The Fabulous Albert Wesker

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Sexually Active Member
Mar 29, 2009
That's right, people, this type of thread was a long time coming, especially from myself, and it has anything and everything to do with Wesker and, most importantly, his sexuality! Yay it’s a fun subject, no?
Imagination time!

I’ve seen my fair share of similar topics on other forums but have never had the pleasure of joining in the conversations because they were either older topics or because I had no interest in joining the forum (not even to discuss one of my favorite videogame characters and what who he does in his spare time).
In many cases people will simply comment “no I don’t think he’s gay” or, “eeew no!”
If you feel that way, then it is your opinion and I am open towards it and by all means feel free to elaborate on your thoughts in this thread. Though the comments “this has no importance towards the games” or “he is a monster and doesn’t have human desires or needs” are what made me feel the need to respond more than anything else.

You can argue that it has nothing to do with the main story of Resident Evil but that doesn’t mean fans shouldn’t have fun dissecting a character’s personality and interests- sexuality included. It’s fun getting inside the mind of a character and can add depth to the story going on.

As for the whole “he doesn’t have human needs/desires” … bull****. He’s still very much a living, breathing being and still requires the many things that most living things need to survive. You can say that something is a monster but they/it should still be considered an organism. That being said I personally see Wesker as a more advanced human being, he may have the ability to suppress certain urges and desires for so long but that doesn’t mean he can live without them.

It’s no secret that I believe Wesker to be either bisexual or completely gay. I have nothing against it and find that it adds so much more to the story around him as well as Chris. Some people think it’s completely ridiculous, but the fact that CAPCOM never bluntly depicts Wesker as a (sophisticated) straight man makes me believe that I’m not simply grasping at straws either. Do I think they intended for him to be gay? No. But I think he most certainly comes off as questionable at the very least and the idea of him being either gay or bi is not at all farfetched.

My perception on it:
He treats neither male nor female much differently. It is arguable that he is even more excepting/open towards the male characters than he is towards the female characters. You have Birkin, Barry, Krauser, Irving, and of course there’s Chris who he is almost always willing to share his plans to and was anticipating to come across (pun intended :D) throughout the series. He could have easily changed this, however, and quickly killed Chris.

I try to take into account that you are dealing with a game series so how a story would realistically take place is altered for the sake of gameplay as well as there being lack of details. Despite that I still believe that Wesker gets a thrill when dealing with Chris; he shows more emotion around Chris (simply in the tone of his voice alone) than he does with any other character in the entire series. Wesker has fun with him and has had the many opportunities to “quickly” end his life- not only in later games but during the mansion incident as well- in yet he takes his time and or lets him go.

Again the games lack a lot of the more personal details on characters and even alters more realistic situations for the sake of gameplay. But I have read some well written fanfictions by some very talented writers and have to say how much they have changed my thoughts on the relationship between Wesker and Chris. While it is all simply fanfiction, it's how the story is written that makes me believe that it is very possible (and in some cases better written than the story in the games).

There’s a lot more to be said about this but because of time, I am getting the gist of my thoughts out and hopefully will add more onto the topic if more people comment.
Do you believe Wesker could be gay or bi? Do you think he’s straight? Why or why not? Maybe you have some of your own thoughts and observations you would like to add or share. Maybe the Wesker/Chris fans are just crazy!?

Feel free to share your thoughts. It’s all good fun in the end and most of it is going to be opinions.
I can't make any conclusions about Wesker's sexuality. In RE5, I first thought he had something going on with Excella, but then I realised she's the one who's helplessly trying to get his attention.
Wesker doesn't seem to show any kind of romantic/sexual interest towards any character in the series. The same happens with Rebecca, Billy, Jill, Chris, Claire, Brad, Carlos, Sheva, etc. I think the only characters that show any interest for someone else in the main series (all of them straight, possibly bisexual) are Leon, Ada,Steve, Ashley and Excella.
I honestly think Wesker is asexual, at the very least after his contact with the virus. I'm sure he believes no one deserves to be with him. (I know I do...except maybe me...and that's only with STARS Wesker, not creepy: "Global Saturation" Wesker.)
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With weskers snake skin uniform in re5, i wouldent be suprised if he liked to dabble in his feminine side a bit. On the subject of fanfics, everyone i have read that has rebecca as the main charecter, involves her going after billy.
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I don't know - there's a huge problem with discussing whether he is gay or straight... and that's the simple fact that he hasn't dropped any hints suggesting he's even remotely interested in people in general, apart from himself.

I try to take into account that you are dealing with a game series so how a story would realistically take place is altered for the sake of gameplay as well as there being lack of details. Despite that I still believe that Wesker gets a thrill when dealing with Chris; he shows more emotion around Chris (simply in the tone of his voice alone) than he does with any other character in the entire series. Wesker has fun with him and has had the many opportunities to “quickly” end his life- not only in later games but during the mansion incident as well- in yet he takes his time and or lets him go.
I understand the attraction some ladies have towards the Chris/Wesker pairing, but I honestly believe we're seeing something that's not really there. Wesker responds to Chris the way he does because he despises him - hate is a ridiculously strong emotion. Saying there's anything other than that - any positive emotions - is merely a surrogate for what's actually pre-existing. But this is why there's fan fic. ;)
Well he does say that the masculine tyrant is "beautiful". :p

But I do see what Femme and Magnolia are saying in terms of Wesker more than likely thinking no one deserves him. He's absolutely one of those guys who is full of themselves; a person with a god complex and he has just the virus to help make him feel that much more superior.
I don't see him as someone seeking a relationship with anyone but I still think he can get that sexual urge (which he may be able to suppress better with the virus). I also imagine him as someone who views sex as a form of release as well as another way to dominate another person (preferably someone of equal strength- like another man).
I understand the attraction some ladies have towards the Chris/Wesker pairing, but I honestly believe we're seeing something that's not really there. Wesker responds to Chris the way he does because he despises him - hate is a ridiculously strong emotion. Saying there's anything other than that - any positive emotions - is merely a surrogate for what's actually pre-existing. But this is why there's fan fic.
LOL really can't argue with you here , even I have to admit that there is a bit of play with the cannon in the games to make the Wesker/Chris pairing really work. heh
But you could also say that for most of the character pairings in Resident Evil, because, as Bruno pointed out, there are only a few characters that show an undeniable interest for other characters in the series.
Anyway, I think it's one of the more believable pairings out of the bunch, and while I don't necessarily think Chris is interested in Wesker (though he could be curious or maybe even bi), I wouldn't put it past Wesker, if he were given the opportunity, to take advantage of Chris. Yes that means rape... which it almost seems too fitting considering it's usually an act of dominance and power. That whole move in RE5 where Wesker brings Chris to his knees is almost kinky in a way. Almost. :D

I find the situation between the two characters is a bit more complex than good guy vs bad guy. Obviously there's a history between them and while they may not have been intimate with one another, I still think there was a strong admiration between the two at one point and maybe part of that annoyance/anger towards Chris stems from him not siding with Wesker... quite frankly the game's do a crappy job explaining why he hates Chris. He wanted combat data from the mansion and he got it, it just wasn't the results he was expecting.
Heh sorry, I probably am just overlooking things but damn it... depth is good as are fan fics. ;)
... quite frankly the game's do a crappy job explaining why he hates Chris.
I really do have to disagree with this...I mean...Chris does nothing but foil Wesker's plans...and pursue him across the globe...Chris screwed him over in Code Veronica, RE1, RE5 LIN, RE5...Wesker is evil, Chris is good, and that's really about it...You also have the fact that Wesker WAS Chris' superior and Chris had nothing but respect for him...That was all lost when Wesker betrayed Chris and tried to KILL him lol...Plus, Wesker never really HATED him until you get further and further in RE5...When you see them interact in the other games Wesker is playful, and even helps Chris, even if it is for his own gain in the end...That's why, in my opinion, Umbrella Chronicles is one of the most important games in the series...It explores the relationship between Chris and Wesker the best...the most memorable line in that game, and to me the most memorable line Wesker ever says is "Chris, it seems our fate is forever intertwined."
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LOL really can't argue with you here , even I have to admit that there is a bit of play with the cannon in the games to make the Wesker/Chris pairing really work. heh
But you could also say that for most of the character pairings in Resident Evil, because, as Bruno pointed out, there are only a few characters that show an undeniable interest for other characters in the series.
But we also have to keep in mind that all the other characters in the games who haven't displayed any romantic interest towards anyone else are still relatively normal human beings. They have shown that they at least care for others, which makes pairing them together a bit more believable. Wesker I find difficult to speak for in the same respect, because the human aspect of him - or at least most of it - has long dissipated.

I don't know. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. At this point only Capcom has the answer, but I can't see them opening that door anytime soon. I honestly don't think they intended to write him with any such hints as to his sexuality.

What I'm trying to say is that he masturbates.
I honestly think that capcom hasn't gone into the romance factor (except for Leon and Ada) for a reason. They want to give off the idea that all the characters could possibly be gay, straight, asexual, or bisexual for a reason. So we can all relate to just about every one of the characters.

I could see Chris/Jill just as much as I could see Jill/Rebecca, Rebecca/Billy, Claire/Leon, Claire/Steve, Claire/Rebecca, Claire/Jill, Or even Chris/Wesker (against Chris' will of course) happening. Or Leon/Ada or Leon/Krauser... He seems to really like to be screwed over if you know what I mean. ;) Not denying that certain characters seem more... Gay friendly than others, like Alfred, Albert, and Rebecca. :)
I honestly think that capcom hasn't gone into the romance factor (except for Leon and Ada) for a reason. They want to give off the idea that all the characters could possibly be gay, straight, asexual, or bisexual for a reason. So we can all relate to just about every one of the characters.

I could see Chris/Jill just as much as I could see Jill/Rebecca, Rebecca/Billy, Claire/Leon, Claire/Steve, Claire/Rebecca, Claire/Jill, Or even Chris/Wesker (against Chris' will of course) happening. Or Leon/Ada or Leon/Krauser... He seems to really like to be screwed over if you know what I mean. ;) Not denying that certain characters seem more... Gay friendly than others, like Alfred, Albert, and Rebecca. :)

I like to think Rebecca went to find Billy after she escaped from the mansion with the others. I really doubt she went to europe though.
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I like to think Rebecca went to find Billy after she escaped from the mansion with the others. I really doubt she went to europe though.

Yeah. What would really be awesome is to find out she stayed in Raccoon the whole time. I was always hoping they'd make a spin off game about her escaping from Raccoon with Billy.
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I really do have to disagree with this...I mean...Chris does nothing but foil Wesker's plans...and pursue him across the globe...Chris screwed him over in Code Veronica, RE1, RE5 LIN, RE5...Wesker is evil, Chris is good, and that's really about it...You also have the fact that Wesker WAS Chris' superior and Chris had nothing but respect for him...That was all lost when Wesker betrayed Chris and tried to KILL him lol...Plus, Wesker never really HATED him until you get further and further in RE5...When you see them interact in the other games Wesker is playful, and even helps Chris, even if it is for his own gain in the end...That's why, in my opinion, Umbrella Chronicles is one of the most important games in the series...It explores the relationship between Chris and Wesker the best...the most memorable line in that game, and to me the most memorable line Wesker ever says is "Chris, it seems our fate is forever intertwined."

Yes Chris foils Wesker's plans but I was talking about where it all began- in the mansion. I do agree with you that Wesker didn't really start to hate Chris until the end of RE5, but he did feel bitterness towards Chris after the mansion incident. I don’t think it was simply because Chris killed off the tyrant- because the whole point of Wesker bringing the S.T.A.R.S. teams into the mansion was to see how the B.O.W.s would fair in combat- no?

Now Chris- he has every right to feel a personal animosity towards Wesker. The guy sacrificed Chris' friends, threatened Chris' life and completely turned his world upside down.

As for Code Veronica- Chris was trying to rescue his sister during this time. Wesker was the one who kind of stirred that pot... "Oh little fishy, come see my hook"...

Other than that though, yes Chris was after his ass during the other events (Russian Umbrella Facility, LIN and RE5).

I think Wesker's asexual. Seems like he's all business and has no interest in sex or romance. He is not gay!



You and Magnolia may be onto something as far as asexual goes. Whether it's because of his infection or because his work is his first priority- or both.

I just like to toy with the idea of what Wesker does or would do in his spare time. Alls' I wonder.
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Yes Chris foils Wesker's plans but I was talking about where it all began- in the mansion. I do agree with you that Wesker didn't really start to hate Chris until the end of RE5, but he did feel bitterness towards Chris after the mansion incident. I don’t think it was simply because Chris killed off the tyrant- because the whole point of Wesker bringing the S.T.A.R.S. teams into the mansion was to see how the B.O.W.s would fair in combat- no?
No...That was UMBRELLA'S plan that Wesker was supposed to lead the S.T.A.R.S. into...Wesker had planned to betray Umbrella all along...He staright up admitted that he didn't give a sh*t about Umbrella's plans...
I honestly think that capcom hasn't gone into the romance factor (except for Leon and Ada) for a reason. They want to give off the idea that all the characters could possibly be gay, straight, asexual, or bisexual for a reason. So we can all relate to just about every one of the characters.

I could see Chris/Jill just as much as I could see Jill/Rebecca, Rebecca/Billy, Claire/Leon, Claire/Steve, Claire/Rebecca, Claire/Jill, Or even Chris/Wesker (against Chris' will of course) happening. Or Leon/Ada or Leon/Krauser... He seems to really like to be screwed over if you know what I mean. ;) Not denying that certain characters seem more... Gay friendly than others, like Alfred, Albert, and Rebecca. :)

Yummy! :D
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No...That was UMBRELLA'S plan that Wesker was supposed to lead the S.T.A.R.S. into...Wesker had planned to betray Umbrella all along...He staright up admitted that he didn't give a sh*t about Umbrella's plans...

Skip to 3:00... He seemed pretty fond of the idea himself.

Skip to 3:00... He seemed pretty fond of the idea himself.
See, to me it sounds like he's still reffering to his plan to do what Umbrella says until he can just cast them aside...I.E. get the combat data...I mean it's true, Wesker needed the data before he could cast Umbrella aside, because that was how he got creadibility with the other companies...But that has no relevance to Chris and why he hates him...Wesker seems like he's ALWAYS been the type that hates the noble boy scout...Which is Chris...I mean, put Leon in there instead of Chris, and I bet things would go a little differentely, just because Leon has a personality quite different from that of Chris, which would mean different interaction...Haven't you ever met somebody that you just didn't like...Whether they really did anything to you or not...I think we all have met at least one...Ther bold boy scout vs. the cold machine type...They're bound to have rivalry, and I think that's all it really is up until the end of RE5...A rivalry in Wesker's eyes...