@bSTAR_182 Read it at your own risk... Here's my theory about this
No, that guy at the end is clearly not Chris Redfield, but someone else since it wouldn't make any sense for Chris to work for Umbrella. I mean the ending clearly shows the helicopter deliberately showing the Umbrella Corporation logo, except it's blue instead of red. However, there's the rumor circulating around the internet that the guy in the end is actually HUNK pretending to be Chris since Ethan wouldn't how Chris even looks like. I do think Chris one of the guys you can hear during a transmission before the final battle. I think Chris is that Alpha team leader they talk to but that's just my own theory.
However, I played the German version with my friends and in this version the Alpha team leader had Chris' German Voice Actor, that's why I believe this guy is the real Redfield:biggrin:
Or maybe...
Capcom decided to go the Rev1 Jill Valentine route with Chris and changed his entire character completely and that guy is in fact the real Chris
Only to revert him back to normal for RE: Vendetta!
But seriously, the fact that Chris does look like himself in that film is proof that it's not him in RE7.
Dude, this is Capcom were talking about. Anything's possible with these guys...Only to revert him back to normal for RE: Vendetta!
But seriously, the fact that Chris does look like himself in that film is proof that it's not him in RE7.
Or maybe...
Capcom decided to go the Rev1 Jill Valentine route with Chris and changed his entire character completely and that guy is in fact the real Chris:lol:
I think the only way it would make sense (assuming he's not Chris) is if he's actually pretending to be Chris. I mean, you can't just say it's Chris and then be like "lolno jk". Granted if anyone would do that, It'd probably be Capcom. On an unrelated note, Outbreak was never confirmed as canon before, right? So is this game the first official confirmation of its authenticity?
I took it to mean that if they were there, their role was very minor. They might have said it that way to prevent getting people's hopes up if they wanted to see their beloved characters. It'd be like saying Pentatonix is basically not in pitch perfect 2. If you knew they were in it and watched the movie just to see them you'd be pretty disappointed because they only show up for like 5 seconds at the very end.
That's what I thought too, but the "Chris" guy is getting his own DLC, right?
Just finished up the game tonight, and overall thought it was awesome. Just a couple of thoughts/questions I had....
I'm curious what you guys thought was the scariest part of the game. For me it had to be the whole scene where you get the arm for the serum, but most specifically picking up the teddy bear and seeing it slowly become blackened. I was also wondering what happens when you choose Zoe. I just picked Mia because she seemed like the obvious choice, and I didn't want Ethan to have gone through all that just to lose Mia again. I loved the beginning of the game because it totally threw me off guard. I also thought the use of the happy birthday tape was really cool. Overall I did think the puzzles were pretty easy, but I've never really been challenged by RE puzzles anyway and to me they seemed on par difficulty-wise with those of the earlier entries. I thought the hardest boss was the chainsaw fight with Jack because I could never get those stupid body bags to stun him and he was waaay faster than me which was really obnoxious. That battle took me like 7 tries. I totally know what you mean about the final Jack fight though.
I was gonna say I thought it did say the guy at the end was Chris, which ResidentDevil confirmed, but his outfit, appearance, and method of transportation do all make him seem suspicious. But if it was the real Chris, then like where's RCS?