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What class of house do you have?


Hey guys im just wondering what kind of class your house is.

Mine is first class. Its so big that i cant eat a sandwich in it (WTF) so what class is your house?


PSN: floaty_McTurd
thats completely random....and doesn't make sense."its so big i can't eat a sandwhich in it"

i live in a studio apartment with my girlfriend, its got a really modern style, and the location is pretty amazing, so i dunno what class lol


Well-Known Member
I'd say mine is pretty average. Times are tough in this global financial crisis, so anyone who still gets to live in their house should consider themselves lucky, as there as so many people who live out on the street, never a good thing this is.


Well-Known Member
I agree with iSmooshU, I just recently lost my house due to these hard times. I have to move back in with my grandparents until things get better, but they have a nice house, so it's no big deal.


I make good toast
What do you mean by class? Style of house or size or what?

We live in a mid-terraced house which we own outright so no rent or mortgage for us, mercifully. If we had rent/mortgage we'd be in a box right now because of the recession and Steve losing his previous job two years ago due to circumstances beyond his control. My job brings in absolutely nothing whatsoever but thankfully with Steve doing websitey stuff fulltime now, we do alright.

Our house (from the outside at least) does look like squatters live there though - our front lawn is so unkempt and the front of our house looks pretty shabby compared to the neighbours because we're the only ones without double glazing or UPVC front door - but I guess it puts off the burglars :lol:


Well-Known Member
i live in a house with 3 bedrooms and 7 people living in my house, its in a building, i live with my brother and sister, with my parents and my grandmother and grandfather, i share the room with my brother, my mother shares hers with my father(obvious xD) and my sister sleeps in the same bed with my grandfather and grandmother, 3 people in one bed


Well-Known Member
Mine's an average (deceptively spacious) mid terrace, 3 beds with a conservatory. Nice sized first family house for me, my wife, baby boy and two cats (the other animals have recently gone to the land of Zombie - two rats, gerbils and a rabbit).

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
How do you 'classify' homes? Because saying 'it's so big I can't eat a sandwich in it' makes little sense to me.

Um, well, my parents have done really well for themselves, so my house was quite big. It had four bedrooms (each bedroom had its own bathroom), two living rooms, kitchen, a dining room, a solarium, a sitting room (where my mom keeps her birds from hell) and lots of storage space. We also had two acres of land and a large pond as well.

I don't live there anymore though; I'm in university, so my parents bought a 2 bdrm condo near my school because they despise renting. I love it though, it's my first place and I just love living on my own. And I have a walk-in closet and a jacuzzi tub. It'll be a shame once my sister goes to college, 'cause then she'll probably be moving in with me and I'll have to share. :p

I wanted to get pictures up, but I broke my camera a while ago. I'll have to wait until my sister comes up and we'll take some. :)


Jupiter Jazz
I live with my parents at the moment, at some point I need to move out, I dont know who I'd share a flat with alot of my mates have said they would not mind living with me but I'd need some money for that to happen, but the house im in is a terraced victorian house we have a celler and a loft converssion, I sit on my roof quite alot. x)


Well-Known Member
Uhh yeah man i live in a decent house but its a nice area so i honestly do not care what the house is as long as i'm away from the city.I'd rather sleep in a tent in some bear infested forest then live in a city or concrete surburbia, cities or overpopulated areas make me really depressed.Even so modern housing looks like **** its all so sterile i like old buildings with bush around.


Jupiter Jazz
As long as I dont get mozzy bites Im fine with sleeping outside. but when I was in spain I got eaten.


Well-Known Member
You went to spain already?Hell yeah how'd it go did you get any el babes?i haven't been there in 11 years dude where i live is apparently a dump now but i plan to go back one day.Besides the mosquitos i don't think it would be difficult sleeping outside where i was it got flippin hot like 40 degrees a day man the night time heat would be a perfect blanket.Beach suck as well because the sand is grey haha.


Jupiter Jazz
I didnt meet any El Babes, the really nice ones I saw on the beach spoke spanish and there was a few english chicks but they had there partners with them. it was a nice family holiday though filled with topless heats, marlbora fags and big fat juicey steaks the size of F-ing plates.


Her royal court joker
I live in a small basement apartment that I rent. I need more space and I plan to buy a house, but I've not decided where.

"El babes" :lol:

Angel;58426 said:
UPVC front door
What is UPVC?



I make good toast
La Femme Fatale;58439 said:
How do you 'classify' homes? Because saying 'it's so big I can't eat a sandwich in it' makes little sense to me.

Um, well, my parents have done really well for themselves, so my house was quite big. It had four bedrooms (each bedroom had its own bathroom), two living rooms, kitchen, a dining room, a solarium, a sitting room (where my mom keeps her birds from hell) and lots of storage space. We also had two acres of land and a large pond as well.

I don't live there anymore though; I'm in university, so my parents bought a 2 bdrm condo near my school because they despise renting. I love it though, it's my first place and I just love living on my own. And I have a walk-in closet and a jacuzzi tub.
I can haz ur houzes nao pl0x?

I grew up pretty poor so my family home was an old Victorian end of terrace which was falling to bits and smelt funny. I loved it though...this house we're in now is the first decent place I've lived in and once we've done it up properly (hint hint Steve) it'll be really really nice. We've only decorated three of the rooms so far - the living room, Jake's room and Jessica's room - but once everything else is sorted it'll be pretty sweet.

Romero;58723 said:
What is UPVC
Aside from damn expensive, it's some sort of plasticy composite thingy which is strong and weather proof. I don't really know what it is exactly other than it costs a lot and most people opt for it these days over more traditional door materials because it's more energy efficient and harder to break into etc. We've got an old wooden front door which needs maintenance every once in a while but UPVC is virtually maintenance-free apart from cleaning off scuff marks if you've got a child like mine who thinks that pressing a doorbell is beneath her and kicking the door does the job just as well :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I still live with my father and she who bore me. They're okay with that though, as they are uncomfortable with the thought of a single girl out on her own. Which is good, because I get along well with my family and prefer being close to them.
Also good because my crappy little job would never support an apartment around here. I'm also paying for all my college classes, which sort of demands that I stay home, lol.

But our house is nice. Sort of a raised ranch style, I guess. It's about ten years old. My dad built it. :) We have quite a lot of space, and I get my own room, so how can I complain? I was given free reign as to how my room was decorated, so I've got it painted two shades of blue. I love blue. I just randomly decorated with bits and bobs of ocean-type stuff, and then there's my TV in the corner, with my PS3 and gaming stuff and DVD player. And there's also my big peg board where I put up all my art reference pictures. Currently it's hosting a montage picture sheet of Chris Redfield images . . . :wub:

I figured I'd tell you about my room, because I don't own a place, but I spend a lot of time in my room, lol. :D


Well-Known Member
Blues my favourite colour but i hate it on walls for some reason.I was a painter once and anything but white i would think was crap..maybe its because i've only had white walls and i wanted to have gray walls but didn't get them.Repressed memories.xD

I will be getting a camera in the next few months i could snap a pic around the house, its pretty darn old but everything indoor and out has been fully renovated.Theres good views of big hills going forward and left out and then i guess is my room.A bed,couch,tv,the xbox,built in cupboard and my treasure chest.Its actually an old piece of crap but i call it the treasure chest lol when i clean my room and find something odd i just throw it in the chest.Maybe one day when its full i will go through it and uncover some valuable things.
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