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Has Anyone Ever Walked Into A Room...


The Original
Jusr wondering if anyone has ever walked into a roon and there first thought being that a zombie was about to jump out etc. I just walked into my garrage and it looks alot like a bulding from the upcoming resi 5.

Have any of you had a similar experience? :)


Well-Known Member
I have to say that i get that feeling sometimes when i walk on the streets late at night and there's no one in you're sight, it feels so abandoned.


Well-Known Member
i have a narrow hallway in my house and it has doors on both sides and no windows so its pitch black down there and when i go to open my bedroom door i just know that there is something creepy going to be standing there.


Jupiter Jazz
When im sleeping it looks like someones standing next to my bed when its pitch black.

Haha but its only my hendrix poster. Its so colorful the outline of his afro looks like nemisis in the dark haha.


Well-Known Member
Well tell you the truth after i played resident evil 0 i thought zombies were going to pop out from the side of the hallways, also a plant used scratch on my window a few years ago which made me feel paranoid on some occasions.


Jupiter Jazz
Im not sure if ive ever thought a zombie would be in my house, I always think I hear robbers in my house at night :[ theres big crashes sometimes dunno what they are..


Well-Known Member
The kitchen, I'm terrified of the kitchen since the day that my cousin spilled Tomato sauce on the floor and when I walked by I slipped and I tough that it was blood and a licker was on the roof so I just started screaming and my cousin got it on tape. (So now you can guess that it was a prank)

Jill Valentine S.T.A.R.S

Well-Known Member
I hate walking the dog past the church near where I live at night, I swear it looks just like a load of zombies are going to claw there way out of the graves there....lest to say I tend to move pretty fast past there :p


Well-Known Member
My mom's bedroom has this tiny corner at the doorway that gets pitch effing black at night when most of the lights are off in the house. It's across the living room from my kitchen, so when I go downstairs to get something to eat in the middle of the night, I always feel like there could be something watching me from that dark corner and I would never even see it. It sucks, especially when I'm the only one home!!

I also always feel like something will be staring back at me if I look out the windows at night. I REALLY hate it when people leave the blinds open!!! It reminds me every time of something off of 28 Weeks Later...

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Actually, there was this one time I had left my old apartment for class really early in the morning, and it was terribly foggy. Now, I lived on the busiest and most congested street in Hamilton (Main), so there are always, always cars driving by, and it's usually very loud. However, this morning there were absolutely NO cars (they were stuck at a light a while back), and I couldn't see anything because of the fog... I had thought everyone had died or something lol. I half expected to see a zombie trudge towards me, but thankfully that didn't happen, haha. Although, it was more 'Silent Hill' than RE, though.


Her royal court joker
I envy you guys for being able of "seeing" zombies and monsters in real life. :D
I wish I could do that, and I keep trying, lol :p

Silent Hill? Thanks for mentioning it. I did not know what it was, although I have heard the name. I looked it up now,
and it seems to be a series of good games, maybe comparable to RE! :)

ChrisRedfield1994;11814 said:
Just last night, I thought a zombie grabbed me.

Turns out, it was my cat grabbing my t-shirt
LOLOLOLOL! :lol::lol:
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