Is that uncommon?
Didn't realise
Its CP350 from hatch.
I named it Helena as tribute to rezzy.
No particular reason, I just thought it was funny
Yes Snorlax is rare and is the 2nd most powerful Pokémon in the game. The 350 CP is a huge slap in the face though. Better than my 160 CP. You want a CP 1000+ Snorlax and you'll be a wrecking ball. Once you have one of those. Level the hell out of it and you'll be dominating. I want one so bad!!!
Let's say that at the legislature one spawned and everyone ran to it like a stampede. I'm sure you've seen some of those videos online. Yes.... it was like that.
So other than that starting trick, is Pikachu like ultra rare to find?
Also did u hear some guy in USA already found all Pokémon? Hax prob heh.
There is a little walking path by my place called "Railroad Park". I call it "Pikachu Park". They spawn like crazy there. It really depends on your area. While rare Pokémon can spawn in many different location. Pokémon do indeed spawn in certain locations. They are set to do so. There is an app you can get called "Pokéwhere" which will reveal Pokémon in you vicinity. You will also find that some locations will have the same Pokémon spawning in that area.
I looked up the guy you are talking about. It's legit. He doesn't have the legendry's and Ditto which aren't in the game yet. He's also missing the 3 of the 4 region exclusive Pokémon.
It's kind of unfair that they did this....
The trading feature that is coming soon will be a god send. My friend is going to Australia and I'm going to tell him to catch as many Kangaskhan's that he can. He'll literally be able to trade them for anything he desires from anyone. Nantic "Hey! I got a good idea. Kangaskhan is a Kangaroo and they are only in Australia. So let's make Kangashkan exclusive to Australia."
I've caught 67 Pokémon, got at least 15 ready to evolve, and I only today found my first Pikachu. I don't know if they're considered rare, but it seems they're rare for me, haha.
They are and they aren't. They spawn like crazy about 3 blocks away form me. It's area dependent sadly.
I found a Slowbro today but I ran out of Pokeballs and had to leave it behind.
So what's the trick to finding fire Pokémon? Have Magmar from a 10k egg but apart from that I haven't found a single fire pokemon.

I'm not about trapping myself in burning buildings, either.
And ugh, I'm ****ed that our pond isn't recognized as a body of water. I was hoping to just chill out all day and catch magikarp.
Wow.... a real slap in the face with the Slowbro.... if he had watergun you just lost one of the most sought after OP Pokémon in the game.
I have no idea on the fire Pokémon and I've been out of luck with that as well. As for Magikarp and water Pokémon. They are normally by water but you can find them in other areas. Humid areas and I think you can find them in area's that may have had a pond at one point. There's one I've found that has no water but it's really humid and it has Staryu, Magikarps, and Polywag's. I'm really not sure how that works with water Pokémon xD
Apparently you'll get Magnamites in area with a lot of power transistors. That's really cool imo.
Hmm does your location actually determine what type of Pokemon you will find. Just wondering cause when I was walking close to a beach I found a few water type Pokemon like Squirtle etc.
It'd be sweet if that's how it worked.
Yes it does. Certain area's will spawn the same Pokémon. Though it's not always accurate. For some reason some area's might be recorded with having water but doesn't at all xD but that is the idea. There are also some region exclusive Pokémon which I mentioned in an earlier quote. It ****s some of us over which sucks. The upcoming trading feature is going to be mighty handy. I think that will be in the next patch or an upcoming one. 1 on 1 battles are also coming.
Niantic announced the other day that the current build of Pokémon Go is only 10% of their visions and what it will grow to be. This is a long term game.
I'm so excited. We might see the Johto region sometime in December and the legendries are going to be mass events around September. Apparently they will be like raids and everyone in the area will need to fight it.... and defeat it to catch it. Which will suck in rural areas or small town where they will absolutely wreck you unless it's difficulty is based on population.