Well as you can tell i love the Umbrella Corp. If it wernt for them well sorry to say but no RE
sad i know :lol:
so about me, well i just got a new xbox live account and already for one day i have been kicking ass on GR: AW and Gears of War. I am trying to get the new RE so i can on some ppl there to :lol:
I love all the RE games and own them all, very sad isnt it
I like playing the guitar, playing xbox live, and.....o yeah playing RE.
I love to help ppl and i am a great web designer, ok well not great but you get the point. I just get bored alot and decide to make things :lol:
well i think thats enough about me, what you think :lol:^_^

so about me, well i just got a new xbox live account and already for one day i have been kicking ass on GR: AW and Gears of War. I am trying to get the new RE so i can on some ppl there to :lol:
I love all the RE games and own them all, very sad isnt it

I like playing the guitar, playing xbox live, and.....o yeah playing RE.
I love to help ppl and i am a great web designer, ok well not great but you get the point. I just get bored alot and decide to make things :lol:
well i think thats enough about me, what you think :lol:^_^