Resident Evil: Downfall.

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The watchful protector.
Jan 23, 2012
I think now that I have the stomach flu it will be the perfect opportunity for me to share one of my fan fics with you all. I usually like to write in the form of the characters POV... So I will be doing that a lot. If anyone else wants to add onto this story I would love it. I'll probably only be writing for two characters, maybe three, but in this post I'll cover them all so everyone can get the gist of the story. (Jill, Rebecca, and possibly Billy) So I guess you could say this may be more like an RPG, but better :P

Let me know what you think!


Rebecca's POV

After the Mansion Incident I was never the same. Nothing looked the same, everything was in a different light for me now. I was jaded to say the least, never believed a thing anyone said to me after that. I was the only one who hid from it all, I was a coward, couldn't even face it like the others could. Chris went to Europe, Barry went to console his family before it all went to ****, and Jill... She stayed in Raccoon to fight. I was proud of my comrades, but ashamed of myself for running. I always run away from my problems, that's just who I am.

I decided to move up into the mountains on the East coast using my parents money from what they left me in their will when they died. The house was nice, not too far away from society, but just far away enough that I could feel at ease. I loved it there, but it got too dangerous for me. My past that I was running from finally came back to find me. It was a cold rainy day in the fall of 02' when I got a phone call from a very frantic Jill Valentine.

"Where are you?" She said with a very concerned, but stern voice. I almost didn't tell her, I was so paranoid the phone was tapped and I already knew something was up with the way she sounded. 'What if they find me before she does?' I thought. "Rebecca? Hello?" After a long pause I finally told her. "I'm on my way to get you. I'm already in your state I just needed the exact location. They're trying to find us and are pretty damn close to finding you." Then silence... I began packing my bags and getting everything I needed. I was pretty scared and had no idea what was going on, but I knew it had something to do with Umbrella. I could feel it in my gut.

After about an hour I saw her car pull up. I immediately ran outside and threw my bags in the car. "Got everything?" She asked with a nervous smile. "Yes, everything but the kitchen sink, lets go." I said as I jumped in the car. We drove for about 30 minutes without saying a word. I was almost too scared to ask, but then finally "What the hell is going on and why are we being followed?" I asked. "Umbrella. They're trying to eliminate the rest of the S.T.A.R.S members, but we've found a safe haven, and I'm taking you with me." She looked over at me for a good 5 seconds. "Its good to see you again by the way. I feel like its been forever." She said half smiling. "Yeah, you too." is all I could come up with. I was too scared for small talk, but glad to see her again. She's always taken me under her wing like a big sister and I've always looked up to her. Always will.


Three years later I decided I'd try to get in contact with a former friend of mine, Billy Coen. With some very intense research and investigation thanks to Barry I got his number. I told Jill about him and she suggested I get back in touch. Ever since I moved into the compound with her and Barry they taught me a lot. I was trained and ready for whatever may come at me. I was ready to help them take down Umbrella instead of hide like I did before.

I paced back and forth my bedroom for what seemed like an hour before I finally hit "call" on my cellphone. My hands began sweating and my heart felt as though it was pounding out of its chest when "Hello?". I almost hung up, it was him. "Billy... It's me." I said. "Rebecca? How... How did you find me?" He said in a worried but happy tone. "I've got my ways... I mostly just wanted to make sure you were still alive, because I've always wondered what happened to you." Tears began to roll down my face. I was so happy to finally hear his voice again and to know he was alive and well. We spoke almost every day for a year until we finally planned a day to meet back up again.


Jill's POV

Once I got Rebecca to the compound with me I felt relieved. Poor kid was living out on her own for years. She didn't trust anyone but me and rightfully so. Barry and I taught her everything we knew, and made her more fit for the situation she's in. Every night was the same, I'd fall asleep and hear light footsteps coming into my bedroom, then someone quietly getting into my bed. "Nightmares again?" I asked her. This became a nightly routine. "Listen, why don't you just come in here and sleep with me? We can turn your bedroom into the supplies room." I told her. "I'm sorry... I didn't know you knew." She said, I could tell she was embarrassed. "I know exactly what you do Rebecca, you come in here, sleep next to me, then once the sun is up and you think I'm asleep you go back to your bedroom. You know you're welcome to just come and sleep with me. It's totally fine. I have nightmares too." I told her and rolled over to face her. I could see she had been crying. I held her tight and she instantly fell asleep like a little baby. I guess this is how its going to be from now on. God help me if I ever want to get laid again.

In 2006 it all changed, Chris went on a mission with Claire and Leon followed. It was just me, Barry and Rebecca. Rebecca was always talking to her friend Billy, and they had arranged to meet up that day. She asked to borrow my car and I let her. She was going into a very unsafe zone, I don't know why I let her go alone out of the compound, because after that she disappeared.

I gave her 24 hours, at first I thought maybe she spent the night with Billy. 'Who knows, maybe she really liked the guy.' I thought to myself trying not to worry. I couldn't wait any longer after that and called her... No answer, that's not like her. I kept on calling until I decided to call Billy. I didn't want to intrude, but this was highly unusual. I looked around Rebecca's closet and found the sticky note with his number on it. It took a while for him to answer. He finally picked up the phone sounding worried. He told me he was about to call me for the same reason. I panicked and ran to Barry's apartment across the street, banging on the door. After I told him what happened he turned pale. Rebecca is like a daughter to Barry. "We need to find her, lets go to the computer room and hack the local security cameras where she was supposed to be." He said already heading towards the computer room. I had a really bad feeling about this.
I hope it's okay if I post a few times as it won't let me post it all at once...

Barry's POV

Though the years following the incident in Raccoon City have effected all of us involved in different ways, there is a common thread among us; We will never be 'normal' again, whatever that is. Hell, if only for a moment, I can't help but fear the worst every time I see someone scratch an itch. Umbrella have caused a lot of agony and death and I am at least partially responsible for some of it. I betrayed my team to save my family, even letting some of them die in that horrible place. With Wesker going rogue and presumably dying in the lab explosion, Umbrella were no longer an immediate threat to their safety after that night. But, I still lost them in the end... that's karma for you.

While on assignment with my teammates, I hadn't been gone more than a month before I received word that my daughter Moira had become gravely ill with a very extreme case of pneumonia. I headed home immediately, but was too late. When she passed, Kathy took it out on me. Perhaps she was right to. After some time trying to get past it together, it became clear that there was no way we could. She left me a long letter in late '01, telling me she couldn't shake the feeling that our daughter's death was some kind of divine retribution for letting Joseph, Forest and the rest die; She couldn't look at me anymore without thinking of Moira's suffering. The letter went on to say that she was taking Polly and that I would never see them again. I went into a deep depression and, if it weren't for Chris and Jill's impeccable timing in coming to 'recruit' me, I'm sure I would have -- I don't want to think of that now.

After some coaxing (both physical and mental), I joined Chris, his sister Claire, Jill and a young, rookie cop named Leon at a military-style compound that doubled as our home and base of operations. I call it a compound, but it's more like a really fancy camp site. Soon after I settled in, Jill brought along another familiar face; Rebecca Chambers. She was the only member of the Bravo team that survived. She seemed uneasy at first, but soon warmed to us and what we were doing. She's a smart kid and is able to quickly adapt to her surroundings.

Jill and I worked hard with Rebecca, trying to teach her everything we could. She is the youngest of us and, unlike Claire, didn't have the benefit of growing up with a tough, older brother to kick her around. We had to make sure she had the right stuff for any situation. There are increasingly few of us and we need all the man power we can get. As a result of all of our hard work, the three of us have grown very close and formed a sort of makeshift family. I wonder how Kathy and Polly are now? It's been nearly four years since I've heard from them...


A couple of days ago, Rebecca disappeared. She was supposed to be meeting an old friend named Billy Coen. I wanted Jill to accompany her, but she insisted she could handle herself. You see, we recently received a tip that Umbrella has been trying to eradicate any and all survivors from the incident and may well have sussed out our location. I fear they may have gotten her. Jill was able to contact Coen, but unfortunately he had no idea where she was either. We have to find her, alive or not, but we also have to tread lightly. With Rebecca missing, I feel like I'm heading back into that dark, helpless place. After all, I'm the one who tracked him down for her.

Maybe I'll be able to save her before it's too late. Maybe I'll finally find my redemption...

Rebecca's POV

My hands began to shake once I left the compound. I hadn't seen the outside world in 4 years. Solitude will do a number to you. As I entered Billy's address on the GPS I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Jill watching me leave. I should of let her come along with me, then maybe this wouldn't of happened.

I looked in her car door to see if I could find any CD's worth listening to. I chuckled when I saw her collection of Queen CD's and nothing more. "May as well give it a listen." I said aloud. I began singing along to the tunes as loud as I could to keep from having a panic attack. I was never really good at driving and my parents were killed in a car crash. So to say the least I had a phobia of driving.

The sun began to set as I drove down a desolate road. 'The street lights are off, that's odd' I thought to myself and looked over in the lane next to me and saw a black SUV driving without their lights on. I put on my hazard lights in hopes of catching their attention...Nothing. They pulled into my lane behind me, seeming to speed up. 'Oh my God.' I looked in my rear view mirror and saw an Umbrella Corporation tag on the front of the car. They were following me, and I needed to get away.

I sped up, so did they. I fumbled in my pockets trying to grab my cellphone when they began ramming the back of the car. "****!" I screamed in a panic. I got my cellphone and started dialing Jill's number. They hit me again, this time running me off the road. The car started to flip and that's the last thing I remembered.


I woke up in a daze, saw figures surrounding me. I was on some sort of operating table. I felt the cold metal on my skin and began to see more clearly. "She's complete. Now we just need to store her in the hybrid tank until further notice." A mysterious man said and walked over to me. These were Umbrella workers, they did something to me, something horrible. I was still conscious, but unable to move until. "Get up." he commanded and my body followed. 'How is this happening?! Why can't I move by myself?!' My thoughts were racing as a single tear rolled down my face. I followed him unwillingly to the tank, I was naked in more ways than one.

As he injected me with some sort of shot I fell unconscious again into a dream state. 'Am I dead? Is this real? Oh God please wake up.'


Jill's POV

Barry and I looked at the street camera to see what had happened. We began watching the wreck, they took her lifeless body out of the car afterwards and put it into the backseat. My heart sank, I was sure she was dead, and it was my fault. I should of never let her go alone. "Those bastards." Is all Barry could manage to say. We both looked at one another with tears in our eyes, I fell into Barry's arms. "How could this happen? Why her? Why would someone do this to her?" I knew what I was saying was irrelevant, but I was in shock. "We need to find out where they're taking her if we have any chance of seeing her again. Dead or alive." Barry said, no longer with tears in his eyes, he was shaking with anger.

Barry got in touch with Chris to tell him what had happened, he and Chris began working on finding her. I went into my bedroom to try to sleep, because there was nothing else I could do. This was the first night in years I slept alone. I cried myself to sleep every night for a week, then one morning I felt a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me "Jill, we found her location. It's time to go." I turned around to see Barry, he hadn't slept for what looked like days and had deep dark circles under his eyes.

I got up and immediately suited up, it was time for Umbrella to pay. "The facility is an hour south of our location. They were under our noses the whole damn time." Barry said getting into his humvee. I got in and put on my bullet proof vest and began loading my guns. "Do you think she's alive? You think she'll be okay?" I asked in hopes of a positive answer. I didn't care if he was bullshitting, I just wanted to hear something good for once. "We can always hope. I know one thing, once we get in there I'm going to single handedly rip every one of those bastards to shreds." I had never seen Barry so angry before, he lost his daughter and his family fell apart. I'm pretty sure he's lost it now.

We parked a mile away from the facility so no one would see us. They made the whole place look like a paper mill. They've always been good at disguising themselves. "We'll have to go underground to get into this place, Chris gave me a map of the sewers. There's an entrance to the bathroom on the first floor. We'll need to drill our way through the ground though." He said as he lifted up the heavy man hole. "Looks like we'll have to get dirty then." I said as I entered and held my nose. Barry came up behind me with his flashlight and gun. He looked at the map on his device. "We need to go north." He said as we both walked into the darkness together.

Once we finally found the the entrance Barry took out his drill. "Wait!" I told him grabbing his arm. "We need to make sure no one is in there." We both put our ears up to the entrance to listen. We heard nothing. "Okay lets get the hell in there." Barry said and began drilling. It took what seemed like half an hour, then boom. The top fell in and there was light coming from the entrance. He pushed me up and I crawled into the entrance which turned out to be a stall. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Time to find her." He said and we both went to the bathroom door readying our guns, having no idea what to expect next.
Wesker's POV
The sound of chattering clouded the dining hall as hundreds of Umbrella Employees munched into burgers, salads, fried chicken and fries. Albert Wesker sat alone. “I'm surrounded by fools” he thought to himself. “Maybe I should have taken a job elsewhere, where the safety standards are higher, and where security isn't breathing over your shoulder, well at least the equal opportunities policy was well established.” As he reminisced about his application.
When he was 8 years old his parents caught him giving a mouse a vivisection. He was diagnosed as being sociopathic. It wasn't his fault, and he had learned to fit it, and pretend, and he had a close relationship with his mother and sister until his mother died in a bus crash at 17. Still he had smarts, and he had used them, and by the time he was 18 he had been recommended to Join Umbrella Inc. It seemed like a good idea, still he had always questioned why he was allowed past the front gate with such a severe social disorder.
“I don't blame you” said a voice.
“Huh?” rellied Albert.
“I don't blame you” repeated a very cheerful young man as he nodded to the tray of beans, slightly green mashed potatoes, and what could barely be identified as bacon. The young woman hugging his left shoulder giggled.
“Who? Me?” asked Albert, genuinely surprised that anyone wanted to talk to him.
“I don't see anyone else around. So you're disappointed about this place too?” the man leaned closer to Albert extending his hand in friendship. “The name's William”

Wesker splashed his face with cold water, and looked in the cold bathroom mirror. His beard itched, it was a shame to have to wear such a disguise, but it was absolutely necessary if things were to go according to plan. “Ok Albert, stop daydreaming about life’s past pleasantries, and let's get to work.”

Thank you so much! I'd love it if I could get a team together to help write the rest of it. Whoever wants to write for Wesker, Barry, Chris, and Billy let me know! :)
Billy's POV

I was such an idiot for thinking I should meet up with Rebecca. It wasn't even about compromising my cover, but the fact that I knew the danger she was in. Now she's gone, and the frantic call I got from that Jill lady gave me no leads. It seems longer than four years. Still, not a day went by where I didn't think of how much I owe her. Even though I escaped the attacked van by myself, I never would've made it out of that nightmare alive, and now, now I had to return the favor. I had to go find where the hell Umbrella was keeping her. Jill told me to wait a week, she'd call with an update then, but after five days I was restless. I couldn't wait a week for what was my fault. I was gong after her.

I packed my things. Two handguns, standard military issue, the trusty shotgun that Rebecca and I found in the storeroom of the Umbrella facility, an abundance of ammunition, and a lock-pick, just in case. I called the number Jill had called from, but to no avail. I called one more time, and it rang once, then a voice answered, "Billy, I presume," it said, in an almost angered tone.
"Ya?" I said, no noticeable inflection in my voice.
"They're headed to Umbrella's facility, not far from us"
"It's obvious you know I'm going to go get Rebecca. Who is this?"
"Another friend of theirs. Billy, Jill and Barry are on their way, sit tight, you've done enough as it is"
"Excuse me pal," I said, with a little less than cocky annoyance in my voice, "She's in this because of me, and she's been through hell before with my help. Point me in the direction of the facility, or get the hell off the line."
"Fine, go to your meeting point with Rebecca, drive another hour and a half south. When you find a paper making factory, you're there. Good luck getting in."

I hung out and headed out. I didn't care who I was on the line with. Someone else from the compound obviously, and since it was a male, and he said Barry and Jill headed out, it could've only been Leon or Chris. I didn't care. They can stay there and work from the sidelines, but I wasn't playing this game like a S.T.A.R.S. I'm playing this game by my own rules. With that thought in mind, I stared at the dark road, speeding to make better time.
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Rebecca's POV

As I was unconscious I began to dream, but it wasn't any ordinary dream. These were memories, memories of my past self. The person I've been trying to hide from my comrades. I awoke to a sudden smash against the hybrid tank I was in, my eyes opened for a moment to see a familiar face trying to break in and save me. "I don't want to hurt you." I thought as I saw the man cracking the tank with the butt of his gun. It was Billy, Billy Coen. "Please stop... I can't hurt you. I..." My body began to twitch as the liquid poured out of the tank. My eyes were filled with tears hidden by the liquid in the tank. I stared at him desperately hoping he'd read the signals in my face. I couldn't control my body, and I was about to try to kill one of my best friends.


Jill's POV

The facility was completely empty as Barry and I searched for any signs of Rebecca. "Are you sure were in the right place?" I asked nervously. "Yes." Barry began responding with just one word each time as he became more and more frustrated. We were about to give up hope until Barry accidentally stepped onto what appeared to be an Umbrella logo. It made a clicking noise, and then the wall in front of us began to open slowly, with dust falling from the cracks. It was a huge laboratory. We both looked at each other, and Barry nodded for us to approach the entrance. "All clear, ladies first." He said and I began walking into the lab. I looked around to see endless amounts of files, records, and computers. "Here! There's a file with her name on it." I ran over to Barry who was holding the file. He almost threw the file at me in excitement and began entering a code into the computer lab. "What? What did you find?" He ignored me until a screen began to descend from the ceiling. A picture of Rebecca appeared with all of her stats and info.

"Wesker Project 12." I read aloud in confusion. "So... Wesker has her." Barry said clenching his fists. "But look here, this just doesn't add up, they mentioned her DNA being "superior"?" I was beginning to question my sanity for a moment. Then suddenly "So, it appears your teammate isn't so innocent after all." A voice came onto the teleprompter. "Wesker! Where is she, you son of a bitch!" I screamed furiously. "I would tell you, but I want to play with you all a bit first. Besides, once you find out who she really is, you won't want her anymore." and with that silence. "The hell?" Barry was just as confused as I was. Suddenly another wall slid open, revealing a chrome hallway with a door on the end. "Let's go." I said and ran to the door, not caring if there was a booby trap waiting for me.


Wesker's POV

I watched them comfortably from a lab 600 miles away. It's fun to watch them squirm. "I think I'll play with them a bit." I chuckled to myself as I pushed the button to release hallucinogens into the vents. It took me all day to set up their death trap, this will be the most entertaining event yet. I got up from my chair, ran my hands through my hair and walked out the door. "It's play time." I said with a smile whilst taking my glasses from my pocket and putting them on. I began to head to their location. "I can't wait to see their faces when they find out."

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Billy's POV

I looked into Rebecca's eyes, and I could tell she wasn't herself. Suddenly all it took to get her flashed through my head, in nothing more than a mere second. I parked the car I had drivin up here about two blocks away, went in on foot. In my experiance, the front door was always they best way to enter a room. I opened the frontdoor, which was already unlocked, strangely enough, only to be greeted with the putrid smell of rotting flesh. It was dark, and I had just a flashlight clipped to my tactical vest to light the way. I stood at the doorway, checked corners, my small stream of light scanning the entire lobby. Boddies, all over the floor. Rotting, so they had been dead for a while, but T-Virus victims, so no telling how long they had TRULY been dead. All of them had bullet holes in the head, and no moaning could be heard, but I still wasn't about to take any chances. Any body I paseed I smashed the head of with my combat boot.

No matter what kind of life I had lived since that nightmare four years prior, my instinct came back. My instinct from the mansion, my instinct from the marines, and my instinct as a kid on the streets. All these compiled together would make me invincible when combined with the drive to save Rebecca.

There were three doors ahead, all on oposite walls. I went to the middle door, and beneath it was a keyhole, and above that there was a kings crown etched. I thought back to the mansion and almost smiled, but finding the key was pointless. Someone, hopefully Jill and Barry, had already found it, making my job that much easier. I walked in, and for the first, but not nearly the last time that night, came within an inch of death...
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