Resident Evil 3 Remake Resident evil 3 demo confirmed and first gameplay

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I am a little worried about the emphasis on action, especially if the game is a huge success and then Capcom just devolves back to their old ways. But what I'm seeing so far, it looks like a decent blend that could still be very tense if done correctly.

I've always been a RE2>RE3 guy, and for as much as I loved REmake 2, this one definitely has the potential to outdo it. REmake 2 was an incredible evolution of the series, but it just didn't capture RE2 completely, and R3make looks like it's expanding on that greatly.
The various preview i read say that the game have all the potential to surpass re 2 remake
some say that re 2 remake lacked a bit in story because of the two campaigns being inconsistent, but it happear that capcom had putted many effort to make re 3 story better compared to the original one

The one who played the game say that after some hours of gameplay they felt that the cutscene were better done compared to re 2 remake because they had different Rhythm and felt more entertaining

The originals were re 2 > re 3
But it seems the remake will be re 2 < re 3

Who knows, we just have to wait 36 days to find out

The only things that is bothering me is the replayble value, whitout mercenaries and epilogues there will be very little to do compared to re 2 remake

I really hope they put some extra mode in there, re 2 had 4 "campaign" to take me entertaining, make the s+ rank at all difficulty on all campaign was awesome, than there was the 4th survivor and the various tofu mode and the ghost survivor mission , i have a total of 200 hours into the game because of this, but if re 3 will have only the campaign whit 3 difficulty that will be a problem, what will i do after i finished the game whit the s+ rank?

i know that there is resident evil resistance but that dosent count as an extra mode for re 3, totally different game, i would like to spend more time whit re 3 whitout having to go to resistance
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I heard that some EX Platinum devs are working on this game and Jill getting her very own Witchtime dodge is proof!
Yeah the director e of resident evil 3 is an ex platinum veteran, who also worked on the first 3 resident evil game and than resident evil 4, he also worked on vanquish

Also it happear that an ex ceo of platinum is working on the game too

@magnolia yeah I'm ok whit resistance too, but is a totally different game whit different gameplay, i would have liked to spend more time on the streets of raccon city and in re 3 location whit some extra mode in the main game and have many unlockable
Also nice to see the banter between Jill and Carlos, I just hope they don't go full woke and have Jill stay stone cold towards Carlos the whole game, his charm should break through and Jill softens up towards him, considering that Carlos in the original was the closest any guy in RE got to wooing Jill.
I see your concern and normally I would agree, but after seeing the flirty encounters between Leon and Claire in the RE2 remake I'd say that Jill and Carlos are in good hands. But as usual we have to wait and see.
I had my doubts, but after everything i've seen and heard so far, and after this new gameplay footage, i am lot more hyped for the game! Those new versions of creatures look so much more creepier than ones from original game. And that "parasite" death which will happen unless characters puke them out sounds f-king nasty!
I've seen the new re3 remake footage videos.

I like the changes overall; ı like how agile nemesis is as well as the improved dodge mechanic where you can dodge at any time and perfect dodge causes jill to perform an even better dodge.

I didnt like the new hunter gammas though, they look too different and they apparently only perform an instant kill attack on jill; they could perform more attacks in the original and didnt immediately try to swallow jill alive.
I've seen the new re3 remake footage videos.

I like the changes overall; ı like how agile nemesis is as well as the improved dodge mechanic where you can dodge at any time and perfect dodge causes jill to perform an even better dodge.

I didnt like the new hunter gammas though, they look too different and they apparently only perform an instant kill attack on jill; they could perform more attacks in the original and didnt immediately try to swallow jill alive.
They did show it for just 10 second so we can't know if that it's only attack, and that instant death kill is their distinctive move since they use it in almost every resident evil game

Also i personally think his design is better and more unique now

In previous re game it was just a giant frog
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Oh yeah, the new Hunter Gamma looks WAY better than big pond frog. They were scary in the original RE3, but mostly because you knew they could instakill you at a certain health range. The new one is a dang nightmare.

And I am mixed about the mechanic of the dodge button. Like, I love the idea of being able to affect the gameplay and be able to get better at the game - but I hope the game is balanced to allow this feature to be punishable in certain situations and a necessary element in others. The game looks as promising as RE2 REmake did. But there were so many variables that made RE2 REmake a letdown. VERY excited.
Oh yeah, the new Hunter Gamma looks WAY better than big pond frog. They were scary in the original RE3, but mostly because you knew they could instakill you at a certain health range. The new one is a dang nightmare.

And I am mixed about the mechanic of the dodge button. Like, I love the idea of being able to affect the gameplay and be able to get better at the game - but I hope the game is balanced to allow this feature to be punishable in certain situations and a necessary element in others. The game looks as promising as RE2 REmake did. But there were so many variables that made RE2 REmake a letdown. VERY excited.
They say that the dodge is balanced and one of the best new feature, and you must understand when to use it, you can t just dodge repeatedly, i think they say ghat you can dodge maximum of 3 in raw before jill get exhausted
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My only hope is that the demo will feature a part of the actual campaign and not Resistance.
Then again, only a bit over a month until we can play the full game for ourselves, so the demo definitely won't make or break anything for me.
The demo will be about re 3, it was pretty obvious

I find this interview of whith peter fabiano, he confirmed that there is no mercenaries mode unfortunately
The interview is in Italian
I spent two weeks in Italy when I was 16 - and all I can remember of the language is "Buongiorno" and "Andiamo". And the dirty words my Grandma says, but those are useless. haha.

But I do appreciate you letting us know there are no Mercenaries! I figured as much since they have Resistance now, but I was still kind of hoping...
I spent two weeks in Italy when I was 16 - and all I can remember of the language is "Buongiorno" and "Andiamo". And the dirty words my Grandma says, but those are useless. haha.

But I do appreciate you letting us know there are no Mercenaries! I figured as much since they have Resistance now, but I was still kind of hoping...
Aahhaahahaha well that word can be useful in some situation XD

Yeah i was hoping to have mercenaries too, kind of sad to not have it

Also the interviewer asked if some part of umbrella chronicles will be incorporated into re 3 remake, fabiano was a bit elusive and say that he could say anything about it
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Just for the record, i just finished re 3 for ps1 and the hunter gamma just appeared for like 10 second, after Carlos make the vaccine, two hunter gamma escape the tube next were he created the vaccine in the hospital, you can decide to kill them or to just pass them
The hunter gamma it's definitely better in the remake, at least it look like an enemy that put some treath and have some meaning, i was pretty shocked to only see them for that 10 second in the game

I think the remake is making a good joob into, emm well remaking re 3

Edit: i just saw some video of the hunter gamma happearing in the park while playing whit jill, but in my playtrought they didn't appear
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At one hand I find it strange that there won't be a Mercenaries mode, since the RE2 remake brought back both the 4th Survivor and Tofu mode from the original. On the other hand, it seems one vital reason for this might be that they're incorporating stuff from the Mercenaries mode into the actual story mode, such as rescuing hostages, in order to extend the length of the main game. This seems like a pretty plausible reason and I'm fine with it, especially since I never cared that much for Mercenaries in the first place.

Nevertheless, there's nothing that says Capcom won't eventually release a version of the Mercenaries in the future. While Carlos's playability in the main story seems to have been expanded upon greatly, I highly doubt we'll get to play as Nikolai or Mikhail in it. So it leaves room for expansion.

Perhaps Peter Fabiano is simply saying that Mercenaries won't be a part of the remake, but instead there will be a new unlockable minigame we haven't heard of or seen before. They might simply call it "UBCS mode" or something.