Project X
I just rented this on Prime Video out of curiosity and really didn't much care for it. It's basically a poor man's Superbad with paper thin characters played by annoying kid actors who see practically NO consequences for any of the juvenile sh!t they pull in this movie (and believe me when I say, there's lots of it). Skinny white kid gets dragged into big party with wacky hijinks by sleazy sexist and homophobic friend and also there's a fat guy there. I (pretty much) literally just summed up the entire movie for you in one sentence without really spoiling anything.

Moreover, any sense of parody for said juvenile sh!t is tossed out the window by the found footage/first person cam throughout the movie, which I guess is the filmmakers' way of saying "you ARE supposed to take this sh!t seriously", and even that is ruined in the opening scene.
And I'm no prude, either, the aforementioned Superbad, Tropic Thunder, Ted, Old School, The Hangover, Jackass 1-3, and Harold and Kumar/Borat/Deadpool 1 and 2 all did offensive comedy much, much better with characters you actually care about.
this and
this is how you pull off offensive/juvenile humor. Also
This works, too.
Oh, and through no fault of the movie or the filmmakers,
it also inspired a number of real life kinky teen parties (is that why the "do not attempt anything you're about to see in this movie" disclaimer appears in the opening, I wonder?). Great, now you're gonna have soccermoms saying "see? Videogames/movies DO cause violence".