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Whats your RE history?

Resident James

Well-Known Member
Here is mine.

Before I ever played resident evil I didn't know much about the story besides that it is about Zombies. Then one day I rented the first Resident evil movie.

I thought that the movie was based on the plot of the game, and so I assumed it was like, the first game took place in the hive and the 2nd took place in the city (whose name was unknown to me at the time)

Anyways, later at christmas, I got RE4 and the 2nd movie, I thought RE4 was going to be about the zombies, but I was wrong, but it was still awesome.

Next year, I got a Play station and I got RE2, the first classic style Resident evil game I got, and I love it.

As time when on I also got RE1 the remake and RE0, and I still need to get the others in the series, in particular RE3.

Thats my story, how did you get into Resident evil?


Here's to the Atom Bomb
I played the Director's cut and RE2 Demo back when they came out, so I suppose around '97. I eventually moved on to RE2 a few months after it was released. I didn't get a chance to play RE3 on the PS1, but my next game was CV:X, followed by the REmake, and subsequently RE3 on the Gamecube. That was 2002-03, and I played the old games on and off, mostly the Director's cut, and RE2, sometimes CV:X, and eventually got RE4 when it was released on the PS2. Then I got RE5 this past March.


Polkka. lol
Played CVX for nearly a month straight about a year ago, then played RE: Deadly Silence during vacation when I went to our province, since a cousin of mine had a DS.

I played Outbreak File #2 after that, but my little brother broke it cause he used the CD to unlock the door to my parent's room, cause he was desperate to watch TV. Sucks, really on how it broke... D:

When we bought RE4 however, I got addicted, finished it a load of times.

When RE5 came out last march (am I right?), I was a bit sad cause I don't have a PS3, since my parents don't want to buy one. They say it'll affect my studies, and its a big waste of money...

But fortunately I had another cousin who had a PS3 and RE5. So when we went over to their house to stay for a few days, I got every chance I could get to play it.

I would always stay up from about 12:00 midnight up until 9:00 in the morning just so I could play it, up until I finished the game two times (first time and when I aimed to get the infinite RL), got infinite ammo for quite a number of weapons, and got all costumes. I didn't have time to unlock all Mercenary characters though, I got to unlock Jill BSAA and Chris Safari only.

I was that addicted to the game, lol. I practically finished the game, and my cousin haven't actually reached to my point yet since he was busy playing his other games.

Currently playing RE4 atm, but still have to get my PS2 fixed.


Well-Known Member
I've played re4 on every console it's come out for. (including PC)

nd I've played re5. I don't have a very exciting history


Well-Known Member
OMG my Resident Evil history is sooooo long. I start with part one.

The first one came out when I was still living in Georgia, PS1 had just came out and was like, the biggest thing around, the evolution of videogames the next generation. Twas the year 1996 and I was 6 years old, it's faint, but I remember being scared ****less. And I remember that first zombie. The one that was eating Kenneth. And I think I remember my mom making a veggie plate, lol.

End of part one.


Well-Known Member
1997. I'm 13/14 years old. My bro buys a PS1 and a copy of RE1. I watch him play it. It scares the **** out of me. I try to play it myself. I get killed because I suck at the controls and because I'm too scared of whats gonna happen next. Eventually, he completes the game, in time for RE2 to come out.

1998. My bro buys RE2. Its awesome. I love the Raccoon City setting, and the new characters and all their storylines. But I'm still scared ****less of the game, and still suck at the controls, so I just watch my bro play up to the cutscenes.

1999. My bro buys Nemesis. But by this time I'm kinda bored of RE, having taken interest in other games. I also felt that the Raccoon City setting had been used enough previously, so I didn't feel it was adding anything new.

2001. The first movie comes out. I watch a copy on pirate DVD. I thought bits of were OK, but it doesn't really inspre me, and I don't find myself in any hurry to watch it again any time soon.

2002. My bro buys a Nintendo Game Cube, and a copy of RE remake. I'm very impressed by the graphical updates and changes to certain story parts. And even more scared to play it, so I just watch the cutscenes.

2004. I watch a pirate copy of the second movie, RE Apocalypse. I find it amusing at first, but towards the end I sort of lose interest. But one day, I decide to watch it again, and decide I actually like the film. The movie reminds me of Code Veronica X, which is now out on PS2, which my bro also has, so I buy it for him as an xmas present.

2005. the first movie is shown on terrestrial television, and I record it, and decide I like that one too. Both movies are released on a double pack, so I buy them both in one go. RE4 is also released on Gamecube, I buy it for my bro as a birthday present. I watch a few pieces and find it interesting, but the controls seem even more tricky, so I don't bother playing it.

2006. I decide to give Code Veronica X a go, just for a laugh. My bro kinda gave up on it, saying it was bloody hard, but I found a few action replay codes that helped me over-come my fears of the game. I become hooked on the storyline, and it becomes my first RE game that I have played from start to finish. During the summer, I find a copy of RE outbreak file #2 for quite cheap. I buy it for myself, and become hooked.

2007. Its xmas time. I have no ideas for xmas presents, so I buy RE zero for my bro, simply for the sake of adding it to our collection. He knows I love Outbreak File #2, so he buys me the first outbreak. He complete all scenarios before new years eve (yes, with help from action replay) but he still hasn't finished zero. Can't be bothered.

2008. RE Extinction comes out. My bro buys me the dvd for my 24th birthday present when it comes out on dvd. I kinda like it, in spite of its far-fetchedness.

2009. My bro buys me RE degeneration the dvd for my 25th birthday. Its ok, but I wanted more zombies. Bro moves away from home. Buys himself an xbox 360, and a copy of RE5. Brings it round for me to play. I suck at first, but get the hang of it, and find it really easy. One night, we get stuck on the final level. He gets tired and goes to bed. I stay up and kill Wesker, and play around with the unlockables.


PSN: floaty_McTurd
I'Ve been there since the beginning, i got re1 when it first came out, and never completed it for months because my disk got badly scratched through an accident. Then i got re2, played that to death and finally bought re1 again. got re3 on release day and completed it two days later. I didn't get re4 until last year and obviously in between played outbreak and cv. Oh i forgot to mention REmake, but yeah i have that two.

T-Virus Rose

Well-Known Member
Well, my older brother and dad got the original almost as soon as it came out, when I was four or so. It never really bothered me, and they'd let me play with them when I was just a little kid. I've played just about all of them in order, then bought them to own for myself. So I guess I sort of grew up with it, and now I'm more into it than my dad and both my brothers put together lol. The only ones I haven't gotten yet are Outbreak File 2, RE5, and Umbrella Chronicles.


Well-Known Member
Resident Evil was a name I'd heard for forever, just was never interested in survival horror. Too much blood, guts, and scary stuff. :(

But I kept track of the games anyway, because the story sounded so interesting/weird, and, I confess, I always thought Capcom drew up the hottest guys. lol. Yup. Deep reasoning here, folks.

The first game I watched someone play all the way through was RE4. I thought it was gross, but the story was interesting.

Then I started seeing screens for the NEW Resident Evil 5, and I was like "Wha? Whoziss new guy and what happened to Leon?". Ugh. I was so clueless.

Needless to say, I was not impressed by the big guy in the blue shirt right away, although the graphics still blew me away and I was eager to see more.

Degeneration came out, and because I love computer animated stuff and knew Leon from RE4, I rented it and thought it was okay.

I started reading up more on the story of RE after that, and then kept up the hunt for more trailers for RE5.

Well, trailers came, and I was suitably grossed out, but still interested, and now that I knew who this "Chris Redfield" guy was, I was starting to think he looked pretty cool (among other things, har har).

Resident Evil 5 came out. Weee! But I was still skeptical so I downloaded the demo to my PS3. Pretty fun stuff, even with the gross parts!

So I bought it. :D Played it on Normal right off the bat. Conquered!! Woohoo!
I won't play the old games; too scary. And I probably won't play the ones to come for the same reason, seeing as too many people complained RE5 is not scary enough. And because as time goes on, video games seem to just get dirtier and dirtier in relation to content and language (even RE5 had just a bit too much dirty language for my taste), and I just don't like that stuff. But I digress, as I so often do!!:blink:

And that's my boring and un-lengthy history.


Well-Known Member
Well evrerything started when I was like 3 (1998) and I saw my uncle play the original in the PSone. But I tought that it was too scary and decided not to try it.

Two Years later(2000) I got a N64 in a yard sale and it came with Zelda:Ocarina of time and Resident Evil 2, I played Zelda until I was bored and played RE 2. I was hooked to the series since then.

After that my uncle got the original RE3 for the original playstation (yeah we still had it) and I was around 6 1/2(2001) and played it through of course with my uncle helping me, and I remembered I was scared sh*tless When I saw Nemesis kill Brad.

3 months after that I got to play CVX in the GC, and I remember being so sad after Steve died and being happy after I scaped from him as a monster. (and Became Chris's fangirl).

After that I played REmake, and then saw Wesker and just became obbsessed with him lol, I absolutely LOVED the game ^^.(like you see Chris went down a space lol poor guy XD)

I kept playing those until RE4 came out (2004),and I couldn't get it for the GC because the dumbass of gamestop wouldn't sell it to me even though my mom was there and said yes, So I had to buy it from an uncle but he only had the wii version, so I bought it, and When I saw Leon I was like "OMG L0LZ0RZ IT'S LEON!" but when I saw his attitude I was like "Damn this isn't teh Leon that I know!".

Then When RE5 Came out I was like so happy because Wesker was in it!!!! and I pretty much drooled when he appeared topless I was like "YAY!~" But pretty much the game sucked, IMO. The gameplay was fun as hell but the story line didn't make any sense.

So yeah there you go my big-ass story LOL XD But I bet there's people with even longer XD.

But now I'll have to kill you all because you read this...........HAha I'm joking people XD


Well-Known Member
013;49302 said:
^RE5 was too dirty for you? Wow, you'd be terrified of Grand Theif Auto.

Ew. Definitely. Don't like that series at all. Terrified is not the word, however. Bad language and bad content doesn't "scare" me. It irritates me. :D A lot. I mean, at least RE5 only had some language. GTA just seems full of filth of all sorts. (sorry to any GTA fans; I know everyone has their preference).

But now I'm off-topic and I have no idea how to get back on, lol.

Err. . .ummm . . .I rented Degeneration again after I bought RE5, just to refresh my memory. Yeah, um, there, sort of on topic. I rented it on Blu-Ray, incidentally, which was way better than DVD. ;)


Well-Known Member
Well guys my resident evil history goes back to 1996 when i first read about it in various games magazine and that would be the seed to me becoming a massive fan of this games series.

96/97 - Got resident evil for the psx and was blown away how good this game was at the time , I mean the story , horror and sheer creepy feeling of the game got me intrigued by it all and i never looked back.

98 - After playing resident evil i couldnt wait for number 2 and got all games magazines just to get screenshots , I remeber being disapointed chris or jill wouldnt return but it didnt alter my excitement for this game and i got it on day release (well my mates bro did has it was a 18 when first released and i was only 14 has well lol).Well after playing and completing both leon and claires story i was hooked and allthough i did prefar the first game over all it didnt dissapoint and its my third best resi game to date .

99 - After completeing resident evil 2 a fair few times number 3 was already on the horizon and yet again i couldnt wait.I stumbled across a imported japanese copy of the game a few month before uk release and decided to buy it , well i proberly shouldnt have has to it was near impossible to the do the puzzles lol ...anyway got the uk version and i did like it overall but i didnt like it has much has the first two and felt a tad dissapointed with it overall .

2000-2003 - after resident evil three i got rid of my psx and bought a ps 2 so i did have to wait a while for a next game and that was code veronica (never owned a dreamcast cos got advised not to buy one has it was going out of buisness)and i loved it , i mean the characters and overall story i prefared to number 3 and ended up completing a fair few times .This was also round the time i bought a gamecube after hearing the exclusive rights nintendo had and that a remake was getting made for resident evil and i had to have it so i got the REmake has my first game for the cube and boy did it leave me speechless , I mean the graphics at the time where incrediable and the overall expansion of the mansion and scaryness in the game blew me away and it became my favorite resident evil even though i found it the hardist to date , After competing it i went on to playing zero and the outbreak games ,The outbreaks games for me were decent but lacking and where very glitchy too and i didnt go back to them and concentrated on zero a game that at the start i was a bit frustrated with it but by the end enjoyed it and i think it was a solid title in the series.
2004 - After i heard the exclusive rights nintendo had for resident evil 4 i was sort of like WHAT? i mean i expected this to hit the ps 2 and had followed news on it since i first heard rumours about it and had actually seen a lot of screenshots over the previous years that where diffrent to what would come out at the end ...well again i got it on day release and i was hooked straight away the gameplay was so smooth and graphics again at the time where gorgues and i fell in love with this game overall i mean the full game is just awesome overall i mean the level design is some of the best ive seen and up there with REmake ...so this game went into my top 2 favorite resi games.


well after owning now all the versions of resi 4 wii,GC,ps2 and pc and completing it on numerous occasions it became my favorite game of all time and having another resident evil match it would be hard i thought but again i was looking forward to a new chapter and got a first glimpse in 2006 of a guy in africa and the resident evil 5 logo pop up i was like okkk? where is this one going and over time i started reading a lot more on it and found out all the details of it and when i seen a 2007 longer video i was a bit worried to be fair that this game was gonna just be a full open african adventure game , I mean i was happy they where keeping the controls and game play of resi 4 so i just let it slide and thought nahh capcom will do a good job with this game and i fully trust them even though mikami wasnt working on it i thought they would have a good team behind it ....around this time i also found out co-op would be included i thought wow thats gonna be awesome and then thought you must have a partner all the way through then ??? ..Well anyway to 2009 and its finally released i get the game home and do the first chapter and im impressed to bits with the graphics and what ive played so far i really liked the level design in the first chapter too ..well one of me mates comes around we get a few beers and i play the next two chapters and my mate is that impressed with the graphics and gameplay he bought it the next day and he aint even a fan .. well over the coming week i completed the game and was happy overall,I mean for most of the game i liked the level design again , combat system was good and the overall presantation of this game was great and im still playing it to this day .. but thats not to say i didnt have a few gripes with it i mean the AI is bad at times , time of the game is at least half the lenght of 4 and in terms not has intresting overall , the ship chapter and final boss where weak levels i thought overall and i didnt like the last part with wesker and thought it was over the top but it needed to be done.Overall i like this game alot despite its few flaws and its a game that has massive replay value and proberly the best game ive played this year :).


Well-Known Member
Ok now my turn to bore you with my history lol, my story starts in the good old days of 1996, the year one of the best games for the ps1 arrives.
I was round my mates house, he'd got a ps1 console with Tomb Raider and Resident Evil 1. We played TR for hours, kept getting killed and then turned to Resident Evil, we were unsure of it, but us being kids and seeing the big 18 rated logo, we thought of trying it out. Since we met the first zombie and lost Wesker and Chris (played the jill story first), we were both hooked on getting out of the mansion with our friends. It took a very long time to finally clock it though.

Resident Evil 2 came along, and I begged my older brother to buy it, so we got it on release day and he actually enjoyed it. My playthrough didn't go well, as I got to the lift with Leon, where you fight william in his 3rd form, but didn't have hardly any health or ammo, so i kept getting killed. This resulted in me having to play the game from start but getting the idea of saving ammo etc.

Resident Evil 3 changed my life, I was hooked to the game like no other game before, Merchs mode was the best thing ever for me and I still grind out hours from it today. I bought it on release day, had to trade a bunch of games in to afford it.

From 3 onwards: Well 1-3 were my best years of playing Resident Evil, since then i've just taken each game as they came out and enjoyed completing them and getting to know more of the story. I think RE5 was a great addition to the series and i'm looking forward to more games, maybe on the PS4 or Xbox 3, whenever they come out.

Over the years, Resident Evil is the only game series to interest me in collecting items to do with the games such as posters, every game from every country, figures, books/guides and promo items.


momma cosplayer
Okay, so heres my "RE History"

I remember walking outta my room, to the living room in our house, which was in California at the time, to see my dad playing on the PS1, of course, I'm at the age where I"m supre curious, so I walk over to him sitting by him, and looked at the tv. What do I see? Some dude getting eaten by a Zombie! Yep, BEST thing for a small kid to see. Now I'm not entirely sure when the RE games came out, or how old they were before my dad started to play them, but I can be sure that I was about...5 or 6 when I started watching my dad play the first RE. To be honest, I was TERRIFIED of the Dogs, I jumped everytime I saw them.

Then after that, I remember my dad and my big sister getting RE2 and them playing it. Now that one...I couldnt even watch the beginning, to me Claires beginning was more...creepy then Leons, now remember, I was still young! and I scare easly, even now. Anyways, I finally get the currage to watch them play the game, and I start to REALLY like the game. I liked Clarie and Sherry, Ada was alright, but Leon kinda annoyed me in RE2.

Anyways, then my sister started to play RE3, I LOVED IT! It had Jill in it! She was, and is, one of my fav characters in the show! So I just HAD to watch that game, now no I still dont play the games, I suck at playing any kind of game, be in RE or Final Fantisy. I'd rather watch then play.

Anyways, back to the games, Once she finished those, she started playing the Outbreak games, now those...I flat out hated. They made no sense to me, and I wish they were never made. Just my opinion, dont hate me for it.

Then came RE0....LOVED IT!!! The beginning, I jumped a bit, especially when the slug things hit the train windows when its all quiet. Anyways, I loved the whole thing with Rebecca and Billy, I really wish that they'd put those two in another game together. I mean, they seem to do it for all the other charatcers.

Okay, now where was I? Well anyways, I have to say I was a little disapointed in RE4...the village ppl just werent....as braiddead as I wanted them, When I think of RE I think of flesh eating Zombies, not some guy who weilds a weapon and is....what were they? infected with some parasite. Well anyways, I didnt like it.

Then she started to play the REmake, but sadly I didnt get to watch her finish it, because she left the house, and we lost contact with eachother. But I got lucky and was able to watch someone finish the game on youtube.

But anyways....that was...is my RE history


Well-Known Member
I don't remember which year it was, all I remember is I was a kid and I rented RE from Blockbuster for the PS1 and I remember playing it at night time, it was pitch black and storming, perfect for the game, and it ended up scaring the crap out of me. I played all of them throughout the years, I don't remember the order. The only ones I've actually beaten were RE3, RE4, RE5 and the 2 Outbreak games, which were my favorite.


Almost a Jibble Sammich
Found RE1 (PS1, Platinum) at a car boot sale and thought it looked cool. I was about 12 years old. I got it for 50p (about $1?) and played it. I fell in love. :)


Well-Known Member
when i was about 7 years old, someone borrowed my brother resident evil 1 psx, he played one night with my and my uncle, and in that part near the beggining when if you get close to the zombie on the floor he bites your foot, but when he was close to him he handed me the remote, and i fell into his trap, i yelled of a scare xD, later at night i watched him play and then i was afraid to go to the kitchen (lol) because i thought there were zombies there xD, and my mom forbid me from watching and playing the game until i stop being afraid xD, i lost my fear passed a few days, and then my brother bought the game and RE2 too, i finished RE 1 i was about to start playing RE2, but i started in a street filled with zombies so i turned off the psx and it took me a while to start playing again, but so i did and finished the game, taking several days to finish, since i used all my ink ribbons xD, then came 3 i was already 10 or so and i finished it no problem but i did get scared with nemesis xD, and a year ago i bought 4, didnt scare me a bit, and about 2 months ago my brother bought RE5 for ps3, didnt scare me a bit either xD

i think i am of the few that started playing resident evil at the age of 7 xD

P.S.: sorry for my bad english \:
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