This game is seriously starting to grow on me, im actually looking forward to it. So im a bit saddened at all the hate it's getting when no one on the planet has even tried it yet. It's a spin off, it can be whatever it wants. Resident Evil has always had spin offs, it's a very varied series. The Outbreak series, the Survivor series, the Chronicles series, Dead aim, hell some people even class the Revelations series as spin offs. There's almost as many if not more spin offs than canonical games, and while none of them have reached the heights of the canonical games, that's ok because their spin offs, their own thing. If this dosent interest you thats fine, but if your gunna hate on the game, at least try it first. I most certainly will because while it's not what anyone was expecting, it looks fun. And to me thats the main thing. This isn't the only direction Capcom is taking, their remaking RE2 which is like the holy grail to most fans, RE7 is coming and personally i think that Revelations 3 is inevitable. My point is RE has always had spin offs and its nothing new, so i dont know why everyone is whining and losing their minds about umbrella corps.
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