Actually, you're right. Sherry was retired. And Capcom brought her out of Retirement as a way to ease fans into the idea of Jake. What is more poetic then the children of the two most evil people in RE history (Wesker and Birkin) fighting alongside each other for the heroes...So yes, she was retired, and the brought her out of it.
I'm done rewording so I'm just gonna keep quoting until you get some sense.
Retired - withdraw to or from a particular place.
Withdraw - remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position.
Not being used doesn't equal being removed....
And I'm the delusional one? He says he should have never been created, then walks away. How is that NOT a child friendly way (Because it IS a Sonic game) for older plays to realize he's going to kill himself.
I guess every single person who's uttered the phrase "I wish I was never born" has committed suicide.
And how did he NOT Dismiss her. He most DEFINITELY did. You're JUST as delusional as I am, you're just on the total OPPOSITE end of the spectrum.
She was never a fighter. She wasn't a fighter in RE2, she wasn't a fighter in Code Veronica, and she wasn't a fighter in Degeneration.
Leon stating the obvious isn't a character's send off. You're by yourself here. It's no one else's fault but your own that you think Degeneration was the end for Claire.
At least you're admiting to being delusional. I guess we're agreeing on something.
And how has Leon never been a relevant character? He fights JUST as hard as Chris does against bio-terrorism, and has ever since the first game. Well...Second game. First game he was in. Yeah, it starts off as a mistake. But at the end of it, he WANTS to continue fighting. Did you learn NOTHING from Darkside Chronicles, Degeneration, and Damnation? Those were ALL focused on his fight against Bio-Terrorism. Hell, the only game where he ISN'T fighting Bio-Terrorism intentionally is RE4. I guess RE6 is debatable in that respect.
Wesker was the driving force for the story. Leon had nothing to do with any of that. Which is why Wesker's demise is the end of act one. Leon had an irrelevant role in the series.
And yes, I've read everything you've's all total bullsh*t. You're doing nothing but rewording the same argument as well.
Bull****? You wanted to use definitions, well I used them too, and it completely debunked your point. You had nothing else to say other than the same wrong thing you've been saying.