I know I'm not original when I say this, but I think the biggest cause of this is the two-party system. Both sides have so many inconsistent ideals that it confuses and alienates most people. What does cutting spending have to do with being anti-gay? What does being anti-war have to do with nationalizing healthcare? Belief 1 wants the government out of people's business, and Belief 2 wants the government involved in people's business. The worst part is that they don't even DO the first part most of the time. Both Bush and Reagon increased the deficit, and Obama's warmongering made me renounce any "hope" I had in his presidency.Two Problems That I Have Seen With The American System Of Government Is That We Forgot About Us And The Role We Play. Many People Say That Our Vote Doesn't Matter But It Does And Too Few Of Us Spoke Up While The Rest Were Content To Let Others Do But By Then Corporate America Moved In And Had Money Which Trumps Us Most Everytime.
In Social Studies class, my Modern Liberal teacher showed us a documentary called "House of Cards." In the beginning, it mentioned how Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve artificially lowered interest rates after 9/11, which led to the boom in the housing market. I thought "oh ****, this might turn out to be cool after all!"The Reason America And Many Other Countries Suffered In 2008 And Still Are In A Few Other Places Is Because Of Deregulation.
The banks going out of business isn't a big enough penalty? Remember how people were yelling bloody murder about how they were supposedly "too big to fail"? Do you really think that those bailouts "punished" the banks and discouraged them from doing bad business practices ever again? No. All it did was create moral hazard, encouraged banks to be even more risky (knowing that the government would be there if they failed), and gave Socialists a good reason to bitch about so-called "capitalism."We Need Someone There To Regulate It And If They Break The Rules They Suffer Penalties.
But you're paying them. You're working about 2 to 4 months out of the year for nothing because of them.Oh sure, no government is perfect because no one person is perfect. But I'd rather have a corrupt/stupid/unproductive government than what I described above.
Warning: tl;dr rant ahead.
I know I'm not original when I say this, but I think the biggest cause of this is the two-party system. Both sides have so many inconsistent ideals that it confuses and alienates most people. What does cutting spending have to do with being anti-gay? What does being anti-war have to do with nationalizing healthcare? Belief 1 wants the government out of people's business, and Belief 2 wants the government involved in people's business. The worst part is that they don't even DO the first part most of the time. Both Bush and Reagon increased the deficit, and Obama's warmongering made me renounce any "hope" I had in his presidency.
In Social Studies class, my Modern Liberal teacher showed us a documentary called "House of Cards." In the beginning, it mentioned how Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve artificially lowered interest rates after 9/11, which led to the boom in the housing market. I thought "oh ****, this might turn out to be cool after all!"
I was shocked at how, despite PRACTICALLY ADMITTING that the Federal Reserve started the housing bubble, most of the blame was placed on the so-called "unregulated market." Later on, when the host interviewed Greenspan, the big problem the host had with him was that he and the Fed didn't do enough to stop the bubble. I knew retcons and plotholes are common in fiction (I know this more than anyone, since I'm a Metal Gear fan), but I had no idea they're also present in documentaries too!
In between lunch breaks, my teacher summarized what was shown in the film by listing what caused the housing bubble. "Greedy lenders", "people not making smart choices", "lack of government oversight." I had to tell her "HEY! Don't forget the Fed!" She looked confused and asked me what I meant...
I have yet to even reference articles/videos from free-market think-tanks like The Ludwig von Mises Institute, which has an ideological incentive to blame everything on the government. This is from a mainstream TV documentary that tugs the heartstrings of regulators and planners everywhere, and it STILL blames the Fed, whether the writers realized it or not.
The banks going out of business isn't a big enough penalty? Remember how people were yelling bloody murder about how they were supposedly "too big to fail"? Do you really think that those bailouts "punished" the banks and discouraged them from doing bad business practices ever again? No. All it did was create moral hazard, encouraged banks to be even more risky (knowing that the government would be there if they failed), and gave Socialists a good reason to bitch about so-called "capitalism."
All at the taxpayer's/consumer's expense.
But you're paying them. You're working about 2 to 4 months out of the year for nothing because of them.
If you go to a restaurant and decide that the service is terrible, you can go across the street to find a better alternative. Or just eat at home.
But you're forced to pay taxes, regardless of if the government does a good job or not. You have no choice, or else they'll lock you up and take even more of your property. And whatever they can't tax, they can just devalue the money you actually do get to keep by having the Fed print money out of thin air without you, me, or anyone else even realizing it.
Government was created to protect the people's life and liberty. We need the government to remember its place. We pay them to do very specific jobs and keep the check books balanced. They are by, of, and for the people, NOT above them.
http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/obama-and-libya-from-hopemonger-to-warmonger/Content?oid=2610857I Don't Really Think That Obama Did Any Warmongering.
As the video I posted demonstrated, there are two sides to every war. You can't brush aside the innocent children Obama bombed just because they're brown not AMERICANS **** YEAH.I Mean Yeah He Got Involved In Libya But We Never Had Troops On The Ground
And replaced them with private-military contractors.He Reduced And Pulled Out Troops From Iraq
He resigned The Patriot ActA Lot Of People Got Caught Up In The Whole "Hope And Change" Thing But Any Meaningful Change Takes Time Otherwise It Just A Notion And A Pipe Dream. I Voted For Him But I Knew It Would Take Time To See A Lot Of Changes And Many People Didn't Want To Wait. I Remember Like Six Months After He Took Office Someone Said "I Thought He Would Change Things But He Didn't." And I Think "Really? You Thought It Would Go That Quick?"
If the banks didn't have the funds from the Federal Reserve, the false housing boom wouldn't have occurred, making regulations redundantThis Is What I Mean About Parts Of Government Being Corrupt. Yes, There Are Going To Be People Who Have Power And They Use It For Their Own Gains But Deregulation Did Play A Role Because The Banks Didn't Have As Many People To Answer To And Those They Did Have To Were On Their Side Because They Were Making Money.
What's with theNo, They Didn't Punish The Banks But They Played On People's Emotions And Made Them Scared, Especially Politicians Running For Reelection.![]()
What makes you think I need to remember? That's exactly what I'm saying. Corporations are taking advantage of the government, and they certainly aren't using it to create a free-market.Also You Have To Remember That Former Bankers Have Wiggled Their Way Into Our Political System And Pushed Their Ideas Above Those Of The People.
There's no reason to believe that it would decrease the amount of corruption. If anything, it forces the few principled politicians (like a certain 12-term congressman) out of office, potentially replacing them with more ***holes.I Think A Lot Of This Would Be Solved If We Were To Enforce Term Limits
My darling, have you forgot about the moderators? They are already "big brothers" and I think they could take your money too.If government didn't exist, who would play big brother and take our money?
ThisAmericans who wants no government should have supported Ron Paul.![]()
But alas, it's too late now.
It's the only way to get a gold account.My darling, have you forgot about the moderators? They are already "big brothers" and I think they could take your money too.![]()
I know Mitt Romney have not won it yet, but the chances for Mr. Paul and other competitors are very slim. Have not most of them given up already?It's the only way to get a gold account.![]()
As the video I posted demonstrated, there are two sides to every war. You can't brush aside the innocent children Obama bombed just because they're brown not AMERICANS **** YEAH.
Besides, it's completely unconstitutional. Congress never voted on it.
.And replaced them with private-military contractors.
He resigned The Patriot Act
He signed NDAA
He will probably sign CISPA even though he doesn't like it, just like the previous two.
What change?
These aren't problems that he inherited from Bush and had to deal with. He had a clear-cut choice on whether or not to renew the Patriot Act and sign NDAA. Nothing stopped him from vetoing them. He signed them anyway.
If the banks didn't have the funds from the Federal Reserve, the false housing boom wouldn't have occurred, making regulations redundant
What's with the?
It was a rhetorical question. I'm saying that the "too big to fail" excuse is bull**** and that the banks SHOULD fail, as they would under a free-market.
What makes you think I need to remember? That's exactly what I'm saying. Corporations are taking advantage of the government, and they certainly aren't using it to create a free-market.
There's no reason to believe that it would decrease the amount of corruption. If anything, it forces the few principled politicians (like a certain 12-term congressman) out of office, potentially replacing them with more ***holes.
The president has term limits, and they still get corporate backers for campaigns.
*Slow claps that turn into thunderous applause*I was going to put my heart and soul into this thread, but i have nor the time or patience for such an effort, and i don't believe anyone would be willing to sit and read it all, so all i'll say is.
We are nothing but hamsters on a wheel.
Some spin, some don't, some go faster than others, some go for little reward and others for much. Some wheels are plastic, others are metal...we even have gold wheels and wheels that light up when they move.
The cage is packed with many hamsters of many colors, back grounds and opinions. Most stay in the cage, but some are known to expand and travel further and wider in a hamster ball, but either in a cage, wheel or ball, its all confined and controlled to keep us from ourselves.
Compare a Wild Canadian Wolf, to the stupid domesticated mutts we call mans best friend and you will be struck with the sudden realization that domestication is detrimental to us as individuals.
We've grown dependent, we've become lazy, and we all long for the great adventure but don't want to take the risks or bare the weather.
Government makes me sick. How the worlds most beautiful,powerful and creative force on this planet got duped into surrendering their souls for the 9 to 5 dream that has done nothing but pitch brother against sister, son against father, daughter against mother, man against beast and nature her self is beyond me.
But ''we've become much more intelligent '' you say....have '' we '' Our ancestors trotted the globe with nothing the clothes on their backs, and built their own homes with their own hands.. most of us couldnt even spark our own fires and would die in our first night out in the wild.
'' But.. but... but, we're no longer in the dark age ''
Makes me wonder what is worse, the so called dark age, or the modern age.... for all our education, the bombs still drop, the guns still fire and the tanks still roar. Blood still spills and the bodies drop vastly more than it ever did in the '' dark age ''
Heaven used to be on this very earth...now it's been relegated to religious books as a place in the future.... nope, it should be an extinct place in the history books... for we ****** it up royally.
I do not need government, and although i appreciate the toys, and gizmo's like ipods,ipads and iphones, i yearn for the day and wait for the hour where my fellow man gets an iclue.
would love to go on, but government can kiss my arse for all i care.
This is the kind of self doubt that tricked us to give up our freedom and question our own capabilities, knowledge and instincts.*Slow claps that turn into thunderous applause*
The issue with this though, is that you say YOU don't need government...That is true...YOU don't need it...Nor do I, nor does Femme, nor does Meg, Romero, Tyler, Steve, or any other member on this site...Not when it's just them as singular beings...However, as a society, we as humans are so flawed we NEED it...
It was best stated by Agent K in Men In Black when he says "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
I love how you seem to know exactly what life was like way back in the day. Tell me, were you around thousands of years ago? Please tell me how you know what people were thinking back then.This is the kind of self doubt that tricked us to give up our freedom and question our own capabilities, knowledge and instincts.
Things used to just be '' life '' and it forever continued in cycles, now, if you get called a name, have a bad hair day or find things a little too much, you sit on some assholes chair and tell him all about it, whilst he takes the keys to your mind out from your own pocket.
before society, men and women were strong, and able. We looked out into the world to find and understand our place, and upon witnessing the four seasons, and the movements of the animal kingdom, we sought to fit in to the cycle, and frowned upon things that were not in harmony with nature.
There is no difference between modern man and domesticated animals, its just that in our state of denial and cowardice, when referring to ourselves, we've opted for the word Civilization when infact we're domesticated, because our ego's simply won't allow us to face the truth.
With sarcasm like that you'll be getting nothing.I love how you seem to know exactly what life was like way back in the day. Tell me, were you around thousands of years ago? Please tell me how you know what people were thinking back then.
Ssh, I meant no offense.With sarcasm like that you'll be getting nothing.
oh how people change like the wind.
And then there's the side that doesn't care either way and just wants to go on with their lives.I'm Not Brushing Them Off The The Side Because They Aren't Americans And I Know There Are Two Sides To Every War. One Side Says They Are Fighting For Patriotism And The Other Says They Are Fighting For The Glory Of God.
World War I was pretty pointless too. It started because countries started forming "pacts" with other countries behind closed doors. When the Kaiser was assassinated, the European people were forced into a war that had nothing to do with their lives.Which All Of The Wars After World War 2 I Think Were Pointless.
So were the Soviets. Stalin killed more people than Hitler ever dreamed of. The US never attacked them.I Never Said I Was Happy About Libya, But The Man Was Slaughtering His People.
But Was Not Happy We Were There In The First Place. We Have Our Own Problems Here.
I agree.These Things Also Caught My Attention As Well And Made Me Quite Mad. The NDAA I Know Gave Him The Right To Indefinitely Detain An Individual For "Security Purposes". Cispa Is Really Just SOPA Made Over With A Few Amendments. The Patriot Act Should Be Repealed. It's Trading More Rights For Security Which Is Stupid Because You Can't Make The World Completely Safe. People Are Always Going To Die And Bad Things Are Going To Happen, That's Life And Not Governments' Place To Make All The Bad Stuff Go Away Because Many Times They Make It Worse.
I don't see how.I Do Have To Say That The Economy Is On The Rebound
And?Again The Banks Had People In The Fed Looking Out For Their Interests And Gave Them Money Because They Would Get A Little Kick-Back.
Winks normally imply that you're telling me something that I previously had no clue of.The Wink Was Because The Fed Called Politicians, Specifically Democrats, And Scared The **** Out Of Them.
We should also throw Greenspan and Bernanke in prison for mass theft.TBTF Was A Bunch Of Bull. They Should Have Been Allowed To Fail In My Opinion Because They ****** Up.
I Am In Favor Of Reducing Government Severely. Always Have Been But Regulation Is Needed To The Extent Of Ensuring That We Don't End Up With Nasty Drinking Water And Ground Up Rats In Our Food And Diseased Meat Again.
First people want the government to lower interest rates so that more people can buy houses. Now they want the government to regulate banks so that people who can't afford to buy a house can't...Also Banking Regulation Should Be Reformed So That They Don't Steal People's Money And Charge Impossible Interest Rates On Those Are Unable To Pay Them Back
Stopping corporate donations is only fixing a symptom to a larger problem; Big Government. If the government has no power to give special favors or privileges to big corporations, then there's no reason for them to shop around for politicians.We Can Thank Citizens United For That.
Have not most of them given up already?
Fair enough.And the moderators are not co-owners so they don't get a dime.![]()
Even back then human had some form of government in one way or another...And the tribes that hunted and gathered had an almost social class system that choose the leaders...Even animals do that with the alpha male roles and such...At the end of the day, humans are ALWAYS leading other humans...There never was a time of all humans be "Equal"...A lot of what you say is true, however, to say there was never government back then is majorly false my friend...This is the kind of self doubt that tricked us to give up our freedom and question our own capabilities, knowledge and instincts.
Things used to just be '' life '' and it forever continued in cycles, now, if you get called a name, have a bad hair day or find things a little too much, you sit on some assholes chair and tell him all about it, whilst he takes the keys to your mind out from your own pocket.
before society, men and women were strong, and able. We looked out into the world to find and understand our place, and upon witnessing the four seasons, and the movements of the animal kingdom, we sought to fit in to the cycle, and frowned upon things that were not in harmony with nature.
There is no difference between modern man and domesticated animals, its just that in our state of denial and cowardice, when referring to ourselves, we've opted for the word Civilization when infact we're domesticated, because our ego's simply won't allow us to face the truth.