Resident Evil 2 (1998) What was the Scariest part?

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I have to say it was the libaray room music. I have the resident evil OST in my car and when your driving at night and the music is on shuffle at maximum volume it scares the crap out of me.

As far as gameplay , would have to say the Licker in the interrigation room. My god , bricks were ****.
The only time that gets my blood pumping is when I have to run through the cockroach infested ventilation tunnel in the sewers. As for creepiest, the conversation between Chief Irons and Claire. The moment he mentions that taxidermy used to be his hobby still makes my skin crawl to this very day!
There are a lot of scary moments, but the arms through the open shutters takes the trophey! The licker through the side glass made me jump to!

Yes, I remember when I was 11 years old, this scared the **** out of me. I think, however the scariest/creepiest moment was when you first saw the spiders in the sewer. It was the way the camera was angled.
Every moment of the game when you know big badass wallbreaker is on the loose. Here's a wonderful moment from the past........

- The door is unlocked, let's go!
- Oh hell no! You open the door!
- No, you open the door!
- Heads or tails? ;)
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Three most scarring, and stressing moments, in my opinion are:
- Lickers from the ceiling, in laboratories
- Every visit of Mr. X, in scenarios B
- When those plants, Ivy's, caught my character

Yeah, that was cool :D
One of the most scary parts of the game was,as others mentioned, the licker from interrogation room.I remember how i didnt expect that that even my heart was racing so much.Another one that nobody said is when the crows break the glasses in a long corridor and how the music was so loud and creepy that i had to volume down the game and they were hard to kill for me.Thank god i had a submachine gun or i would **** my pants in that day.Imo,the scariest moment in RE series.
I can't really think of any scary moments from this game. I don't find RE2 especially scary. Engaging plot and good tension, but nothing scary. But who knows, maybe I had to be there as a young child.