Stop calling Ashley Wilkes honorable. He led Scarlett on, led her to believe that he loved her.
I also think that people need to stop painting Rhett Butler as some knight in shining armor, some hero or saint just because he professed to love our beloved, hard as nails heroine. Rhett is flawed, heinously flawed, and deserves just as much blame for the destruction of his marriage with Scarlett as she does. There were so many times that she tried to reach out to him before the end and he ignored her in favor of turning their daughter into a brat or ruined the moment with scorching words and pride.
Scarlett was hard-headed, ruthless and a bit of a bitch but he knew that before he married her. He also knew she did not love him before he married her as well so any heartache he received during the course of their marriage is his own fault. When things did not go as he had expected them to right away, he shut down and closed himself off to her. Was that supposed to make her love him? Once she did love him, was she supposed to reach out to him while he was verbally cutting her down and feigning indifference to her very presence? Yes because that shouts: "I LOVE YOU PLEASE TELL ME YOU LOVE ME TOO!"
I understand that there are characters we come to love and care about very deeply and we truly want to see the good in them - hell I love Rhett too! - but please stop painting him a hero.
There is no hero in Gone With the Wind because our heroine needed no hero. She was her own hero.
This was no great romance, it was a terrible train-wreck-tragedy. The Butler's may have loved each other but their pride and serial misunderstandings led to nothing but heartache and pain. They couldn't even support each other through losing both of their children because they only saw the worst in each other; because they only brought out the worst in each other.