I feel like I'm the only one that loves Michelle. It's not really her fault that she sounded like a robot, it was more the voice directors'. She usually doesn't sound like that.
Also I think Patricia is overrated (don't kill me). She sounded really awkward in Umbrella Chronicles. I like her, but she just sounded really awkward.
Haha don't worry I won't kill you

I just think Patricia's voice fitted Jill's personality more. You know she sounded like a strong female character, but she could be also very sweet, which is how I would describe Jill's personality in RE5. You know after Chris saved her in RE5, she sounded so cute I just wanted to hug her... and Chris too for saving her
Michelle did a good job too and I'm certain it wasn't really her fault for making Jill sound like a robot, but I think it had more to do with her robotic personality in Revelations 1 in general (Well except she showed a few signs of emotion whenever Chris was mentioned or Parker's death and a few other things) But still, Jill's voice isn't the biggest problem here it's just the face. I just can't get used to it.
For example Chris retained his facial features from his REmake days and they only changed his voice once(I really like his Roger Craig Smith voice. It fits his personality), but even in RE6 he still looks like the Chris Redfield I remember, he's just older and more buff now, while Jill's face and voice were changed after RE5 and she didn't look like herself anymore. To me she felt like a completely new character in
Revelations. I just don't like it. They should stick to one face and one voice for Jill and because of those changes most of her fans turned on her and started to hate on her. But I still like her because she's Jill "Mothaf*ckin'" Valentine xD
I really love her Julia Voth face (most Jill fans do, because that was her face from her REmake days) and her Patricia Ja Lee voice, but that's just my personal preference