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Resident Evil 5 RE4/RE5 Plot Hole Solved - Why do I have to fix this ****?


Well-Known Member
Yeah so Capcom left a pretty big mess with the ending of Seperate Ways and the story of Resident Evil 5. Let us begin:

1) In the English version of Resident Evil 4, we are led to believe that there is a "Master Plaga" specimen which is of dire importance to three groups: Albert Wesker, the Los Illuminados, and The Organization. Ada Wong is sent to retrieve it by Wesker and the Organization, but is secretly working against Wesker.

2) This is actually complete bull, at least until we finish this. Ada retrieves 8 Plaga samples (in the Japanese version, known as "kiseitai", parasite body), and retrieves the "sample" which is of major importance (known as "shihaishu", dominant species). It just so happens that Master and Control mean the same thing here. Go figure.

3) The English version of Seperate Ways explicitly states that The Organization requires samples of the parasites themselves to conduct tests and confirm or disprove theories concerning how they work. Wesker also wants them for more sinister ends. According to the English ending, Ada sends Wesker "a different present, just as the Organization ordered". In the Japanese version, this reads "I gave Wesker another present. As per the orders of the "organization"". So Ada retrieves the samples and sends Wesker something else. All fine and dandy for now... then come RE5.

4) From the very offset, it is apparent that Tricell and Albert Wesker have managed to get Las Plagas. Including Control Plagas. How? Didn't Ada send Wesker a "different present"? Well, we'll come to that soon. In the official Resident Evil 5 guide, it is also mentioned by the developers that Wesker managed to get Las Plagas from a side-game in Resident Evil 4. This is backed up by what is seen in the game, and also by the loading screen timeline which says he got them from Ada Wong.

5) Pretty messed up so far isn't it? Well blame Capcom's ****-poor knack at explaining things. Lets take to the skies! I mean the guides.

6) Alright, since we have begun translating the Biohazard Kaitashinsho guides we have discovered some of the most interesting information that, to be honest, blew my ****ing balls to bits. Whats sad is that this information is completely lost to the majority of the population since, y'know, we can't read Japanese (though some of us are trying to learn!). We at UC are essentially making it our mission to bring this information out of the rut and make it available to EVERYONE. So far, we're succeeding. With the help of the Biohazard 5 Kaitaishinsho guide, we have solved this plot hole. And with a single enemy bio, no less:

Irving Transformed

When facing Chris and Sheva, Irving injected himself with the embryo of the "Control Plagas" parasite in the way of solution, and transformed into a giant aquatic creature. Because it has obvious differences in appearance with the parasite used by the chief plotter in the South Europe Incident, it is supposed to be a modified subordinate Plagas parasite similar to those in that incident. However, it also has some characteristics of the Control Plagas. Injecting the parasite won't make the host lose his mind, and makes it possible to control the parasite with the host's will. The new type of Plagas have had other ways to control and command, so the purpose of its development is only to improve its fighting abilities.

Did I just blow your ****ing mind, or did I just blow your ****ing mind? Yes you heard that right. There is an entirely new type of Plagas that has gone unmentioned for two complete games. And here we have it in a single enemy bio. THX CAPCOM

7) So how does this bio solve this entire debacle? Well to begin, the bio outright states that Saddler had a Control Plaga, and that the one injected by Irving appeared different. But didn't Wesker get the Control Plaga, shouldn't they not have to mention this? Well, no. Read on. It mentions that the Plaga injected by Irving is actually a modified Subordinate Plaga "similar to those in that incident" (this quote refers to Bitores Mendez and Ramon Salazar, who were initially believed to have Control Plagas as well). It has characteristics of the Control Plagas, in that injection won't cause the host to lose his mind. Seem familiar? Oh, and apparently the Control Plaga isn't even used to control other Plagas in RE5, as they have "had other ways to control and command" the new types of Plagas. This is backed up by one of the files in the game which state that Control Plagas aren't actually needed to control the Majini.

8) Mind blown. So back to RE4. This modified Subordinate Plaga has actually existed before RE5, and is present in RE4 as stated by the bio. Though you wouldn't know that with Capcom's exceptional story-telling. So, now we can pin-point that there are actually only TWO "real" Control Plagas in the series. One was injected into Osmund Saddler, as implied by the bio, and the other was retrieved by Ada. So THATS why they called it their "lifeblood", and why they were so intent on getting it back. It was one-of-a-kind. In the English version of RE4, Jack Krauser states that his mission is to retrieve "the sample Saddler developed, thats all". In the Japanese version, Krauser actually says "raised", as in bred or cultivated. Its importance just went up a few nothces, dont you think?

9) Go to 10

10) Time for the finalé. What does all this mean? We have a Control Plaga imposter type Plaga... imposter you say? Didn't Ada say, rather sarcastically, that she sent Wesker a "different" present? Wouldn't Wesker make it his mission to hunt her down and choke a bitch if he knew she screwed him over? What if he didn't know? Wouldn't it be pretty stupid if the Organization ordered Ada to send Wesker (a traitor with an alliance with a rival company, Tricell at the time) something that could potentially shift the balance of the world rather quickly? Yeah it would be stupid but hey Capcom don't seem to want to make you aware of it.

Bottom line? Ada sent Wesker the modified Subordinate Plagas, which has some characteristics of the Control Plaga. She kept the real, purebred Control Plaga and gave it to the Organization. Now doesn't that make more sense than the cluster**** we were left with?

Hope this was as informative for you any of you as it was for my plot-obsessed ass. Word to Capcom; stop screwing us over please. ;_;


Well-Known Member
wow thx for the info. i just picked re5 back up after a while and was amazed at how little the story made sense. but at least the game is fun!


Well-Known Member
Though I wish they'd double check their own plan on the plots before releasing the game.

And no problem.


Chief Researcher
I saw that exact same post in the Project Umbrella Forums, were you the one who pested there, too?
Wait, you said you own PU? Great, that site is awsome, congrats.
Capcom has such a talent in screwing everything up. Please, review previous games and official documents before releasing the next game.


Sexually Active Member
Wow, very interesting post, Sunglasses. It's definitely something to think about.

I figured Spencer was part of this organization that supposedly received the "real" sample, which is why Wesker was determined to find and kill Spencer and then take over his work.
During a cut scene in RE5, Wesker even says "I believe I should thank you Spencer" as he's looking out at the missiles filled with Uroboros. To me this implies that Spencer may have had the sample before Albert. Obviously over time and money (from both Irving and Tricell) the sample(s) that was retrieved by Ada was tested on and improved to Wesker's liking.

That's how I always saw it anyways... Unless I missed something about Spencer in a bunch of notes somewhere.


Well-Known Member
bruno;60445 said:
I saw that exact same post in the Project Umbrella Forums, were you the one who pested there, too?
Wait, you said you own PU? Great, that site is awsome, congrats.
Capcom has such a talent in screwing everything up. Please, review previous games and official documents before releasing the next game.

I don't own PU, I voiced this post to that site as well. And I own another forums.

This even furthers the mystery of Ada Wong......heck we don't really even know if that is her real name as she remains a mystery.


Chief Researcher
NewsBot;60596 said:
Hey Sunglasses, I think you'll find that you are not me.



Get lost.

If anyone needs confirmation regardining my identity, just ask.

So, you're NewsBot from P:U??
If you are him, then you are the original poster of this "article", at least in P:U. Did you create it?
Can you prove you are really NewsBot from P:U?

EDIT: I saw your post in P:U about this, so i guess it's proved. Congrats, it's a great article.
And sunglasses, i also post here lots of stuff i find in Project Umbrella and other sites, but i always identify them as a source, you should do the same.


Well-Known Member
I can prove it very easily. Just tell me what you want as proof. I already posted about this not only in that topic on PU, but on THIA as well:


And yes, I am the original poster of this article, every last word of it, which is being turned into a full-fledged editorial for PU. It is entirely my work.

Take the translation that is in the article for instance, the edited version is here in a site article I updated only yesterday: http://projectumbrella.net/articles/Biohazard-5-Kaitaishinsho-Guide

For other reference, here is me logged into PU, complete with administration tabs: http://yfrog.com/2rclipboard01bp

EDIT: I also find it amusing that Sunglasses' own "site" using forum categories ripped directly from both Project Umbrella and The Horror Is Alive, such as "Umbrella Labs", "Public Relations Department" and so on. Really, really sad.


Chief Researcher
Hey, thanks for that. Unfortunately, i'm not registered in PU, but i'll be soon, there's some great discussions in the forums. I wish you good luck with the editorial. Will there be anything esle, or only this text? Do you know how long will it take untill the complete chronology's release? Also, I'm waiting for a Part II of the "Biology of Evil", but i know it won't be out that soon, now that there's new material about the T-Veronica (TDC).


Well-Known Member



Chief Researcher
Did you register on these forums just to offend a member? That's spam.
I agree what sunglasses did was not right, but there's no need to do that. At least, give him a chance to explain himself.

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
I have no ****ing clue what's going on - but on a general note, all work that is not your own must be cited and credited to the original writer. It's not a big deal here as we're not an academic resource - but it's generally ethical to give credit where credit is due, Sunglasses.


Well-Known Member
I'm Alexia, and I'm also a staff member on PU, moderator on THIA and a regular member of 2 years on Biohaze. I can confirm the News Bot posting here is the real one and an admin of Project Umbrella, as he has linked to this in the private sub-forum of THIA which only some members have access to. Really not impressed with how the work that's on our site for our members has been completely plagarized word for word (it's not even using us as a source because it's EXACTLY the same article), and also not impressed with the categories on your own website that you've ripped from The Horror is Alive and Project Umbrella. Plagarizing news and site material has never worked in the RE community, and it's not going to start working now. Get a grip.


Well-Known Member
Okay, well, I don't see why we can't have a perfectly fine discussion about this anyway, conflict aside.

Its pretty safe to assume that the Organization knows that Wesker did receive a modified plagas after the events in Africa (if not sooner,) so where does that leave Ada? Did the Organization order her to deliver a modified version instead of a simple fake sample, or was she still loyal Wesker as well? And if it is the latter, I wonder how the Organization would react to that.

Sounds like a good start for the next game :)
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