Yes, 2017.The next animated rezzy comes out next year right?
Sigh... Another year without anything rezzy relatedYes, 2017.![]()
CT: I probably already said this somewhere, but how cool would it be if the next game featuring Jill (whether it's RE7, Revelations 3, or whatever) had a few unlockable chapters where you play as her carrying out Wesker's orders as bird lady!
OK so i just defeated communication officer Scagdead and i got to say the beginning of Revelations 1 is somewhat confusing. I mean you play as Jill and Parker and have to find Chris and Jessica because O'Brian says that they are missing. but then O'Brian talks to Chris and Jessica and tells them that Jill and Parker are missing.
Sigh... Another year without anything rezzy related
Umbrella corps latest update interested me a little but I don't know if I will look into it any more
Have you played it before? I don't want to spoil anything if you haven't.![]()
I'm 90% sure RE7 will come out this year. It's been 4 years since RE6 came out and that's the longest gap between main RE games along with the RE4-RE5 gap. It's also the 20th anniversary, if the only game to come out would be Umbrella Corps... Well, that would be a bit silly.
5 years for CVX to RE4. Resident Evil 4 had such a long development cycle. So did RE5, and RE7 is rumored to have the longest dev cycle since and almost close to RE4. Remember it started development before RE6 came out and was originally supposed to have a 2013 release date. The poor reception of RE6 changed that.
As far as Resident Evil numbered titles go. The 4 year cycle is about right. Had consoles still retained the 4-5 year cycle. We would only be seeing one RE game a generation and the wait would be much worse. We'd probably see spins offs and one numbered and one revelation game. That's just.... a thought.
I would LOVE the game to come out this year. I would even more so love it if the game took play in 2018. What would be a better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Biohazard?
You're forgetting REmake and RE0! Anyway, I wonder if because of this long gap without any information, we could be getting another complete overhaul à la RE4. They did say a while ago that they were looking at The Last of Us and Tomb Raider for inspiration, maybe we could be looking at something more in that style.
You're forgetting REmake and RE0!
I just hope we get to see her or you know someone mention her. And tell us what
happenee to her after RE4.
And does anyone else wonder if we will ever see Sheva?
Well unlike Sheva, Ashley was actually a memorable character. It would be nice to see her again. Even if more people hated Ashley, she's still more imbedded in their memories. Sheva was a lost potential. They could have made her a deeper character but they didn't. She has a good backstory that you can read about in the files, but it just really made me wish the game would give some flashbacks with her.
Yeah i know Sheva and Ashley are my 2nd favorite female characters after Claire and Sherry. Maybe they will bring Sheva back in a future game. Just like how they brought Sherry and Barry.
Barry was always destined to returnI was so happy to see Sherry back. It was one of the better decisions Capcom had made because her story is so vital to the RE canon. I can't wait to see where they go from here. Ugh I have my theory on it too. It looks kinda ****ty for her.
As for Ashley! *hi-5* she was always one of my favorites as well. I think it would be cool to see her return in some form. I don't know how it would work at this point. Her father isn't president anymore, I don't see how it would be relevant. Someone kidnappers her again and holds her ransom to get back at Leon? Lol... probably not.