Resident Evil 2 HD Remaster (Official Topic)

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It got me wondering when they said that this wasn't a remake of the original.

Will this version be canon? How's that going to work? I have so many questions.
The gameplay reminds me a lot more of Revalations 2 than Resident Evil 4, particularly how you can turn the camera around 360 degrees without moving your character, and how you can walk while shooting, they also mentioned that there is a ammo crafting system.
Gamespot has a more complete demo playthrough without commentary. Enjoy.

I'm still a little salty it's not like REmake, but this actually looks really good. I guess it's just the fact that we're finally getting a modern Resident Evil experience that looks like the classic Resident Evil universe we haven't seen in so long and isn't being tainted by being a linear action game or a first-person Texas Chainsaw hillbilly simulator. This just looks so perfect for Resident Evil in this day and age. Capcom should have really skipped 7 and just opened up with this from the beginning.
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No matter how good this game turns out, and I have a feeling it'll hit a home run for the most part, to compare it to its original is kinda unfair cuz we are always gonna view Resident 2 (Original) with rose covered lenses.

The only real game ill prob compare this game to after I buy is Resident Evil 1 remake to see which classic did better
I only watched the gameplay video on my mobile in a hurry, so I might have missed a few things, but here's what I've taken from it so far, both the good and the bad.

+ Everything looks very nice, but that's a given for a Resident Evil game in this day and age.
+ The heart rate health display is back. (You could say this is also a given since it's a remake, but you never know with Capcom.)
+ Documents found in the game are finally saved in the character's inventory again, unlike in RE5, where you have to backtrack to where you found them if you want to read them again.
+ You can collect gun powder and craft your own ammo! Granted, this wasn't in the original game, but it was one of my favourite new features from RE3.
+ Browsing through the inventory no longer happens in realtime. (Or does it? At least it seemed to me like everything was standing still while the inventory was open, not so sure about the map, though.)
+ I said it before and I'll say it again, Leon is really handsome this time around. I also like how they redesigned his RPD uniform without straying too far from the original, which, from what little I've seen in the trailers, can't be said about Claire's outfit.

- Everything is so damn dark! And I don't mean the story and atmosphere, which are supposed to be dark, but the literal darkness of the surroundings, I can hardly see anything.
- Does "Matilda" being the name of the default police handgun mean that Hunk's scenario can definitely be ruled out, as one of the previous "leaks" claimed?

This game is following in very big footsteps, but whether it will be as good as the original or not, I'm just glad to be able to play some version of RE2 again. Installing and playing the original on a new computer is such a pain in the ass!
I only watched the gameplay video on my mobile in a hurry, so I might have missed a few things, but here's what I've taken from it so far, both the good and the bad.

+ Everything looks very nice, but that's a given for a Resident Evil game in this day and age.
+ The heart rate health display is back. (You could say this is also a given since it's a remake, but you never know with Capcom.)
+ Documents found in the game are finally saved in the character's inventory again, unlike in RE5, where you have to backtrack to where you found them if you want to read them again.
+ You can collect gun powder and craft your own ammo! Granted, this wasn't in the original game, but it was one of my favourite new features from RE3.
+ Browsing through the inventory no longer happens in realtime. (Or does it? At least it seemed to me like everything was standing still while the inventory was open, not so sure about the map, though.)
+ I said it before and I'll say it again, Leon is really handsome this time around. I also like how they redesigned his RPD uniform without straying too far from the original, which, from what little I've seen in the trailers, can't be said about Claire's outfit.

- Everything is so damn dark! And I don't mean the story and atmosphere, which are supposed to be dark, but the literal darkness of the surroundings, I can hardly see anything.
- Does "Matilda" being the name of the default police handgun mean that Hunk's scenario can definitely be ruled out, as one of the previous "leaks" claimed?

This game is following in very big footsteps, but whether it will be as good as the original or not, I'm just glad to be able to play some version of RE2 again. Installing and playing the original on a new computer is such a pain in the ass!

I like Leon’s new look as well, I’m impressed with how Capcom redesigned his uniform to look more realistic without it becoming unrecognisable and how he still has the same haircut but it’s trimmed down a bit to fit the regulations of most American police departments, he looks a lot more believable as a policeman now, I can honestly say that this is one of the few character redesigns that’s just as good as the original.
It was nice to see a few zombies stand out from the typical white male zombies, it was cool to have a few female and even black zombie cops for a nice touch of realism. It reminded me of Resident Evil 3 and 6 when they added variety with the zombie population. Also when they were shambling in the dark halls and when they bite it looks so brutal and gory which a zombie biting you should look like. Basically this trailer reminded me of the good ol days of two my favorite zombie things, Resident Evil 2 and the Walking Dead when zombies were on top of their game.

The Licker(s) look amazingly well done too, still one of the scariest yet cool looking B.O.Ws.

Like everyone else has said, Leon looks grade A regardless of the different voice actor

While I'll always take fixed camera angles over OTS, ill give it a chance to change my mind as long as the game keeps me interested

I dont mind claire not looking EXACTLY as she did in '98 but I can only hope that outfit she is wearing is one of them Alt uniforms like in the old days, others eh whatever..

The whole darkness stuff I like and dont like, I mean it is realistic to a degree since in an outbreak electricity might go down leaving some places/rooms etc dark or very dim lighted. I just hope the WHOLE game isnt like that, but we'll see.

Also, I wanna see how they get Marvin (I forgot his last name) to turn into a zombie cuz in the original when Leon/Claire come back and find him, he merely stands up and than turns.
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Am i the only one who is TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED!? My worst fears have come true about this game. This game looks like by the numbers yet another OTS RE game. Nothing special and nothing like the original RE2. The game looks super easy, you can just headshot your way around EVERYTHING, just think about this for a sec. If you do this in the original RE2, would it be half as fun? It throws the whole ammo conservation out.

And as for OTS, WOW... screw this! 3rd person shooters NEVER work as effective horror games ever. At least RE4 was balls to the walls action fun, this doesn't even look like that. It just looks like it'll have the same ammo limitations as the original RE2 but with a revamped combat which makes everything way easier BUT at the same time not as FUN as Re4. I was hoping for RE3 remake but after this? NO thanks Capcom! This game ain't for me and i'm sick of playing these 3rd person shooter "Horror" games, they've never been good at actually being horror, only shooting.
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I'm very happy this remake seems perfect, the atmosfere, Leon, Claire and zombies are very aggressive and evil.
I've read there are some change in the story, but it's ok for me if it means more new npg.
Am i the only one who is TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED!? My worst fears have come true about this game. This game looks like by the numbers yet another OTS RE game. Nothing special and nothing like the original RE2. The game looks super easy, you can just headshot your way around EVERYTHING, just think about this for a sec. If you do this in the original RE2, would it be half as fun? It throws the whole ammo conservation out.

And as for OTS, WOW... screw this! 3rd person shooters NEVER work as effective horror games ever. At least RE4 was balls to the walls action fun, this doesn't even look like that. It just looks like it'll have the same ammo limitations as the original RE2 but with a revamped combat which makes everything way easier BUT at the same time not as FUN as Re4. I was hoping for RE3 remake but after this? NO thanks Capcom! This game ain't for me and i'm sick of playing these 3rd person shooter "Horror" games, they've never been good at actually being horror, only shooting.

well as with every game there will be some that see it as a dissapointment but i think the majority will enjoy it flaws and all but we cant say if its a major success or flop until the game is released
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Am i the only one who is TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED!? My worst fears have come true about this game. This game looks like by the numbers yet another OTS RE game. Nothing special and nothing like the original RE2. The game looks super easy, you can just headshot your way around EVERYTHING, just think about this for a sec. If you do this in the original RE2, would it be half as fun? It throws the whole ammo conservation out.

And as for OTS, WOW... screw this! 3rd person shooters NEVER work as effective horror games ever. At least RE4 was balls to the walls action fun, this doesn't even look like that. It just looks like it'll have the same ammo limitations as the original RE2 but with a revamped combat which makes everything way easier BUT at the same time not as FUN as Re4. I was hoping for RE3 remake but after this? NO thanks Capcom! This game ain't for me and i'm sick of playing these 3rd person shooter "Horror" games, they've never been good at actually being horror, only shooting.
It doesn't make any sense for this remake to be the same like the original for many reason, one of these is you can still play the original RE2 if the remake let you down.
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Am i the only one who is TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED!? My worst fears have come true about this game. This game looks like by the numbers yet another OTS RE game. Nothing special and nothing like the original RE2. The game looks super easy, you can just headshot your way around EVERYTHING, just think about this for a sec. If you do this in the original RE2, would it be half as fun? It throws the whole ammo conservation out.

And as for OTS, WOW... screw this! 3rd person shooters NEVER work as effective horror games ever. At least RE4 was balls to the walls action fun, this doesn't even look like that. It just looks like it'll have the same ammo limitations as the original RE2 but with a revamped combat which makes everything way easier BUT at the same time not as FUN as Re4. I was hoping for RE3 remake but after this? NO thanks Capcom! This game ain't for me and i'm sick of playing these 3rd person shooter "Horror" games, they've never been good at actually being horror, only shooting.

I think it's a little soon to say it won't be scary because it's third-person. Believe me, I had the same exact gripe before because I don't trust Capcom to make a survival horror game in third-person. But what makes me feel better about what I saw is just how different this is from the likes of RE4-RE6 despite being third-person.

Leon isn't going around punching or kicking things, enemy's don't have cheap movement patterns leaving them open to attack, their movement actually makes it a bit difficult to get a proper headshot, and from what I saw, it looks like it takes three headshots to kill a zombie. So imagine facing up to three or four at a time, how many bullets you'll need to take them all out, without factoring in how many times you'll miss. Something else I liked, is how relentless the zombies are too. They'll follow you through rooms and the environments are pretty claustrophobic, so avoiding a group of enemies isn't going to be as easy as it was in RE4-6, and when you shoot them, they don't stall or get stunned either, just like in the original games. I think the developer even mentioned in the gameplay commentary that Leon is pretty weak and can die in like 3 hits. All that sounds pretty promising to me and remedies most of the issue of third-person survival horror. I know other games like using disposable items as a way of conserving ammo, but it doesn't look like that here. It seems like your options are pretty much fight or flight.

With that being said, the game could stll go very easy on the player in other ways which might dumb down the experience like checkpoints and generous pickups, and I get it. I don't like it but I get it. So hopefully the game has difficulty options that remedy this from the start. But overall, I'm pretty impressed with what I'm seeing here, because it's avoiding a lot of the missteps of modern third-person survival horror, and part of that may be because it's based on one of the greatest survival horror games of all time, so it might just come with the territory.

It doesn't make any sense for this remake to be the same like the original for many reason, one of these is you can still play the original RE2 if the remake let you down.

This is blatantly untrue. It worked just fine when they remade the original. I don't see how being told to play and be happy with the original, quenches one's thirst for a remake that plays like the game it's based on, but feels, looks, and sounds better just like they did with REmake.
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Comeplete demo walkthrough showcasing new areas like the library, new items including the shotgun, zombie dismemberment, and a Q&A confirming infinite saves and checkpoints in the standard mode, and ink ribbons as part of a harder mode for traditional players. Unsure whether the option is available from the get-go or if we're gonna have another RE7 scenario on our hands.
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I think it's a little soon to say it won't be scary because it's third-person. Believe me, I had the same exact gripe before because I don't trust Capcom to make a survival horror game in third-person. But what makes me feel better about what I saw is just how different this is from the likes of RE4-RE6 despite being third-person.
Idk man, i have yet to play a 3rd person game that i found as immersive as Clock Tower,Silent Hill or REmake. Plus, yet another OTS game? Really capcom? I'm soo done playing OTS RE games. People say that they were "Sick of playing Fixed Camera RE games" well i'm burnt out of playing OTS RE games now.

I know, this is just a super minority opinion and that most fans actually want RE8 to be OTS(God no) but i don't find 3rd person games immersive. Mainly because the camera is always focused on the 3d model of the character. FIxed Cameras were like a nice compromise between 3rd person and FPS, while keeping the character model in the focus was entirely on the pre-rendered backgrounds.
their movement actually makes it a bit difficult to get a proper headshot, and from what I saw, it looks like it takes three headshots to kill a zombie. So imagine facing up to three or four at a time, how many bullets you'll need to take them all out, without factoring in how many times you'll miss.
They're slow Zombies so i can just aim at the head everytime, getting headshots isn't that hard and the 3rd person perspective makes it easier to just walk past a staggered zombie. MAYBE, they're really as tough like in the original RE2 but i can only tell that when i play it. From the looks of it, you can just run past zombies easily and even shoot their legs to knock them down. My main beef is the headshots and how it can be easily exploited.

>they don't stall or get stunned either

Actually, headshots do and i'm a PC gamer and that means they're SUPER easy to me with the mouse.

It doesn't make any sense for this remake to be the same like the original for many reason, one of these is you can still play the original RE2 if the remake let you down.
Nah, a Remake is supposed to be like the original game but better looking and with a smoother gameplay AKA like REmake. This isn't a Remake of RE2, this is a total Re-imagining of RE2 in OTS perspective. Something i never wanted, we already have tons of games in OTS perspective like Revelations 1&2. I'm bored of playing 3rd person shooter/horror games.
Well... colour me impressed. I'll admit that while I would have played the RE2 remake and sort of looked forward to it, I wasn't overly hyped the way a lot of RE fans were. Now I definitely am, it's become one of my most anticipated game releases. I said in another thread that I really wanted a Resident Evil game to look forward to and that I've been missing that for a good few years, and it's great to have that feeling back again.

Sure, perhaps it's not as faithful to the original as I was perhaps expecting, but I am actually quite happy with the third person perspective (unpopular opinion, I know). I'm really liking the goriness that we're seeing so far. Leon's new look is growing on me (although I still kind of hate Claire's). The claustrophobia aspect returning is awesome. I'm also the kind of person that turns the brightness all the way up on a game because I like to see what I'm doing regardless of if it's more scary having some darkness, but I think I kind of like the darkness in this instance because it really enhances the experience. That may change when I come to play it myself, however.

So far so good, for me. Definitely surprised at how impressed I am with this.