I think now that I have the stomach flu it will be the perfect opportunity for me to share one of my fan fics with you all. I usually like to write in the form of the characters POV... So I will be doing that a lot. If anyone else wants to add onto this story I would love it. I'll probably only be writing for two characters, maybe three, but in this post I'll cover them all so everyone can get the gist of the story. (Jill, Rebecca, and possibly Billy) So I guess you could say this may be more like an RPG, but better 
Let me know what you think!
Rebecca's POV
After the Mansion Incident I was never the same. Nothing looked the same, everything was in a different light for me now. I was jaded to say the least, never believed a thing anyone said to me after that. I was the only one who hid from it all, I was a coward, couldn't even face it like the others could. Chris went to Europe, Barry went to console his family before it all went to ****, and Jill... She stayed in Raccoon to fight. I was proud of my comrades, but ashamed of myself for running. I always run away from my problems, that's just who I am.
I decided to move up into the mountains on the East coast using my parents money from what they left me in their will when they died. The house was nice, not too far away from society, but just far away enough that I could feel at ease. I loved it there, but it got too dangerous for me. My past that I was running from finally came back to find me. It was a cold rainy day in the fall of 02' when I got a phone call from a very frantic Jill Valentine.
"Where are you?" She said with a very concerned, but stern voice. I almost didn't tell her, I was so paranoid the phone was tapped and I already knew something was up with the way she sounded. 'What if they find me before she does?' I thought. "Rebecca? Hello?" After a long pause I finally told her. "I'm on my way to get you. I'm already in your state I just needed the exact location. They're trying to find us and are pretty damn close to finding you." Then silence... I began packing my bags and getting everything I needed. I was pretty scared and had no idea what was going on, but I knew it had something to do with Umbrella. I could feel it in my gut.
After about an hour I saw her car pull up. I immediately ran outside and threw my bags in the car. "Got everything?" She asked with a nervous smile. "Yes, everything but the kitchen sink, lets go." I said as I jumped in the car. We drove for about 30 minutes without saying a word. I was almost too scared to ask, but then finally "What the hell is going on and why are we being followed?" I asked. "Umbrella. They're trying to eliminate the rest of the S.T.A.R.S members, but we've found a safe haven, and I'm taking you with me." She looked over at me for a good 5 seconds. "Its good to see you again by the way. I feel like its been forever." She said half smiling. "Yeah, you too." is all I could come up with. I was too scared for small talk, but glad to see her again. She's always taken me under her wing like a big sister and I've always looked up to her. Always will.
Three years later I decided I'd try to get in contact with a former friend of mine, Billy Coen. With some very intense research and investigation thanks to Barry I got his number. I told Jill about him and she suggested I get back in touch. Ever since I moved into the compound with her and Barry they taught me a lot. I was trained and ready for whatever may come at me. I was ready to help them take down Umbrella instead of hide like I did before.
I paced back and forth my bedroom for what seemed like an hour before I finally hit "call" on my cellphone. My hands began sweating and my heart felt as though it was pounding out of its chest when "Hello?". I almost hung up, it was him. "Billy... It's me." I said. "Rebecca? How... How did you find me?" He said in a worried but happy tone. "I've got my ways... I mostly just wanted to make sure you were still alive, because I've always wondered what happened to you." Tears began to roll down my face. I was so happy to finally hear his voice again and to know he was alive and well. We spoke almost every day for a year until we finally planned a day to meet back up again.
Jill's POV
Once I got Rebecca to the compound with me I felt relieved. Poor kid was living out on her own for years. She didn't trust anyone but me and rightfully so. Barry and I taught her everything we knew, and made her more fit for the situation she's in. Every night was the same, I'd fall asleep and hear light footsteps coming into my bedroom, then someone quietly getting into my bed. "Nightmares again?" I asked her. This became a nightly routine. "Listen, why don't you just come in here and sleep with me? We can turn your bedroom into the supplies room." I told her. "I'm sorry... I didn't know you knew." She said, I could tell she was embarrassed. "I know exactly what you do Rebecca, you come in here, sleep next to me, then once the sun is up and you think I'm asleep you go back to your bedroom. You know you're welcome to just come and sleep with me. It's totally fine. I have nightmares too." I told her and rolled over to face her. I could see she had been crying. I held her tight and she instantly fell asleep like a little baby. I guess this is how its going to be from now on. God help me if I ever want to get laid again.
In 2006 it all changed, Chris went on a mission with Claire and Leon followed. It was just me, Barry and Rebecca. Rebecca was always talking to her friend Billy, and they had arranged to meet up that day. She asked to borrow my car and I let her. She was going into a very unsafe zone, I don't know why I let her go alone out of the compound, because after that she disappeared.
I gave her 24 hours, at first I thought maybe she spent the night with Billy. 'Who knows, maybe she really liked the guy.' I thought to myself trying not to worry. I couldn't wait any longer after that and called her... No answer, that's not like her. I kept on calling until I decided to call Billy. I didn't want to intrude, but this was highly unusual. I looked around Rebecca's closet and found the sticky note with his number on it. It took a while for him to answer. He finally picked up the phone sounding worried. He told me he was about to call me for the same reason. I panicked and ran to Barry's apartment across the street, banging on the door. After I told him what happened he turned pale. Rebecca is like a daughter to Barry. "We need to find her, lets go to the computer room and hack the local security cameras where she was supposed to be." He said already heading towards the computer room. I had a really bad feeling about this.

Let me know what you think!
Rebecca's POV
After the Mansion Incident I was never the same. Nothing looked the same, everything was in a different light for me now. I was jaded to say the least, never believed a thing anyone said to me after that. I was the only one who hid from it all, I was a coward, couldn't even face it like the others could. Chris went to Europe, Barry went to console his family before it all went to ****, and Jill... She stayed in Raccoon to fight. I was proud of my comrades, but ashamed of myself for running. I always run away from my problems, that's just who I am.
I decided to move up into the mountains on the East coast using my parents money from what they left me in their will when they died. The house was nice, not too far away from society, but just far away enough that I could feel at ease. I loved it there, but it got too dangerous for me. My past that I was running from finally came back to find me. It was a cold rainy day in the fall of 02' when I got a phone call from a very frantic Jill Valentine.
"Where are you?" She said with a very concerned, but stern voice. I almost didn't tell her, I was so paranoid the phone was tapped and I already knew something was up with the way she sounded. 'What if they find me before she does?' I thought. "Rebecca? Hello?" After a long pause I finally told her. "I'm on my way to get you. I'm already in your state I just needed the exact location. They're trying to find us and are pretty damn close to finding you." Then silence... I began packing my bags and getting everything I needed. I was pretty scared and had no idea what was going on, but I knew it had something to do with Umbrella. I could feel it in my gut.
After about an hour I saw her car pull up. I immediately ran outside and threw my bags in the car. "Got everything?" She asked with a nervous smile. "Yes, everything but the kitchen sink, lets go." I said as I jumped in the car. We drove for about 30 minutes without saying a word. I was almost too scared to ask, but then finally "What the hell is going on and why are we being followed?" I asked. "Umbrella. They're trying to eliminate the rest of the S.T.A.R.S members, but we've found a safe haven, and I'm taking you with me." She looked over at me for a good 5 seconds. "Its good to see you again by the way. I feel like its been forever." She said half smiling. "Yeah, you too." is all I could come up with. I was too scared for small talk, but glad to see her again. She's always taken me under her wing like a big sister and I've always looked up to her. Always will.
Three years later I decided I'd try to get in contact with a former friend of mine, Billy Coen. With some very intense research and investigation thanks to Barry I got his number. I told Jill about him and she suggested I get back in touch. Ever since I moved into the compound with her and Barry they taught me a lot. I was trained and ready for whatever may come at me. I was ready to help them take down Umbrella instead of hide like I did before.
I paced back and forth my bedroom for what seemed like an hour before I finally hit "call" on my cellphone. My hands began sweating and my heart felt as though it was pounding out of its chest when "Hello?". I almost hung up, it was him. "Billy... It's me." I said. "Rebecca? How... How did you find me?" He said in a worried but happy tone. "I've got my ways... I mostly just wanted to make sure you were still alive, because I've always wondered what happened to you." Tears began to roll down my face. I was so happy to finally hear his voice again and to know he was alive and well. We spoke almost every day for a year until we finally planned a day to meet back up again.
Jill's POV
Once I got Rebecca to the compound with me I felt relieved. Poor kid was living out on her own for years. She didn't trust anyone but me and rightfully so. Barry and I taught her everything we knew, and made her more fit for the situation she's in. Every night was the same, I'd fall asleep and hear light footsteps coming into my bedroom, then someone quietly getting into my bed. "Nightmares again?" I asked her. This became a nightly routine. "Listen, why don't you just come in here and sleep with me? We can turn your bedroom into the supplies room." I told her. "I'm sorry... I didn't know you knew." She said, I could tell she was embarrassed. "I know exactly what you do Rebecca, you come in here, sleep next to me, then once the sun is up and you think I'm asleep you go back to your bedroom. You know you're welcome to just come and sleep with me. It's totally fine. I have nightmares too." I told her and rolled over to face her. I could see she had been crying. I held her tight and she instantly fell asleep like a little baby. I guess this is how its going to be from now on. God help me if I ever want to get laid again.
In 2006 it all changed, Chris went on a mission with Claire and Leon followed. It was just me, Barry and Rebecca. Rebecca was always talking to her friend Billy, and they had arranged to meet up that day. She asked to borrow my car and I let her. She was going into a very unsafe zone, I don't know why I let her go alone out of the compound, because after that she disappeared.
I gave her 24 hours, at first I thought maybe she spent the night with Billy. 'Who knows, maybe she really liked the guy.' I thought to myself trying not to worry. I couldn't wait any longer after that and called her... No answer, that's not like her. I kept on calling until I decided to call Billy. I didn't want to intrude, but this was highly unusual. I looked around Rebecca's closet and found the sticky note with his number on it. It took a while for him to answer. He finally picked up the phone sounding worried. He told me he was about to call me for the same reason. I panicked and ran to Barry's apartment across the street, banging on the door. After I told him what happened he turned pale. Rebecca is like a daughter to Barry. "We need to find her, lets go to the computer room and hack the local security cameras where she was supposed to be." He said already heading towards the computer room. I had a really bad feeling about this.