Wow, there're actually people positive about this game o: Didn't see that coming.
Anyway, in my opinion, the game... I don't want to say it sucked, but... It's definitely not catchy.
When I played it for some time, I was looking forward to finish it and never play it again. The graphics 'n stuff are great, but...
No, it's not worth the money. I also bought The Mercenaries; yet another game that'll disappoint you.
Not to mention that I bought the 3DS for these two games only. Bye bye 350 euros.
That hurts.
I didn't play the game because I didn't want to spend money in a 3DS just for that, but I've seen it online and it actually seems to be quite fun. It has much more horror elements than RE4 or RE5, had Jill as a main character, an interesting and catchy story, told in an interesting manner, etc. I wish I had the opportunity to play it![]()
I really can't say why I dislike the game. It's been so long since I last played it. Maybe because I bought it with high expectations or something, I dunno. But... really. You're not missing anything. It's not worth the money, just leave it be.
But then again, tastes differ. So I'll just leave it here ^-^
I'm thinking of buying myself one for my birthday. Things im worried about are can you play the game in non 3d? The whole 3d effect on a small screen is putting me off . Also im looking at the 3ds (XL) as its a bit larger but cant' use a second analog on that either? I m considering vita but theres no ressy on that and i want to play mercs 3ds as well.
Check out some vids and reviews to see for your self.