What Are You Listening to?

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I usually try not to clutter the "What Are You Listening To" threads with stories but, sometimes, it's unavoidable. I remember being a young tween/teen and going through different things - some teenage problems, others real-life problems I probably shouldn't have had to deal with at my age - and I remember one band that consistently put out music to help me through those years, those lost moments of youth. (I know that sounds corny but just go with me.)

Nowadays I constantly hear people talking **** about Linkin Park, be it about the band or the direction the band has taken. The other day when I was at work, a young kid came in and played some newer Linkin Park tune on the jukebox and I was suddenly overwhelmed by that intense feeling of nostalgia that overcomes us all at one point or another and just the look on that kids' face told me that Linkin Park to him now was what Linkin Park was to me then. Hybrid Theory and Meteora got me through some of the toughest times I've ever had and I still enjoy the music to this day.

Isn't that what music is supposed to be? Isn't that what it's supposed to do? It's supposed to strike something in you, it's supposed to draw parallels to what you're going through, it's supposed to make you feel something and, whether haters realise it or not, Linkin Park does that for people. (Especially teenagers and lord knows those are some of the toughest years ever.) Why down on the group for changing their music when it's clear to anyone in the presence of newer fans that they're still touching people, they're still providing therapy? (And they're a positive influence.)

At the risk of sounding incredibly campy, if I haven't sounded so already, thank you, Linkin Park; thank you for being there.