Hi guys! This is my first post here, I'm a huge Resident Evil fan and was looking to make some Mercenaries (and possibly Versus) palls to jam with online. My xbox 360 gamertag is Frostninja53 and I'm from Ireland (don't know if the time difference effects you lot).
As a mercs player, I'm big into keeping combos, and when playing online I tend to gather the time clocks and bonus timers whilst the other players focus on keeping the timer up with melees and kills. Occasionally I meet up with the other player, swap ammo, and offer support against bosses, but considering I've no voice settings for my Xbox, it can lead to communication errors between me and my partner.
My favourite characters to pick are BSAA Jill and Battlesuit Jill (usually prefering the later for her Sniper Rifle) and my highest score on a solo mission as her was 172,400 on the Public Assembly. Partnered with Rebecca as Excella, I've gotten as high as 700,000+ playing duo online.
If anybody's interested in adding me, by all means feel free! I personally would love to get an SS rank on the Prison level with both Jills as it's the only level so far I have not gotten that score with her.