Resident Evil 4 Remake First Impressions

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The King of Kings
Sep 4, 2013
Gotham City
Currently on chapter 3. The game feels significantly tougher and quite humbling given how good I considered myself at the original. I'm still getting used to it and even as someone extremely familiar with the original, there's a lot of new and remixed stuff here that's throwing me for a loop as well. Though, I can definitely see how some of the challenge might be reduced on subsequent playthroughs, especially after unlocks and new game plus.

But it is pretty crazy looking at my inventory and seeing how low my ammo is across the board, which highlights just how much more gunplay is important to combat this time around. Though, I will say, I haven't exactly felt like I've been babysitting my ammo either like I do in other Resident Evil games due to the absolute necessity of running and gunning for survival.

I don't even feel like I have time to check what I'm grabbing sometimes because the enemies are just that relentless, and only when the fight is over and I can check my inventory do I see all the new stuff I've picked up and am surprisingly left with some ammo. Which is a far cry from the original game that would require me to constantly pull up the inventory screen and micro manage everything I have at all times while my ammo just keeps on steadily increasing.

I haven't crafted any yet either, so it's good to know I have something on reserve. This could easily change at some point in the game, I don't know. But so far, I like how they've balanced ammo drops with ammo crafting in mind. It makes crafting ammo feel like that much more of a necessity compared to previous games. Especially since there's no real way to hoard it, since you can't put it away in storage or have it be infinitely increased like in Village. You're actually forced to carry it in your inventory and will need to craft to make room.

The game is still pretty linear so far, but there's stuff you'll constantly find you have to come back to like locked drawers that you need small keys to open like in the original Resident Evil. While it definitely adds a new layer to the experience, I don't think the game necessarily feels more open because of it. Maybe I'm not far enough to see how the level design opens up more, which was the number 1 thing I was really hoping for, but I do appreciate all the new layers to progression that certainly make this feel more Resident Evil-like than the original.

Every location, for example, feels segmented off and requires some sort of puzzle or key to get through and the way you navigate through certain areas has been completely reworked, along with their encounters, making for a much richer gameplay experience as opposed to the shooting gallery-like nature of the original. I've also experienced like 3 jumpscares that weren't present in the original game, especially the one in the opening village fight that landed quite well for me as it didn't trigger until the fight was over.

I do however have a huge gripe with this game that I haven't really seen anyone talk about, except for one review by Sphere Hunter which made note of a boss fight that was glitched and unkillable in chapter 12 that required her to sell all her inventory to buy a rocket launcher to force an insta-kill. I experienced something similar, but not with a boss fight. At the end of chapter 2, you have to solve a puzzle and no matter what, the solution just wouldn't trigger for me. After fiddling around for so long thinking I was doing something wrong, I decided to restart my checkpoint and it unlocked immediately without having to be too precise.

I know they released a day one patch to fix the rain, but it honestly seems like there's some more serious bugs they need to take care of ASAP and I haven't really seen many people address stuff like this.
Largely agree with @Turo602 however the game -at least the village segment- does become significantly less linear after a certain battle with a fish and traveling becomes more robust. I really don't have much to add except that this game is extremely extremely faithful to the original but with modernized graphics and gameplay, and a nice added touch of more survival horror elements as icing on the cake. It's certain that they played it very safe so as to not **** off the rabid RE4 fans but I do appreciate the extra mile they went to spice it up a bit. Still, I can't help but think reworking the game more thoroughly would have been preferable, but it's not a total major gripe.

I do like how I have to watch my ammo constantly and almost ran dry several times, I have a real bad habit of dying because I don't want to completely run out of bullets and this is no exception here. I really like all the gemstone combinations you can procreate and it is a nice touch, I'm starting to feel like pawn shop owner for jewels the more I tinker with it!

I'm just sticking to my classic RE4 loadout on my 1st playthrough (standard starting handgun, shotgun, and sniper rifle) because the exclusive upgrades for them are a total no brainer. On my second run I may try a more stealth based run with the added bolt thrower.
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I'm in the middle of chapter 4 and so far I'd say it deserves all the praise it's received thus far.
Fortunately for me there have not been any major bug issues yet, like Turo mentioned, but it still could be too early to tell.

The gameplay has been super tense and nerve wracking at times. I have screamed out loud enough to cause a headache while playing which is honestly pretty impressive to me. :p

Story wise, it is very faithful to the original which may or may not be a good thing. I do hope they make at least some story adjustments later on. But I'm thoroughly enjoying the atmospheric setting that matches the other more recent remakes and new installments. At the very least, the horror and atmosphere changes are major elements that I thought needed to be done to make it feel more cohesive to what’s been established in more recent entries.

Interesting to see where they used various set pieces/concepts of RE8 while recreating RE4. I think it’s safe to say REmake4 automatically trumps RE8 though both in story and gameplay now.

A few other thoughts about the remake so far:

I’m really loving the comic relief that the Merchant brings to the remake. I enjoy that fact that they’ve made him feel even more like a pirate.

Also, I think it might be safe to assume that Capcom is planning to remake RE5…. BRING. IT. ON.

Also, still hoping they give us a Code Veronica remake as that nice filler. Perhaps that game can feature more on Umbrella’s downfall- maybe with a DLC added to the original game’s main story.
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It's neat to read some of your first impressions, and it's promising that it seems to please both fans of the original, fans of the REmake titles and even the old school fans. RE8 was so ridiculously easy with ammo scattered everywhere so I'm pleased to hear that Capcom's brought "survival horror" back into RE4.

Personally I was away for a trip the whole weekend so I didn't get the chance to play it yet, and this week is looking preeeeetty busy at my workplace so I really don't know when I'm gonna find the time to sit down to play this.... sigh.
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I beat this 2 days ago on hardcore and yeah I agree with Turo602. There was a point in the castle where I got stuck and had to resort to flash grenades to get by, as I did not have enough ammo to kill all the enemies. It sounds like it’s too early to be discussing the story so I will refrain from talking about it. But my biggest complaint about the game is some of the performances. The original never had a great story, but the characters themselves carried it. A level of charm was lost in this reimagining and that is a shame.

At this point I will enjoy RE games for gameplay purposes and nothing more really. I have given up on the storyline after Rev2. RE:4 so far is my favorite RE Engine title from the series thus far and it will be interesting how they will handle an RE:5 and RE:6 down the road. It honestly plays more like The Evil Within which is ironic because Mikami.
The scariest part of the game for me was by far the bit you play as Ashley in the castle, being a weak and vulnerable Ashley who can't defend herself with weapons because she is not trained or prepared somehow makes the game scarier, go figure.

Also, as a middle-aged man, I simply do not have the "mellon popper" reflexes I had in 2005 so my old loadout just doesn't cut it anymore, and am now comfortable with the Blacktail, CQBR Assault Rifle for the bigger baddies, and the Bolt Thrower for crows and stealth kills. Black Attache case is mandatrory cos you are going to need those Resources (L) for rifle rounds and bolts. Thank you Capcom for accommodating older gentlemen, lol.
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So, from my understanding... REmake4 isn't "Resident Action 4", anymore?

Good to know, though I wonder how much they can really divert from the original RE4 in adding survival horror with a kick-heavy Leon while still largely retaining its likeness. Also RE5 getting a remake seems like a given at this point. *SPOILERS BELOW*

Wesker appears in the post-credits scene with an updated character model.

Can I just say that I really dislike Ada's voice in this game? The actress from RE2R did such a good job, in my opinion, and to have the character look the same but the voice be so different is very distracting to me.
Oh god, yes. She's awful. She has a Jennifer Tilly/smoker's voice thing going. I have no idea why the voice actress didn't return for this game, but damn, why did they have to get the chick from that awful Welcome to Raccoon City movie?
@Turo602 When I first mentioned it to my husband he said "You know who it sounds like? It sounds like Rhonda Rousey." I whipped out my phone so fast but it wasn't her.
I am in the end of Chapter 13 and man, this game has the magnetic pull of the original, but the game itself is better. It might be one of the most complete remakes despite removing a lot of the cheesy and chaotic material from the original RE4. Less is more in those terms from what I have played. The remixing of the game is also adding a lot of new experiences and experimentation for me which is great. Every environment feels more lived in and less "video gamey" which I really appreciate. Capcom really looked at the original game and wondered how they can improve the overall story and structure when we have made so many advances since 2004.

My gripes are few and far between, but my main issue is about the completability of the game. With no warning, certain areas are just no longer accessible. There is one section of the village that you just cannot return to if you finish Chapter 4 despite the fact that you can pretty much return to any part of the village at that point. Additionally, my treasure hunting has been HEAVILY impaired by glitches in the castle. I am continually shooting the hanging treasures, but nothing falls out and the map still says the treasure is there. But, they will probably patch these out and when I do my harder runs of the game, I can finally finish these small issues (especially with a GUIDE).

I have a TON more to say, but there is so much that is story and enemy design based that I will hold off for now.
And I also agree that the new Ada voice is distracting to say the least. The actress is fine, but she does not sound like an Ada at all.
I am in the end of Chapter 13 and man, this game has the magnetic pull of the original, but the game itself is better. It might be one of the most complete remakes despite removing a lot of the cheesy and chaotic material from the original RE4. Less is more in those terms from what I have played. The remixing of the game is also adding a lot of new experiences and experimentation for me which is great. Every environment feels more lived in and less "video gamey" which I really appreciate. Capcom really looked at the original game and wondered how they can improve the overall story and structure when we have made so many advances since 2004.

My gripes are few and far between, but my main issue is about the completability of the game. With no warning, certain areas are just no longer accessible. There is one section of the village that you just cannot return to if you finish Chapter 4 despite the fact that you can pretty much return to any part of the village at that point. Additionally, my treasure hunting has been HEAVILY impaired by glitches in the castle. I am continually shooting the hanging treasures, but nothing falls out and the map still says the treasure is there. But, they will probably patch these out and when I do my harder runs of the game, I can finally finish these small issues (especially with a GUIDE).

I have a TON more to say, but there is so much that is story and enemy design based that I will hold off for now.
And I also agree that the new Ada voice is distracting to say the least. The actress is fine, but she does not sound like an Ada at all.
Dude, same experience. I just finished up chapter 13 too. I missed a bobble head in chapter 4 and couldn't go back at all despite the Merchant telling me to take care of unfinished business in chapter 5. Only one I've missed so far too. And after what happened to me in chapter 2, I was not willing to believe that I messed up and missed a treasure during the 2nd cannon area at the castle.

I'm very OCD when it comes to exploring and grabbing items, which is why I double checked my map when I got the last small key and went back to the first locked drawer in the castle only to see that I'm missing a treasure. Immediately, I thought it had to be the locked drawer in that area and MAYBE I unlocked it without picking it up, which I already knew was BS.

But it turned out it was one you had to shoot down in a small room, which I did, and even checked on multiple times during whatever reloads or deaths I had because I'm just that OCD about it. I know I grabbed it and refused to believe I messed up given the weird bugs I heard about and experienced. So thanks for confirming that one for me.
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That bug happened to me TWICE in the Castle. Once after the first garrador battle and once during the part where a particular enemy is throwing stuff at you. Vague for spoiler purposes. But yeah, I tried reloading and restarting both times and the game did not acknowledge the treasures were taken at all. I also missed one locked chest in the beginning of the game right where the merchant gives you the first "kill the rats" side quest. That entire area gets blocked off with debris after Chapter 4. No reason for that!

I have decided I will do an Easy run next just to get all of these items I missed and try and do a 100% completion run without worrying about too many enemies. I also want to just experience other guns, so an Easy run before Hardcore sounds nice to me. haha
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Completed the game on standard difficulty this morning and, naturally, decided it would be best to skip hardcore mode and begin a new game on professional mode instead (not new game + where you get to keep all your weapons). I died twice already. What a mistake this was. :D

I guess I need to switch up my playing style for this type of run through. Usually I’m the type that wants to clear each area out or freezes up and ends up having to fight everyone around me. This type of difficulty clearly requires a bit more running and avoiding/stealth unless of course you have the upgraded weapons.
Completed the game on standard difficulty this morning and, naturally, decided it would be best to skip hardcore mode and begin a new game on professional mode instead (not new game + where you get to keep all your weapons). I died twice already. What a mistake this was. :D

I guess I need to switch up my playing style for this type of run through. Usually I’m the type that wants to clear each area out or freezes up and ends up having to fight everyone around me. This type of difficulty clearly requires a bit more running and avoiding/stealth unless of course you have the upgraded weapons.

I am playing on "Professional" mode with fully upgraded weapons that I am comfortable with (As noted above) and still die quite frequently, and it only gets harder and harder as you progress. I am currently at the castle in the part where the giant lobs debris at you and am having a rough time of it and am very low on ammo and had to use the Bolt Thrower to compensate for my lack of fire power. Tread cautiously.
Why is the remake all of a sudden getting review bombed on metacrtic by the user community?

I started my full collection marathon (all treasures, all clockwork castellans, all side quests, etc.) on Easy and I have to say... when you have fully upgraded weapons, it is VERY easy. haha. But maybe I can get everything done AND finish in under 7 hours or whatever the requirement is? I just want to keep playing and THEN get ready for Hardcore.

I have no interest in playing on Professional Mode without any upgrades. Just sounds painful and I am not going for the Platinum this time through. Unfortunate because I had fun completing RE3R and Village due to being able to manipulate the harder difficulties.

And about the Lily Gao news, my god, gamers can be such monsters. Of course, I thought she sounded out of place, but the actress played the role well. She was just different than we had come to expect from the role which turned me off initially. But harassing this woman because she sounds different? INSANE. People need to have better things to do with their lives.
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@UniqTeas The worst part is that people, and this is just from what I've seen so I'm sure it's not everyone, are upset because she doesn't sound "sexy." I dunno, that just gives me such a grimey feeling.

Most of my initial shock of the recasting has worn off at this point and I don't dislike the take as much as I did initially. It's even kind of growing on me just because of how the character is written in this game.
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@bSTAR_182 @Gun Powder B Regarding difficulty, I think professional mode is significantly harder than anything in the original game, and I think hardcore arguably is too. Beating it on professional without any unlockable weapons was probably the first time a game made me feel old! In terms of play style, I think making straight for key items and ignoring enemies wherever possible is maybe the intended way to approach it, although that's easier said than done haha.

Also, from what I've read elsewhere, Capcom apparently sell weapon unlock passes as DLC now, and some are speculating that professional is frustrating by design, so as to make people just buy the pass instead. I guess we'll see if they release such a DLC for RE4R. I'm hoping I'll be able to achieve S+ on professional before Mercenaries comes out.