Yeah, I get what you're after. I personally like so far Born This Way better than The Fame Monster 'cause the songs have more messages in them.Woot. Saves me from having to look for it on Youtube.
Y'know, my love for Lady Gaga is slowly but surely dwindling. Back during the Fame Monster I thought she was brilliant, but now... eh. All the songs from Born this Way sound the same, and they aren't really anything special. I really hope she didn't hit her peak with Bad Romance but I kinda think she did.
Oh well. Maybe the studio recording of You and I will be better.
^Eh, the Catholic League and all those other bozos will find ANYTHING to be offended by. That's just what they do.
Eh, I don't know. It's not like Christianity forbids the depiction of holy figures like Islam. Maybe it's the fact that according to religious tradition Mary Magdalene was not in love (sexually speaking) with Jesus, let alone Judas. And from what I read Gaga plays the role of her in that video.I think everyone could relate to this song in some shape or form. And I really don't understand how people could say this is anti-religious...she's saying that she wants to do good in life "Jesus is my virtue", but temptation always gets the better of her "Judas is the demon I cling to."