That's bull crap, I've been playing that game for as long as I can remember, and the only thing that will drop your grade is the first aid spray. You must beat it in under 2.5 hours. You can use the sub- machine gun and all the gun parts you want. You can save up to twelve or so times, and you can get the side pack too. Either there is a glitch in your game, or you're leaving something out. If you've unlocked any infinite weapons such as the r. launcher, inf. machine gun, or gattlin gun, don't use them. If you equip one, the moment you pull the triggar your grade drops down to a B ranking. If you are using an action replay or a gameshark, depending on what cheats you select, that could also lower your grade.
If this is the case, and you would rather try and go through the game with some inf. weapons by your side, but you don't want to risk lowering your grade, I have a solution. If you have the GC version, go to your options menu and select your controll config. Once there, simply hold down R amd press Z ten or so times (until words light up red). If you have the ps1 version, do the same, only this time, hold down R1 and press SQUARE until the words light up. This will give you inf. bullets in every gun w/ out lowering your grade.Just don't use the machine gun if you use this cheat. If this is not your problem, it's probably a glitch. If you give me more info, I can probably help you. Good luck!
If this is the case, and you would rather try and go through the game with some inf. weapons by your side, but you don't want to risk lowering your grade, I have a solution. If you have the GC version, go to your options menu and select your controll config. Once there, simply hold down R amd press Z ten or so times (until words light up red). If you have the ps1 version, do the same, only this time, hold down R1 and press SQUARE until the words light up. This will give you inf. bullets in every gun w/ out lowering your grade.Just don't use the machine gun if you use this cheat. If this is not your problem, it's probably a glitch. If you give me more info, I can probably help you. Good luck!