So you're saying belief in the paranormal is caused by hallucinations that more than one person are sharing at one time? And not everyone would react to asbestos in one specific way. I can understand your views, and if you don't believe in the paranormal I can respect that, but your reasoning is flawed.
I meant to say Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. I messed that part up.
Essentially yes. Or they're mistaking something else as paranormal. Many scientists have come up with many theories behind ghostly sightings. It could be possible for people to experience similar hallucinations at the same time.
I'll always be skeptic towards the paranormal. Even if people say they've experienced it. I need hard proof.
I'm not going to completely diss it. I just have a hard time believing any of it. Which is surprising? I'm normally a sucker for believing things. I always think of the many reasons that could cause an apparition. I'm not going to immediatly assume it's some sort of a haunting. There are reasons for everything. I'd rather think of the reasons/options before I assume something.
I don't think anyone in this thread is mental or anything. just incase you guys thought I might be saying that you are. Many wont agree with my "reasoning". Our views will be different afterall.
I'd rather not get into a debate with anyone. You'll guys will destroy me. I dont want to embarrass myself trying.