Damn. This is so f-ing hard. I don't know. They aaare my 2 favorite characters. Dammitt KennedyKiller, why'd you have to put so much pressure on us?! lol Jill maybe.
I'd take out Leon and then make a Jill sandwich >![]()
Ok...is making a Jill sandwich killing her...or some akward sex thing..
I think a "Jill Sandwich" is when Jill is trapped and about to be killed, and you come and **** her. The "****" could be anything. lol.
I'd take out Leon and then make a Jill sandwich >![]()
And when I flipped the coin it landed on it's sideDamn it Kill one of my two favorite characters. This is a tough one. *Grabs coin*
I would like to plug Jill and blow Leon at the same time, just because I'm that much of a stud...
Hmmm...it leads me to wonder what a Leon Sandwich would be like then...because he gets trapped just as often..
I think Chris already has dibs on that.![]()
Yes but Jill falls on her welled toned ass throughout the course of Resident Evil REmake. Im not sure if Leon has a well toned ass as I don't look back their and I'm not gay.
Na..I think Leon has a flat ass...he has a flat everything else...Hair, chest...