I totally get it, I do. Obviously they're two completely different people in different situations, but there are certain people who for some reason you just can't stand, and for me Ashley is one of them. I'm 19, and put in Claire's situation I'd have died in the diner. But the original intent of the post was to 1) highlight my distaste for Ashley and 2) provide an interesting piece of trivia, one that admittedly shouldn't be linked to point number one. But it is initially surprising to think about because not only does Claire's voice actress sound significantly older, she also exhibits traits of compassion and determination that are often associated with age. That's not to say I hate Ashley's character, I just hate her as a person. She is a good character. For one, her existence drives the story of 4. For someone completely lacking any formal training, she can hold her own fairly well (if and only if there's an abundance of lanterns nearby), and she's not a super soldier, a refreshing change considering even those who start out as complete novices quickly become super soldiers (see Claire, Ethan, the entire cast of outbreak, etc.), and segments where you have to tote her around break up the relative monotony of the gameplay, but I still can't stand her. She's abrasive, loud, annoying, and can't avoid an obvious trap to save her life, quite literally. Like you know how there are people who you don't like, even if a part of you knows there's not really a good reason to dislike them, but anything they do can drive you crazy? That's how I feel about Ashley.