They're coming out with new DLC covering the chapters of Chris and Jill storming the Spencer Mansion before Wesker brought everything to hell in a handbasket. So I realized they don't mind puttin' up new DLC. Likewise, on a Tekken forum I frequent, they started a sign-up listing to petition bringing back old characters as DLC. So... Am I the only one who thinks old Mercs characters should be available as DLC?
My votes are for Ada and H.U.N.K.
I even miss Leon and Krauser. Add Claire just for kicks.
At the very least, these five should be staples. We already have the others.
So... anyone want to start a signing petition?
My votes are for Ada and H.U.N.K.
I even miss Leon and Krauser. Add Claire just for kicks.
At the very least, these five should be staples. We already have the others.
So... anyone want to start a signing petition?