they're faulty, though this happened in the past.

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Everyone should posts summaries of their sign so we can read them! Www. astrologyindepth.com is a good source to use.
Aries is a very confident, enterprising sign. It is courageous, quite bold and somewhat argumentative. Aries can also beirritable, quick tempered, but usually does not hold a grudge. It can be restless, sometimes intolerant and contentious. It can be quite vocal when it doesn't like something. It can turn aggressive when strongly annoyed, although Venus influences can mitigate this. Although it often does not consider itself so energetic, it tends to be very active and on-the-go, and can be quite hard-working.
This is an assertive sign, and it can be very stubborn in its way of looking at things. Aries is mostly direct, and hates keeping things inside, but sometimes may resign to this out of necessity (which can make him feel ill). It seeks to bring things out into the light, so that they can be dealt with properly and effectively.
Aries natives often have a kind of raw authenticity to them. They tend to be rather impulsive and adventuresome, a doer more than a talker. This sign is mostly sharp and to the point. It has a great intensity to it, and its natives tend to be completely invested in whatever they do and feel. On the other hand, they may be too intensive and dramatic at times, however A strong Taurus influence can help to soothe this. Aries people are usually very sensitive to the way they are treated by others and most will react aggressively when they feel disrespected or put down. Aries tends to be all-out and strongly marshalled when putting out effort, however it may prefer to use a more brute force as it sometimes lack the patience to deal with small, subtle details. A strong Saturn or Capricorn influence may alleviate this issue. Similarly, there is usually a tendency to leave loose ends, which can be mitigated by the aforementioned influences.

Aries natives tend to be more zestful and humorous, and have a certain childishness to their character, although Saturn may take away from this. There's often an affinity for games, and they keep a certain youthfulness as they grow up which can give them great charm.

Aries tends to be rather simpleminded, but may sometimes look at things a bit too simplistically. It can be quick to jump to conclusions, which may often get the better of him. It tends to be rather generous and big-hearted, and can become very annoyed and stirred-up with what it considers as injustice (which may be rather subjective). It tends to have a soft spot for the underdog, but in a harsh chart it can nevertheless act aggressively with it when irritated. Nevertheless, there is normally a strongly compassionate side to this sign. There is often a hope to affect a better temperamental direction in face of strong, irritative impulses.
Although often considered strong, Aries people are actually quite sensitive at their core. This sign has a great difficulty in dealing with the loss of its kin and friends. It may especially take a beating when several of these happen together, which in a weak chart may end up in a nervous breakdown.

Aries tends to dislike whiny people.
Sounds about right.


Kahnum of Outworld
I can imagine! No, I haven't been to the South, but I'd like to. ^^

I'd love to travel the world, visiting the different countries and learning about different cultures.
So would I but I can honestly tell you I'm reluctant to leave my home. I think it's so beautiful and the people are so hospitable that, while I yearn to see other places, I don't want to leave where I'm at. (Not sure if that makes any sense or not. :oops:)


wordy agronaut
So would I but I can honestly tell you I'm reluctant to leave my home. I think it's so beautiful and the people are so hospitable that, while I yearn to see other places, I don't want to leave where I'm at. (Not sure if that makes any sense or not. :oops:)
PERFECT sense to me because I live in the South. My friend from Calidornia, who lived here for a few months, said this about the South: "It's a place you'll think is awesome if you visit for a week, but if you stay any longer than that, you'll hate it." People think we're romantic, pleasant, moral, etc., but it's only because Southerners are obsessed with self-presentation. So many people say one thing but act completely different... That's why the Bible Belt is in the South, yet we have the highest STD rates, abortion rates, murders (I think), list goes on... I do love being Southern though. Sorry for the rant. :oops:

Anyway, both my parents are Scorpios and act very much like it. They both have a sting! My sister is a Pisces, and she is very wishy-washy. I'm a Libra and very, very moody and obsessed with beauty.


Moving Mountains
So would I but I can honestly tell you I'm reluctant to leave my home. I think it's so beautiful and the people are so hospitable that, while I yearn to see other places, I don't want to leave where I'm at. (Not sure if that makes any sense or not. :oops:)
It makes sense, Magnolia. I understand. I personally don't like where I live very much because theres little here but brick, concrete, brick, brick and more brick. Theres not that many shops & some places in town have closed down at this point.

I live in York. Nice looking place with alot of history, but about as entertaining as an old woman trying to breakdance.

I'd like to live in Japan if I ever get the chance.
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