You'll be cured once you try it.
Already tried it. Still don't care. I guess my interest for anything Pokemon has dropped once and for all.
You'll be cured once you try it.
Already tried it. Still don't care. I guess my interest for anything Pokemon has dropped once and for all.
aweDid you make it to level 5 or do any gyms. Meet any people and teamed up? No team?
I'm over this whole racism bs flowing around in this country. What is most irritating is that a lot of people fail to see that both sides are part of the problem. It is not just a one way street. And I am so disgusted in the individuals who praise the actions of the dirtbag shooter in Dallas. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
People need to stop looking at these issues as being only attacks on "blacks" (or gays or women- whatever the issue may be). These issues affect everyone. The US has come a long way for a country, of course we still have a ways to go but it is pretty safe to say that the majority of whites are not racist- as I have read in some ignorant comments from FB and Instagram.
All lives matter... Every. Single. One. We all play a part through our thoughts and actions and we all need to start thinking as one human race.
This reminds me of the South Park episode where they traveled far into the future. Everyone spoke one language that was a mix of all languages, and there were no blacks or whites, everyone were mixed.
Maybe that is not as silly as it seemed, because people travel and mix more and more. So it doesn't look good for racism in the future, but of course we have plenty of time to find new things that divides us.
Lol. Try to think of something stupid and it's already been on South Park. But South Park is not stupid, it just shows how stupid people can be.
I don't care about it either. Go out and encounter people around town? No thanks. xDI feel I'm the only person in the world who doesn't care about Pokemon Go like, at all.
Thank you SO much. You summed up my feelings about this whole ****storm perfectly.
I can't help but feel like this is all just some big diversion. I mean think about it. The Hillary Clinton scandal. Everyone was talking about it. Now since the murders & the shooting in Dallas, what is the media shoving down our throats now? Social injustice. It's all about division. If the people in this country are divided, it's easier to control us (divide & conquer). There are more people out there (white AND black) who aren't buying into this than there are people who are blindly following the masses. I refuse to fall into it.
I've just got a really bad feeling about all of this & I can feel it in my gut. My mom always stressed to me to listen to that feeling & I'm bracing myself because something fishy is going on in this country.
Okay I'm done being a bit of a conspiracy theorist...
CT: Bloody hell! Teen Wolf is SO full of hot guys by season 5, it's killing me!