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Resident Evil 4 The Scariest Part of RE4...


Well-Known Member
Open doors are kinda scary. cuz you dont know if someone is going to pop out.

I had some chickens in june. in the harvest moon rom. but i put his feed in the wrong stall so he died. R.I.P Clucky and Henry(natural causes for him)


The Original
I always thought that regenerators were scary until i got my Chicago Typewriter and Handcannon. Now im never scared anymore


Well-Known Member
the scaryest part 4 me wuz thoes armor thingys i'm scared to see how hard they r on pro mode :(o and i think leon is FREAKIN HOT :-*


Well-Known Member
The scariest part of resident evil for me is a personal story. Only the late night peeps have heard this one. I havent checked if I posted this in here already but I dont care its happening again! :p

It was when I first got this game for the wii. My brother was watching me play. I had just gotten the shotty and I was running down the road,when all of a sudden!! :eek: OMGZ.. 0NOz..zombies. They are all like RAWR we wants yo brain homie . and I was all like *POWz POWZ witz ma shotty* And some died some got up. :-X

Here is the scary part. As the firefight went on my shotty ran out on ammo. and I didnt pause or switch guns.As soon as I shot and nothing happened I turned to my brother and Just stared.(the game still going and zombies still truckin at me)

it was funny and scary and just strait thuggin. If you didnt read becuz it was too long thats cool cause I have nothing better to do right now anyway. 8)


Well-Known Member
For me when i first played the resident evil 3 on PS, (this was the first game of the series i played) i was very scared by watching the intro, and as i started to play, i was shaking, i played it till my first encounter with nemesis, and i jump a feet above my bed, he killed me, i turn the game off, and didn't played it for whole week. Than i started again and beat it in 3 days. After that i played all games of RE series. Ever since than nothing like that happen to me, and i am not scared of games any more.

Ive played Silent Hill 1,2,3,4.

Alone in the dark on PS,. it was the most scary game i ever played.

Suffering on PC....etc.

Now i kinda like horror games, especially RE4.


Well-Known Member
Whn i was young-ish :D
I 1st played RE2 at my friends house
and i was like Yay a zombie game
and i always played as Claire
and i used to die alllll the time :(
and thn whn i got to the shop
and thn the glass broke :D
I was soooooo scared to see the zombies
so i jst turned the PS1 off a.s.a.p
Lookin bk at it now, why was I scared? Lol


Well-Known Member
when you hide in a room you think you're safe in and you hear mumbling, and when you turn around "BOOM" you're on the ground...and when the Regenerator wakes from the other room~~~


Well-Known Member
In my opinion I believe the pitch black scene with the knights suit of armour, when you are Ashley is the scariest bit. The first time I did that it really crapped me up I didnt know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
Its nice to see that people let their mthers play as me xD

My scariest part was walking through the castle hearing the odd chants.

then out of nowhere a giant scyth would fly through the air at me lol
its not easy being me:(
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