I had a lovely time at the wedding I mentioned a couple of weeks back. The venue was beautiful, my friend looked amazing and the party and food were really good. There were a couple of small hitches (like the music skipping and stopping as I walked down the aisle - I was stood still for around ten second and then decided to go back because the music wasn't coming back on. Luckily, I walked down before the bride so this didn't happen to her, but we had to wait a good five minutes for the coordinator to find a different stereo

). But in all, it was a truly wonderful day.
However, bridesmaidzilla spoiled the day slightly for me. I think I mentioned bridesmaidzilla in a previous post too. She was a nightmare on the hen do (bachelorette party), and she was even worse on the day of the wedding.
The bride has been one of my best friends for 22 years. I don't know if this made the other bridesmaid feel like she had to try and outdo me, as she hadn't even known the bride a year. She literally barely left the bride's side; every single little thing that the bride needed, she was doing, and I barely got a look in.
She was incredibly rude to the bride's father. She'd never met him before. When their parents arrived, we had to get the bride's dress upstairs so no one could see it. We were asking the men to go to the bar while we did so. We walked over. I said hi, asked how they were, etc. Bridesmaidzilla took a totally different approach: she pointed her finger in the father of the bride's face, and said 'You need to go to the bar and order the first round'. When he came to collect his daughter to walk her down the aisle, the bride wasn't quite ready. As soon as I opened the door and let him in, she said very rudely and bossily, 'You can't come in here', to which the bride's father muttered, 'Well, you can f*ck off'.
Way to make a good impression...
Every photograph we took, she made sure that she was next to the bride, meaning I was always on the outside, next to bridesmaidzilla. She also tried to get in quite a few family photos, at which one point the bride's brother actually told her to f*ck off too.
At one point the bride's veil got caught on a chair, and when I quickly ran forward to unhook it, I was literally pushed aside by bridesmaidzilla, who unhooked it for her. The bride had quite a long train on her dress and it would get caught around chairs. Several people tried to help her with this a few times, including the bride's sister in law and myself. When we both tried to help, she literally tugged the dress out of our hands and ran off after my friend. The bride struggled to sit down a few times in her dress, and both times bridesmaidzilla actually pushed the bride's father aside to help.
The bride got sick of her veil at the reception and wanted it taking out, though she wanted her hair in the same style and the comb from the veil to stay in her hair. Her hairdresser was a close family friend and was attending the wedding, so he was helping her, and bridesmaidzilla's hand was there the whole time trying to help. Then the bride's mother and the hairdresser were to go up to the bridal suite and help her redo her hair. They couldn't find the bride, and so thought she must have gone to the suite ahead of them. When they got to the suite, the bride walked out along with - yep, you guessed it - bridesmaidzilla, who had already fixed the hair. The mother had to put the veil in the room, and bridesmaidzilla actually held the door open so that she could keep the key to the room after the mother was done (which the bride's mother wasn't having any of - she told her she wanted the key).
I'm aware that this post is already humongous, so I'm not going to go on too much longer, but these are just a few of the occasions where she was an absolute pain. The worst part was that she left without saying goodbye or thank you to the bride's parents for all they'd done for her that weekend.
All of the bride's family hated her, too. I did get a little satisfaction that they said to me that I'd sit with them on the family table at the reception and they'd buy all of my drinks for me, which I didn't actually let them do. (They told me that also didn't extend that to the other bridesmaid because she was being a nightmare). They also told me that they all thought bridesmaidzilla was a d*ck to me.
I thought these types of people only existed in movies; guess I was wrong. But it was a lovely day and I had a lot of fun.