STARS positions

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Broken Butterfly

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2009
What do the different STARS positions do? What the heck is an omniman? (And in case you're curious the different positions are Mission Leader, Pointman, Backup Man, Omniman, and Rear Security.) Unfortunately when I researched Omniman, all I found was a superhero character from a completely unrelated genre.
I found it here: clicky. It looks like it should be vehicle specialist because that's what both Frost and Speyer were, but the backup men had different specializations--one was a weapons expert and the other was communications.
Hmmm, not sure what to make of it, but as soon as I saw it was on RE Wiki, then I pretty much dismissed it.:)

That isn't exactly the most reliable site, not that it is bad, just that it seems to have something that they just made up. I posted a litte STARS thing and put all of their information, directly typed by myself from the Director's Cut booklet, and I didn't see anything like I am going to say it is just something on RE Wiki, and you should probably just forget you even saw it.:)
Yeah I tend to disregard wiki 95% of the time too. The 5% is when I know the information is absolutely correct. Like the name spellings. Lol.

Ok, it's late, I can't sleep, and i've got nothing to do. Why not? i'll try to explain these to the best of my ability. Feel free to correct me if im wrong on some, alot of these were hard to find.

Albert Wesker (A) and Enrico Marini (B) -Mission Leaders: Uh, these two just sit on their ass and tell everyone else what to do. Lol, nah they guide the group and all that decide what actions are gonna be taken and stuff like that.

Christopher Redfield (A)Kenneth Sullivan (B) -Pointman: Chris and Ken are assigned to a position that's a distance ahead of the patrol where they serve as lookouts. It seems to be a hazardous role.

Barry Burton (A) Richard Aiken (B) -Back up men: These two take the place of a team mate who is unavailable. So if Chris or somebody else gets f**ked up in a middle of a mission or calls in sick, ect, expect Barry or Richard to take their place.

Joseph Frost (A) Forest Speyer (B) -Omni Man and Vehicle Specialist: Hmmmmm, according to a few definitions I found omni is part a word that mean "all" sooooo, im guessing that they might have done a little bit of everything if needed. For example, let's say one of the STARS members were assigned to tending to weapons that day. Joseph or Forest could help out I guess. And it would sorta explain why Joseph was the camera man. Sorry, with such an unfamiliar word, it's the best conclusion I could come to on that one.
Vehicle specialist: Ummmm, im guessing that they're just the experts on the vehicles???

Jill Valentine (A) Brad Vickers (A) Edward Dewey (B) Rebecca Chambers (B) -Rear Security: Ok...from what I read I think this is how it goes...These guys are a formation that actually stay a distance from the rest and their main concern are the supplies and...stuff. That sounds kinda right. Brad and Edward were both left with all the weapons the in helicopters. EDIT: My bad, I think that was Kevin not Edward. I suppose they are to tend to what ever is needed just incase extra weapons are needed, Brad giving Chris/Jill the rocket laucher is a good example.

Brad Vickers (A) Kevin Dooley (B) -Pilots: These two are the team Chefs. They cook meals for the team daily and occasionally fry donuts for their fellow team mates...Hopefully we all know what pilot really means.

Seperate jobs

Christopher Redfield (A) -Marksman: Basically if you phuck with this guy he'll bust a cap in your ass, for he is highly skilled at shooting at marks and targets. (Not from what I've seen >_> I mean, how many times did he shoot at Excella in that one cut-scene? How close what she? If you ask me all of them could use some shooting lessons.) BTW I think Forest Might have been a Markman as well.

Barry Burton (A) -Weapons Specialist: An expert in the weapons department. (That's all i could come up with.)

Jill Valentine (A) -B&A Specialist: Im so sorry, i've looked everywhere and found absolutely NOTHING whatsoever on what a B&A Specialist is.

Brad Vickers (A) -Computer Specialist: This pretty much defines itself. It's the one man geek squad, Brad is a computer expert. He takes care of the computers and all that. I think Brad also works on communications as seen in RE1

Kenneth Sullivan (B) -Field Scout: He is the one that is dispatched from the rest of the team to gather information. Hmmmm, not that muct different from his pointman job.

Richard Aiken (B) -Communications: From what I read, Richard is responsible for sending and recieving messages, orders, ya know valuble information. If something goes down (I dunno a bank robbery) and he's contacted on that device you see in the STARS room with all the gadgets it's his responsiblilty to get that infomation to his captain Enrico and the others if needed.

Rebbeca Chambers (B) -Medic: She puts band aids on you.
Brad Vickers (A) Kevin Dooley (B) -Pilots: These two are the team Chefs. They cook meals for the team daily and occasionally fry donuts for their fellow team mates...Hopefully we all know what pilot really means.
WIN. XD That made me laugh.

Thank you for the information! Definitely helpful; one of my members was asking what an omni man was and we were all trying to look it up. Heheh.

As far as the B&A ... I know what a B&E specialist would do, but unless they're somehow related, I have no clue.
Thanks you guys. ^^ And to be honest the research was kinda fun. Haha, yeah I thought pilot was the most obvious one that really didn't need to be explained, or the medic for that matter.
She is also good at bending your arm back in forth to completely heal any wounds you might have. Must be witchcraft.