I've also been frustrated with the disappearing J'avo. I've studied their spawning patterns and noticed something. When you start the level, there are normal J'avo that parachute on to the top of the bridge. After about 30 of those, the creature types, Napads, Expoders, Grasshoppers, Pinchers, all come from below in the bottom level, then those all disappear around 100 kills, and it's back to parachuting regular J'avo up top. That last transition between creatures and topside J'avo is always where the combo disappears, because you can't get topside fast enough to keep it going. One of the ways to combat this is to wait until your nearing the transition point, and have a teamate run topside while you finish off the last couple creatures below, and then right when they're done, your partner who is already topside can start to pick of the J'avo up there while you run up there to meet up.
Kind of funny that you're talking about that level in particular, because last night I had played online for the first time, on a buddies Ps3, on Steel Beast.
I was Jake, and the person I played with was Helena. Now I wasn't excited to be on Steel Beast, but damn, we had an awesome run. Our combo ended after like 120 or so, very nice. And we had like zero problems. Just a flawless run. I don't remember the score, but is it possible to have a score of 1,000,000? Because while last night may have been a tad fuzzy...I swear that's the number I saw...
I also tried Agent Hunt, it wasn't so great. I got to play as a zombie dog, a J'avo, and a crypt zombie with a shovel. Oh, and that thing that throws it's hands at you. Not fun. You get killed wayyy too fast, and then have to wait to respawn, but whatevs.
I had also tried to do another Mercs run this morning. It took forever to get a match going, as in trying to join a game, then giving up on that and creating one. Which finally worked. Despite my victorious run on Steel Beast last night, I elected to play on Urban Chaos, thinking that it'd be a cake walk. Of course when you play with some tard who doesn't know what they're doing, it's pretty dissapointing to put all your blood, sweat and tears into a run, just to have it end because your partner, playing as Chris(I was Jake again), decided he'd get off'd by a flippin' zombie up on top where that one Time is located, while I'm on the bottom. I knew we were screwed when I saw that he went into dying status. Clearly I wasn't going to be able to find the ladder, ascend it, and rescusitate him in time. Lame.
This person was also annoying because they couldn't keep the combo going for shi*t, and apparently couldn't keep an eye on their health. Seriously, I know that Jake starts off with 10 pills or whatever, but come on now. Best case scenario, like my Steel Beast run last night, is having a reliable and competent partner, who can not only take care of themselve, but also keep the combo going. It was seriously a perfect run, anytime I missed a beat, and the combo was about to go away, Helena went and got a good kill or two to save it, and vice versa. Just good chemistry and vibes. Also a bit of that
voice command communication, which is always fun.

At no point were either of us in dying status, or anything. We took out those shelled creatures like BEASTS. Like whenever it went down and was open for a melee, we would each hit our melee's before the other's move hit, so we actually got 2 melee's instead of just the 1.
Sorry for long post, but my first online Mercs experience was just so much fun! And I really can't think of how to describe the feeling you have after a long run in Mercs, where you put tons of hard work into it, only to have it end because of your partner dying. I wasn't mad, but just like EXTREMELY disapointed. It's just a depressing feeling. lol like you don't even want to play anymore.