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Umbrella Corperation

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
Well as you can tell i love the Umbrella Corp. If it wernt for them well sorry to say but no RE :o sad i know :lol:

so about me, well i just got a new xbox live account and already for one day i have been kicking ass on GR: AW and Gears of War. I am trying to get the new RE so i can on some ppl there to :lol:

I love all the RE games and own them all, very sad isnt it :D
I like playing the guitar, playing xbox live, and.....o yeah playing RE.

I love to help ppl and i am a great web designer, ok well not great but you get the point. I just get bored alot and decide to make things :lol:

well i think thats enough about me, what you think :lol:^_^
Your the meaning of badass.haha welcome man you'll have a good one here.By the way which gears of war do you play the first or second?
welcome to mehico im your guide to get salmonela lol. jk but welcome.
thanks for all the welcomeings :D now you all wont be attacked my army of T-Virus zombies :D

But i play the first one for now, but i am saving up to get the newest installment :D

hope to c you all around
Welcome to the Resident Evil Forum! Sorry for the late reply! ;)