Thats becauseThat make sense. I just wasn't sure since there were Japanese things saying Alex was a guy. I'm really excited.
Thats becauseThat make sense. I just wasn't sure since there were Japanese things saying Alex was a guy. I'm really excited.
Thats because
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In the end, Revelations 2 was supposed to be a fan game so they did what they thought fans want. This is a major disappointment for me.Fanboys crying.
Why is it a disappointment?
For several reasons actually. 1. I was never a fan of the female theory. 2. I wanted Alex to be similar to Wesker, just more devastating. Which I doubt will be the case. 3. From the looks of it, Alex might just be another cheap villain of the day. She already has a monster design meaning she'll probably mutate and die by the end of the game. Hopefully it isn't, but I could see this very easily turning into a major wasted opportunity. Especially since this is taking place in a Revelations side story game and not a main installment.
She could turn back into a human after transforming, it's happened multiple times in the RE games before.
I understand what you meanFor several reasons actually. 1. I was never a fan of the female theory. 2. I wanted Alex to be similar to Wesker, just more devastating. Which I doubt will be the case. 3. From the looks of it, Alex might just be another cheap villain of the day. She already has a monster design meaning she'll probably mutate and die by the end of the game. Hopefully it isn't, but I could see this very easily turning into a major wasted opportunity. Especially since this is taking place in a Revelations side story game and not a main installment.
Well, not so much that I can't wait as much as it's not going to shock me, irrelevant of who it is.I unfortunately know for a fact who the mystery villain is due to stumbling on some meaty spoilers (which I'm none too thrilled about), and if you just can't wait to find out until you play, I am posting this here. Click on at your own peril!
Last chance to turn back!Our mystery villain is, as I've said from the start:Now that we have that information, I'm dying to see how it plays out!![]()
This is one of the unlockable character concepts in Revelations 2's rewards.
And sorry for the wonky formatting. I just wanted to make absolutely certain no-one would be accidentally spoiled!
Heres what I have to say on the matter,
I'm with Turo in that I was against the female theory since the japanese translation (which is the original) said it was a guy, I wanted Alex Wesker to be like Albert but better and more menacing, but if its a girl and she already has a monster form ready than Alex is going to get the Alexia treatment here.
Could someone tell me where it was CONFIRMED that Alex is a girl?
The wiki has already changed it to so here
And all these spoiler tags concerning Alex being a girl must be confirmed otherwise what would be the use of using a spoiler tag to discuss it in the first place?
So can someone please direct me to the part of the game that confirms Alex is a girl?
I haven't played it yet by the way, but I"m one of those people that do not mind getting spoiled.
Heres what I have to say on the matter,
I'm with Turo in that I was against the female theory since the japanese translation (which is the original) said it was a guy, I wanted Alex Wesker to be like Albert but better and more menacing, but if its a girl and she already has a monster form ready than Alex is going to get the Alexia treatment here.
Could someone tell me where it was CONFIRMED that Alex is a girl?
The wiki has already changed it to so here
And all these spoiler tags concerning Alex being a girl must be confirmed otherwise what would be the use of using a spoiler tag to discuss it in the first place?
So can someone please direct me to the part of the game that confirms Alex is a girl?
I haven't played it yet by the way, but I"m one of those people that do not mind getting spoiled.
I will add to that that the only thing that apparently definitively says Alex is a male is the Archives 2 book. The reason that this is a problem is simple; Those books were not written by the series' writers. As a matter of fact, I am fairly certain they weren't even written by Capcom writers at all and were merely published with their consent. In the end, the games are law and in game, until now, Alex's gender was never stated nor alluded to. Now, of course, we know definitively that she is a she.So, I just had a fairly lengthy conversation about this subject with my brother (who is actually fluent in Japanese, both written and spoken), and we poured over all of the 'Spencer's Memoirs ' files in both English and their native Japanese. Our conclusion is that Alex's gender is still very much up in the air. And the "奴/kare wa" in question is not in reference to Alex, but rather part of a quote from Alex addressing a male character (in the case Spencer). It is entirely possible for Alex to be a male or a female, and they muddied it on purpose. Whether that purpose was to stoke conversations like this or Capcom just not yet knowing what they wanted to do with Alex is anybody's guess, but I have never been more certain that Alex's gender is still unknown.
So, for now, my vote goes for Alex being our mystery woman.
OH SHIIIIITConfirmed by Concept arts, and digging up game files showAlex Weskeras playable Raid mode characterher![]()
I'm a bit confused and 10 pages is a lot to go through. Could someone summarize this for me.
I just finished ep. 2 and I hope to get some answers.
I'm sure I'm not the first to ask but it bothers me that it might all turn out rather convoluted.So is Alex Wesker's daughter or wife or sister? She looks too close to his age to be his daughter.
If he is the man's daughter I'm curious as to what does this mean for Jake. Does Wesker have more kids with genetic abnormalities? Did he run experiments on all of them for the sake of his 'godhood'?
Thank you, but now that I'm reading it I am regretting not waiting to see for myself... I think I'll just avoid spoilers from now on. I've never thought that RE's story was that solid or concrete but I think the twists and turns might add to the experience. I'll ponder on them latter.Wesker is not a family name, its a code name for experimental subjects i hear. Albert is simply one of those subjects that survived the experiment.
Thank you, but now that I'm reading it I am regretting not waiting to see for myself... I think I'll just avoid spoilers from now on. I've never thought that RE's story was that solid or concrete but I think the twists and turns might add to the experience. I'll ponder on them latter.