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PSN: floaty_McTurd
Oct 23, 2008
northampton, United Kingdom
I know Resident evil 6 isn't out yet, but i do hope they do at least one more after 5, and i've got a few ideas what i would like to see, but lets hear everyones.

  • characters
  • game settings
  • bosses
  • sequel/prequel
Sure there will be more now when they can work on the new consols the new generation.
They have planty of things they can work on:
Ark Tompson.
Bruce Macgivern.
THis is characters I wanna see aagain! =)
I wouldn't mind seeing claire again. as for the other 2 there from outbreak right?
i never fully played outbreak,didn't like it much.
i wanna see barry and his magnum make a return LoL.

id have to saya boss in it would be a mutated wesker.
Characters: Billy COen (Former Lieutenant)
Story: A cargo ship crashes off the shore of an unknown island. The problem is, several years previous to these events, it was in a region of Africa infected with a strain of Las Plagas/T-Virus. Billy, on the run with a new alias, finds himself fighting for his life on an island inhabited by creatures beyond belief.
Enemies: Mixture of zombie and Ganados, mutated creatures (I.E:Giraffes, Rhinos, Wasps), mercenaries, UBCS, Wesker.
Weapons: Many weapons from RE5 return such as the Sig551, R700, M4 and M92R. New weapons, spears, daggers, torches.
Contains flashbacks to the train incident, what Billy has been doing for the past few years. Also contains run ins with many familiar items from Resident Evil 5.
hahaha killing rhinos and giraffes.But yes Billy Coen would definately be my choice also it would be good if they could make you alone more often or at least increase the scares.