Resident Evil 2 (2019) How would you rate REmake 2?

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Resident Evil 2 Remake is...

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Can't vote. I think 7 is a bit too high while 6 is a bit too low. Probably a score between 6 and 7.

While it has fun moments and is kinda decent; this game is really disappointing to me, especially as a remake. I might be biased here, especially since RE2 is my favourite RE game in the series even though I got into this franchise with RE4 and I liked the action aspects of RE4, RE5 and RE6.

Here are my complaints, hopefully I don't miss anything:

1. Some enemies from RE2 are missing. This game also doesn't introduce new enemies unlike RE1 Remake did.

2. Scenario system is a mess. They don't even connect to each other unlike RE2's scenarios or RE6's campaigns.

3. The new ivies are so bad and very lazily designed; the original ones are better. Their only attack is an instant kill grab; that is it. They also look more like zombies. Oh and why can't I use weapons other than flamethrower and grenade launcher loaded with flame rounds to kill them like how I could in RE2? Speaking of grenade launcher; you can't obtain normal grenade rounds for some reason.

4. Weapons really have poor impact, especially shotgun and magnum. They also sound quite bad; compare the upgraded shotgun to the beast in RE2.

5. Breakable knives. Really wished the one that can't be broken wasn't an unlockable and you had it with you right from the start. Honestly I prefer one weak unbreakable knife over multiple breakable knives.

6. In 2nd run; all handgun ammo pickups are replaced with special handgun ammo. ( Those weapons also have weird aiming poses and Claire's gun takes ages to reload. She also had that gun in RE2 and she reloads that thing way better in that game. ) I wished we could find regular handgun ammo without relying gunpowder and the game balanced both types of them.

7. Mr. X is used WAY too much. He should have been exclusive to 2nd run; his scariness started to deplete way earlier and he instead became annoying. Also; what's with the hat? Should had a design similar to the one in Darkside Chronicles.

8. Speaking of Mr. X; I would have liked him to drop ammo when defeated; that felt satisfying to do in RE2. I hope you'll be able to defeat Nemesis in RE3 Remake and he'll drop items when that happens.

9. Why can't I stomp on zombies when they grab my foot?

10. Barely any character interactions. I wished Leon encountered Sherry way earlier in RPD, both Leon and Claire had roles in saving infected Sherry from lab and Ada temporarily saw Sherry. Also why aren't Leon and Claire communicating each other with radios instead of lame papers?

11. 4 scenarios barely have any differences from each other unlike in RE2 where they had good amount of differences.

12. Ada's new backstory is stupid. RE2 Ada's backstory is a lot better while making the game connect better to RE1 Remake.

13. They lazily removed bowgun instead of improving it. They could have added some aspects from RECV like explosive bolts or an upgrade that allows you to fire the weapon in single or burst mode. Instead they made SMG exclusive to Claire which brings me to next complaint...

14. You can't obtain the SMG as Leon like how you can in RE2. It's also better in RE2.

15. Why is Ada's section so obnoxious? Like you could have put a 1st aid spray and some ammunition to her inventory.

16. No Extreme Battle mode. Should have been in the game instead of the atrocious Ghost Survivors episodes.

17. Death scenes have weird blinking effects which is unnecessary.

18. Marvin doesn't recap the events of Mansion Incident unlike in RE2.

19. The game's soundtrack is really generic and it barely plays. Why is the original soundtrack a paid DLC instead of an unlockable?

20. Changing Umbrella's orders feels unnecessary. In RE2, they simply needed the G-Virus. Here; they need Birkin alive as well. The big problem with this is one of the USS soldiers shoot Birkin and they check his body to reach the conclusion that he's dead even though he isn't. What?

21. Wasn't a big fan of the new lab's design and map layout. I think RE2 had a better lab design and map layout.

22. Claire forgets her brother completely ( " That's... that's great news. " ) after Marvin tells her that he's on vacation. She also doesn't sound that surprised when you read Chris' coded letter in her scenario. This affects the ending as well, she isn't really concerned with finding Chris unlike in RE2. ( " I have to find my brother. " )

23. The ending. Why show us Sherry crying over Annette's death only to follow that with the ending that shows Sherry wanting Leon and Claire to adopt her? It just doesn't follow IMO.

I'm glad people enjoyed this but it just didn't click that much for me.
I agree with a LOT of this. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was underwhelmed with REmake2. I was loving it at first, but I had this tinge in the back of my head of dissatisfaction at the sheer number of changes. And...I didn't even give it a replay after beating it. The novelty of a REmake2 had worn off. I may go back to it someday...But I'll be going back to the original far more. Hell...I may go back TONIGHT actually, just to see if my feelings have changed, since I haven't played it since it came out.
I feel like the criticisms against RE2 REmake are definitely valid, but the game overall is worthy of the general praise it has received. From a game play and atmosphere stance, it is one of the best games of 2019.

Of course, as I have mentioned - the original RE2 is just a better overall game thanks to the well thought out scenarios and better lab designs. I have only played the campaigns 5 times, but I enjoyed each and every time. To each their own I suppose!
I must have played RE2 remake story over again like 20 times.

At first yes I wasn’t absolutely blown away but the game really did grow on me the more I played it again and again.
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I used to love the game a lot but after replays; my enjoyment slightly decreased. Dont get me wrong; ı still like the game a lot but ı think re2, remake and recv are better than this.

I also changed my vote; it was 9 but ı changed it to 8.

My criticisms about the game is mostly story related; it's disappointing imo.
I used to love the game a lot but after replays; my enjoyment slightly decreased. Dont get me wrong; ı still like the game a lot but ı think re2, remake and recv are better than this.

I also changed my vote; it was 9 but ı changed it to 8.

My criticisms about the game is mostly story related; it's disappointing imo.
My tought exactly... It started whit a 9 but after replaying it many times I changed my vote to an 8 because of story disappointment
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I think the criticisms of the game are valid. But mostly because we know how great REmake 2 could have been if they had included all of the features that the original RE2 had.

Even with the disappointment of that knowledge, I still wholeheartedly believe that it was the best game of 2019. And I know they can only get better with THREEmake, so I am damn excited for that now!
9 on 10 for me.

It's one of my favourite Resident Evil experiences of all time. It manages to feel fresh and nostalgic at the same time. I can't understate how much the RE Engine adds for me either, as it is really visually spectacular.

It isn't quite perfect. The fact that the two stories don't intertwine properly surprised and irked me when I first played through. The story could be fleshed out a little more.

That being said, if this is the blueprint for RE3make, I am hella excited.
My enjoyment decreased again. I changed the vote to 7.

I think the game is extremely overrated along with re7 which is also overrated.

Gameplay is fun for claire's 1st run but the story is a giant mess.

Ugh, so disappointed. I didnt even play re3 2020 due to this.

A very good review for the game. I agree a lot with this.
Strong 8. Maybe a 9.

It got me back into video games after a ten year hiatus and restored my faith in Resident Evil after they ran me off with 5.

The first two games were obsessions in my teenage years and I went into this game expecting to hate it. Turns out, I was blown away and finished every scenario (except Hunk, which I'm nowhere near good enough to complete).

There were some things I missed from the original - including parts of the lab (especially the moth) and the spiders in the sewer - but I was actually pretty happy with all of the new additions, and I think the orphanage was a far better use of Sherry than having her climbing around sewers. The made Ada even more annoying that she was originally, but she was always a downside of the game for me, so it's not like they ruined anything I had previously enjoyed.

The visuals and gameplay were both amazing and, while I wish the police station had been a bit brighter, they generally nailed the atmosphere and tone of the original game, which is the most important thing.
Strong 8. Maybe a 9.

It got me back into video games after a ten year hiatus and restored my faith in Resident Evil after they ran me off with 5.

The first two games were obsessions in my teenage years and I went into this game expecting to hate it. Turns out, I was blown away and finished every scenario (except Hunk, which I'm nowhere near good enough to complete).

There were some things I missed from the original - including parts of the lab (especially the moth) and the spiders in the sewer - but I was actually pretty happy with all of the new additions, and I think the orphanage was a far better use of Sherry than having her climbing around sewers. The made Ada even more annoying that she was originally, but she was always a downside of the game for me, so it's not like they ruined anything I had previously enjoyed.

The visuals and gameplay were both amazing and, while I wish the police station had been a bit brighter, they generally nailed the atmosphere and tone of the original game, which is the most important thing.

If I would offer advise for HUNKs scenario, I would say go for speenrun strats. You get so little ammunition for those runs I feel like you're better off just using some good timing and conserve your grenades for opportune moments. I personally never played HUNK on the original RE2, so my first try was on the remake. I had far more success speedrunning it, but that was be pretty infuriating too, especially after you've run it enough to make it to the last could zombies and then die lol. But you can do it. The tofus are fun too but I only beat 3 of the 5 scenarios.
As someone who has not completed the Hunk Scenario, I can confirm that speedrun strats are the way to go. I tried twice by myself and got maybe 4 minutes in to it. Then I watched a speedrun video and was able to get near the end. By then, I was too mad to finish, so I quit and never looked back. lol.

But I also like your overall analysis!
As someone who has not completed the Hunk Scenario, I can confirm that speedrun strats are the way to go. I tried twice by myself and got maybe 4 minutes in to it. Then I watched a speedrun video and was able to get near the end. By then, I was too mad to finish, so I quit and never looked back. lol.

But I also like your overall analysis!

I beat HUNK in 10 mins or so, after much frustrating grinding. By the time I was done I was so aggrivated/pumped up I was shaking lol. It still was not as infuriating as beating the Valkyrie queen on God of War 2018. Oh. My. God. The torture I went through for that platinum.
Confession Time: After 1 attempt, I switched Valkyrie Queen to Easy to get the Platinum. I was just over it by then. lol. No regrets. But as you can see, there is a pattern with me taking the easy way out. Unless it's a jRPG. Then I can do anything.
My enjoyment decreased again. I changed the vote to 7.

I think the game is extremely overrated along with re7 which is also overrated.

Gameplay is fun for claire's 1st run but the story is a giant mess.

Ugh, so disappointed. I didnt even play re3 2020 due to this.

A very good review for the game. I agree a lot with this.
Sounds to me you just don't like Survival horror.
I rated it an 8.

Resident Evil 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. Back in the day I replayed it so many times I had both scenarios memorized like the back of my hand. I remember being only 13 years old and being able to play through the game as second nature. I never had a PS1 either so 2 was the only game I was able to enjoy for a while. Prior to getting a PS2 I had to experience 1 and 3 at a friends house and it was never a full experience. Resident Evil 2 on N64 was the only way I could fully experience a RE from start to finish whenever I wanted for a few years.

When it comes to remakes I always look at it as “if the original did not exist would this thing be just as good? Can it stand on its own?”. For the first games remake I absolutely believe that. The remake is better than the original in every way. It improves on everything and adds new story elements. The 2 remake however does not do somethings better then the original.

In regards to the story overall it was good, but lacking what the original had. I really loved how scenario B not only added new area’s and expanded on the story more, but it made getting the true ending all that more worth it. With the remake getting the true ending felt more like a reward for just playing the game with both characters. Second run felt as if Capcom was making a deal with you to replay the game “if you replay our game we will make the second playthrough shorter”. As for the remakes story I was expecting the same story just fleshed out more, similar to how the original games remake was. The original music should have also been used. Not hearing the traditional Hall music makes the Hall less scary. The scene with HUNK did not feel as bad ass with the new music. The Claire and Leon interactions were not as good as they could have been too. The gate scene was cool, but why remove the STARS office scene? Why remove Claire running into Leon in the sewers on her B run? Why wasn’t zombie Brad incorporated into the story? I never really thought much of the sewers, but the lab in the remake did not feel as cool as the lab from the original. The remake lab has that “look big underground secret lab” look to it but in the original the lab felt unique. It would be the same if in 15 years from now Arkham Asylum was remade and the asylum just looked like a generic mental hospital for criminals.

As for content I was hoping the game would have mercenary mode or at least the extreme battle from the dualshock version of the game. The ghost survivors was a cool free add on but it is not the same.

If there was some merc mode I probably would have given the remake a 9. As I said earlier to me a remake should be better as the original. If the original RE2 was never made and this was the first version of the game I don’t think the game would have been as successful. I loved the game because I loved the original RE2, it is one of my top 5 games, it was a huge part of my childhood. If I had never played the original RE2 then this remake would probably just be a cool zombie game. With that being said though I do not regret my day 1 purchase and have still replayed the remake multiple times.
I like the remake because it's more realistic than the original. The already impressive prerendered backgrounds were developed more in the reimagined version and the characters were a little more relatable. The third person perspective enhances the game play nicely and makes head hunting a pleasure.

I do wish the original super tyrant design was kept, as the new one gives me a strong feeling of déjà vu.

I would've like the game to have kept Extreme Battle Mode, though. That would've been the icing on the cake and we'll worth many replays if implemented correctly. Also, the same boss fights happening are a little disappointing, as the same environments they take place in make the encounters repetitive.
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to repeat what i said elsewhere:

The thing I don't like about RE2 remake is all the backtracking. Just starting out on it I want to explore everywhere and collect everything because I'm not using a walkthrough guide and don't know what I'll need. I forgot how tired I was of all the backtracking to storage boxes all those yrs ago but they have done a great job of reminding me lol. That said it looks great but I've also gotten used to games where I can dodge pretty much at will and I'm bothered that I can't in RE2 remake. I'm still going try to buy into it. So far it is a fairly true remake, I just wasn't prepared for how I'd feel about the old way of doing things.
I gave it a 10 because it is a really good game and as a remake. One thing I wish they would've kept in is where Leon could've checked Ada's gun after she dies, seeing that it wasn't loaded and that she had no intention of hurting him. Does anyone else agree?
I gave it a 10 because it is a really good game and as a remake. One thing I wish they would've kept in is where Leon could've checked Ada's gun after she dies, seeing that it wasn't loaded and that she had no intention of hurting him. Does anyone else agree?
I dunno, I think the fact that Leon fought Mr X with Ada's assistance in both endings canonically solidified the fact that she didn't intend to hurt him. If she did she wouldn't have stuck around to save him one last time.

In the original, I'm pretty sure fighting Mr X or fighting Birkin were linked to the A/B scenarios, not the character. (It's been a while though so I could be misremembering.)
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