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rathit;31338 said:
yeha thats true. using weejee boards puts you in serious risk of getting possesed.
haha it could happen you never know... an yeah the club haha I was forced to go to church as a child. I know about the bible but im a real big sinner, I have sex before marrigde I smoke I drink I swear I play resident evil I blasphmy I do everything a christian should never do, pff some religoes person I am, but im a beleaver none the less.
Poltergiest was a good movie, it started my fear of clowns!I just saw The Haunting in Connecticut wasn't as bad as I expected it to be (it was better than the remake of Amityville Horror, IMO). But the original Amityville Horror movie has to be the best/scariest ghost film made. I have yet to see any other one that screeps me out like that film.

And speaking of ouija boards... :p
RE5.;31372 said:
Thats weird I thought I saw that ouija boards video an replyed "omg thats well good" but my post is before the video link haha jokes..

time paradox.

Oops! It wasn't that, I deleted that post to add more onto it... haha
Okay, I haven't bothered reading all the posts because the topic and the the opinions are always the same. Do ghosts exist?
Never seen one
I've seen one
My friend saw one
I see them on TV
I see them in movies
My entire family sees them
It's not logical
It's not possible
Blah, blah, blah! Everyone's so opinionated on the subject. Personally I know there's ghosts, my mother sees them, my mother's mother saw them, and hers before that and so on. Hell, even my Dad saw one once. I saw one twice, well the second kept appearing was kinda creepy. Even then though, as someone who has seen them and comes from a family who has seen them I don't don't believe **** they show on TV because that's not how it happens. It's all a bunch of drama. -And if it is true it's blown out of proportion. This is what my mother and I have concluded based on what we observe.

Everyone (we've met) has a guardian angel or ghost or spirit, whatever you wnat to call it or more than one. My mother has like five, my Dad has one, I have one. Why don't we always see them? They don't always hang around. They only appear at certain times and at diffenrent times for different people. For example, the FIRST we even realized my father had one was when my Mom saw what looked like a old US soldier in the room with him before he went to Iraq. I forgot how she described him, but I think the attire matched up to either WWI or Civil War or something like that. It wasn't recent. Then mine is my Grandfather who died before I was ever born. Freaked out everybody when I was born because my birthfather said he saw him. My mother still sees him every now and then, usually when my father's gone or when something's really bugging me mentally.
That's our observations. They usually don't stand next to you or even in the same room, they keep their distance and we're not quite sure how they help, but I'm sure everyone's had at least one unexplainable event that should've gotten them killed and didn't. If you haven't, you're one lucky mofo. So why we see them and not everyone else, we haven't quite figured out yet. Figure we probably will never truly understand. It's weird though, because my grandmother on my Mom's side still appears to mother every once in great while -and I do mean great while. So where's she been? Have no clue. Where's everybody else? No clue.

As for the wandering spirits which have become so famous on TV they're not what you may think. Almost all of them just wander around aimlessly or go about their day as if they're still alive (Seemingly....) The rest go through loops. They do something at the same time in the same place every day regardless of the interacction you try to make with them. Others which are far rarer fall into two categories. The interactive, and the mean interactive. We've only come across these once and both in the same house. The place was weirdo to the extreme, no lie. Not going to detail the mean one, because it does sound a little far fetched and that's not going to help my argument any so here's the one I encountered. A little girl in a white dress wandering the house in broad daylight which is rare. For whatever reason, we usually don't see them during the day, the house though, as I've said before, was weirder than the other places we've lived in though; or even been to for that matter. She just kept walking up to me and standing next to me. Scared the **** outta me after awhile. I had a friend who tried to scare me and say it was an omen of death. It only seven or something at the time and I actually spent a day considering it. Waste of time. As you can all plainly realize, I'm still alive. That's not to say ghosts can't be omens though... I'm just saying if they are, it's probably more likely to come from your guardian rather than some random Casper. LOL

So we figure reincarnation exists (for another reason), and some spirits stay behind for some reason we can't explain. Unfinished business and attachments seem to be the canon flying around these days so I'll go with those for now. In all honesty, all I have is accounts. I don't claim to know how or why because I'm not gonna lie and create some kind of cult or religion because it's immoral. I just don't know. All I do know is that some people tend to see them more than others and at different times in their life. My Dad saw his first (according to what he's told us) in his early twenties. Saw my first in kindergarden and last in in elementary school (not at the actual school, just giving a timeline, I don't remember the dates -I'm horrible with time.)

Then again, my account may not prove fruitful to anyone, because if they haven't seen one they won't believe it. That's just how it is. You really can't prove they do or don't exist. Perception is reality. I'm just stubborn so I tried anyway.
RE5.;31200 said:
Haody what do yyou think about weejee bords?

haha we used one before we got an old pizza box and there was like 6 of us we were a bit maggot so we made it.haha nothing happened a bunch of random letters and that was it.It was funny because there was a chair behind me that just randomly fell over i was infront on a swivel chair but i'm 100% certain it wasn't me that hit it haha we just claimed it was a poltergeist.

I wouldn't try a proper one though i suppose if you don't believe in it nothing will happen but if you have slight concerns **** probably hits the fan.
Jokes haha I bet you knocked that chair over you drunken oaf! xD
an you made a weejee bored ...out of a empty pizza box ...yes Im not susprised it didnt work hahaha!!

that is proper funny hahahah