video games update

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2009
so i cheked and there are threads about video games but nothing like this, this thread is more focusing on new things soon to be released, where you can post any news you've heard and your opinion on it.

so have all the halo fans been watching the anoj bungie weekly update? i have this game looks so good cant wait for the beta on the 3rd may.

also anyone seen the gears of war 3 ashes to ashes trailer? Doms a bad ass with a beard, so cool.

L4D2 new DLC anyone get it? i didnt. anyone played it?
Fallen91;73470 said:
Have you heard of the new game featuring Rebecca?
wut you talkin bout? your just messin with me. "do not lie to me about this or i'll kill you" -sam fisher splinter cell

speaking of witch anyone play the new splinter cell? i finished it twice thought it was a great game loved it.
Wow you look tough. :lol:

Anyway I'm playing RE 5 at the moment and I totally forgot about the L4D DLC! The new survivors are supposed te meet the old ones or something like that! Cool! :D
lol i wish i was as tough as sam fisher. :)
yeah i looked at a review and one of the old characters is dead apparently. they didnt say who but i think its Bill because they couldnt get the voice actor back for him or something.
judled;73469 said:
so i cheked and there are threads about video games but nothing like this, this thread is more focusing on new things soon to be released, where you can post any news you've heard and your opinion on it.

so have all the halo fans been watching the anoj bungie weekly update? i have this game looks so good cant wait for the beta on the 3rd may.

also anyone seen the gears of war 3 ashes to ashes trailer? Doms a bad ass with a beard, so cool.

L4D2 new DLC anyone get it? i didnt. anyone played it?

I'm actually looking forward too Reach every Halo after number one has been terrible in my opinion but i don't check out the bungie website,waypoint or anything like that.Apart from that Gears 3 is the only thing i'm actually really inclined to get, i'm making myself not watch any gameplay till its released so its like way better lol.Hyping yourself and seeing the main product before its released doesn't make it anywhere near as good when you play it without seeing or knowing as much information, i picked up gears of war 2 out the blue and it pretty much made me defecate the walls.

I did analyze the trailer alot though its so awesome dom looks hell beast but nothing beats dizzies beard because its the only thing you can see when he walks through the smoke grenades.xD
Crysis 2 and Fallout: New Vegas. Saving up Money for New Vegas.

Also, WoW Cataclysm is coming out. Good thing I don't substitute WoW for my family!
So far there are alot of games that I look forward to into the future, but the most that intrest me the most are Max Payne 3, due to the series being awsome, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, loved the first game can't wait for Dog Days, Marvel vs Capcom 3, because all vs Capcom games are great, the new Silent Hill game that is coming out due to all of the Silent Hill games except for Orphan were awsome, Mass Effect 3 because anything that is Mass Effect is awsome, and Gears of War 3 since it like blood, gore, and Gears of War games.

But if I had to choose 2 that really interests me it would be between the new Silent Hill game since it may be like ****tered Memories but with James Sunderland, or it may answer on what happened to him because apperently he just didn't have another story since Silent Hill 2, but was shown in UFO endings for apperntly no reason.

The second would be Mass Effect 3, since I loved Mass Effect 1 and 2, and I can't wait for more addicting gaming, with hours upon hours, days upon days, and story after story, and my character returning. I hope that Kasumi Goto, Garrus Vakarian, Tali, Miranda Lawson, Grunt, Jack, Thane, and Legion return since they were my favorites in ME2.
I enjoy your lengthy talks Major.Anyway that Silent Hill looks beast its a shame its not for xbox 360 though, i didn't complete the first one on PS1 because i got stuck in the school but it is still to this day the most phychotic **** i've ever played.I usually hate horror but Silent Hill is different, i dunno its because it pulls off such an amazing atmosphere it doesn't have to use pop ups as a cheap scare.
Romero;73520 said:

That's "GTA" in the 1800's? If it's what I think it is, it looks amazing.

I look forward to GTA 5.
Agreed. GTA has NEVER diappointed me.

The Major;73673 said:
...Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, loved the first game can't wait for Dog Days...

You're the first person I've ever met that felt that way...

Oh, and Silent Hill absolutely terrifies me. :ermm:
I'm looking forward to Lost Planet 2 and Red Dead Redemption next month. Other than that, I don't really know whats coming and its a good thing, I'm gonna be broke.
Hoady;73674 said:
I enjoy your lengthy talks Major.Anyway that Silent Hill looks beast its a shame its not for xbox 360 though, i didn't complete the first one on PS1 because i got stuck in the school but it is still to this day the most phychotic **** i've ever played.I usually hate horror but Silent Hill is different, i dunno its because it pulls off such an amazing atmosphere it doesn't have to use pop ups as a cheap scare.

Thanks. I never thought that there was someone in the world who likes my long talks. I really did like the first Silent Hill. It was awsome. And I can see why you are stuck on the school level. I saw how that level is beaten and all I can say about that level is that it is kinda of repetive since all the halls and some of the rooms look alike.

Out of all Silent Hill games that are out there I have Silent Hill 2, Homecoming, and ****tered Memories. Silent Hill 2 was great and it featured one of my favorite Silent Hill characters, James Sunderland, and if I am not mistaking, he is one of the tougher protagonist in the series since he took down 3 Pyramid Heads(Boogeyman) in Silent Hill 2 and all 3 were tough sons of b***hes. Especially when you had to fight the last 2 together, and he even has alot of guts since he will do alot of stuff normal people wouldn't do like stick their hands in a toiletd and grab something out. Cheyrl Mason or Alex Shepard are the 2nd toughest since Heather took down a god and Alex pretty much took down a hard a** boss that liked to knock people down and hit them whenever they got back up, but the downside about those bosses is that they weren't as tough as the Pyramid Heads. Out of the scairest I pretty much have to say that Homecoming scared me the most since rather placing enemies in front of me and where I can hear them, the game placed them in front, behind, and in the enviroment, and the music that plays when ever you have a group of monsters behind me pretty much scared me as well because it had something in it that did scare me, I even tried to talk to someone over Xbox Live while I was playing it, but I didn't want to talk because I wanted to try to get through it without as many people to help me. Althoguh I do have to admit that even though the games have something that scared everyone alot, they pretty much hardly scared me, the things that did scare me in the games in the following were SH1's sewers, SH2's apartments or police station and Mansion, SH3's background and noise of a monster that I couldn't see, SH4's nothing, SH:Homecoming's music and out of nowhere appereances, SH: Orgin's Music, and SH: ****tered Memories's forst level and the out of nowhere apperances of Raw Shocks that grab you from a door.
I just looked at this game and I may get it.

Fallout: New Vegas - I have been reinforcing this game over and over and I finally get to see what some of it looked like. I will say that even though that it looks good, it seems to be that the creators are lazy. As in this they use some new stuff like some cactus, old buildings, solar plants, and more, but from what some of the land looks like it looks like the Capital Wasteland. Not New Vegas, just Capital Wasteland. Some of the places, roads, and enviroments are just the Capital Wasteland. Although I will cut the game some slack and will say that Fallout 3 did this as well, using the same enviroments over and over, but having a full Washington D.C. at one part of the map, so I will cut slack on the game and say that I hope that Sin City it self will be explorable and I can go into various hotels and casinos. And creators, if you are reading this, please don't make every single place people want to explore be destroyed, and that was the bad part about Fallout 3, you guys destroyed the White House and left little in it, in matter of fact it wasen't the White House, it was just a normal house that was destroyed since the White House is bigger, so please don't make places like the Luxor, MGM, Stratosphere, Circus Circus, and other hotels completely destroyed and looking like houses. Oh and again creators, please don't make the game so glitchy, I already had enough s**t taken from Fallout 3 with numerous glitches everywhere I go, and please no DLC, I spent over $60 dollars for Fallout 3 DLC and some of the DLC wasen't worth it like The Pitt and Mothership Zeta, I mean they were good, but not that exciting and thrilling as well as having numerous glitches and hard to take down AI.
Red Dead Redemption:I've only watched like 30 seconds of gameplay but it looks insane and its made by Rockstar.Definately going to be the next game i buy. :)
Hoady;73984 said:
Red Dead Redemption:I've only watched like 30 seconds of gameplay but it looks insane and its made by Rockstar.Definately going to be the next game i buy. :)

Yep. Officially switching my pre-order from Lost Planet 2 to Red Dead Redemption today.