Childhood obesity - should parents lose custody?

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Yes...i'm sorry, but it is INCREADIBLY important to make sure you as a parent are making sure your child is taking care of their body...I mean, don't force them to play sports they hate and stuff just to keep them fit...I hated it when my dad made me play baseball with him because i was good at it and he played when he was a kid...but i had no interst in it...but what they DO need to do is make sure there is some sort of physical activity keeping them in check...for example, the way i stay fit is walk around alot and play guitar...that honestly all it takes...I used to love bike rides with my friends through the country, but do people still do that? I just don't know anymore...either way, I think if the parent isn't doing thier job to keep their child healthy then someone should step in and do so...
I have to admit, I was kind of shocked when I heard about this. I was thinking it was a bit of a drastic action, but my mother brought up a good point when I spoke to her about it. She says that it is a form of child abuse..and I guess if you think about it, it is. Think about it, you have an obese child...obesity causes a lot of health problems. You don't want your child to have health problems at such a young age, it isn't fair to them.
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I have to admit, I was kind of shocked when I heard about this. I was thinking it was a bit of a drastic action, but my mother brought up a good point when I spoke to her about it. She says that it is a form of child abuse..and I guess if you think about it, it is. Think about it, you have an obese child...obesity causes a lot of health problems. You don't want your child to have health problems at such a young age, it isn't fair to them.

And just because you loose custody dosn't mean you'll never get to see your child again...
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I agree with what everyone has said. It definitely is a form of child abuse. And I'm talking about situations where kids are morbidly obese, not overweight. Some parents are just setting their kids up for an early death - you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol... so many problems linking to feeding your children bad foods. It's ridiculous how young kids are starting to get these things. And it's not we don't know how bad stuff is for us... there's nutritional info on everything we buy now, and it's not like there's a single person anywhere that doesn't know how ridiculously bad McDonalds is for you. Morbid obesity, for the most part, is so easy to avoid but some parents... just... I don't get it.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people who fail to look after their children are the same people who send their pets to an early grave by letting it eat junk in the name of love.....I'm sure that's actually a mental disorder,but let's not be in too quick a rush to call in the scientists...
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^people who do that to their animals make me sick. A 12 stone Labrador?! WTF! But then again, some overweight pets can have medical problems. Out last cat had pancreaitis. He was pretty big, but he still lived to 13 and 1/2 years old (i don't know if you'd class that as young though.)

We hear news in the UK that children as old a two are obese (if not, possibly younger).
You see kids sat in high chairs in fast food chains being fed chips, burgers... whatever.

At the end of the day, it is parental responsiblity.... also i think losing custody of your kids is a bit drastic too.

Parents know the risks of over-feeding their children. This is no way going to help stemming the obesity problem. Fast food is now a way of life, due to it being convenient.

What if someone's has a child that has weight problems due to a medical problem?
(Unfortunately due to meds, medical problems and genetics, I'm like that too.)

I remember sometime ago on yahoo, i was reading about a toddler in China who was 7+ stone. He could eat 3 bowls of rice for lunch and still be hungry.

But, I think Russell Howard Made a good point even if it was a 'joke'.
"They're banning fast food adverts on children's tv as they think it'll cure the obesity problem...
I say, Ban your f***y until you can look after what comes out of it"

(Sorry if that offended you. And i didn't intened my post to seem disrespectful if it did. I know raising kids ain't easy... my parents had to put up with me as a child... seriously, sorry.)
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Could be medical stuff. My brother had a brain tumor and it crushed something that stopped his metabolism and him growing, resulting in him eating normally yet getting really obese. He's fine now, but they should at least check the kid out before taking custody of them.
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I have mixed feelings on this one. While allowing a kid to get that bad is a form of child abuse I also feel taking the kid away from his family will also do harm. It can cause depression which could make matters worse. Yet at the same time Something needs to happen as kids are becoming way to obese.
I have mixed feelings on this one. While allowing a kid to get that bad is a form of child abuse I also feel taking the kid away from his family will also do harm. It can cause depression which could make matters worse. Yet at the same time Something needs to happen as kids are becoming way to obese.

I doubt a depression would happen in most cases are easily swayed, and DFS, or whoever takes the kids could easily get them beliveing the parents were to blame and that they are going to help these children...
I doubt a depression would happen in most cases are easily swayed, and DFS, or whoever takes the kids could easily get them beliveing the parents were to blame and that they are going to help these children...
True. I just have a talent for always seeing the positives and potential negatives at the same time.
Could be medical stuff. My brother had a brain tumor and it crushed something that stopped his metabolism and him growing, resulting in him eating normally yet getting really obese. He's fine now, but they should at least check the kid out before taking custody of them.

yes some people out there are obese but its not due to stuffing your face with food but medical conditions, there was a story i read about a boy with giantism and he was big because of it. people gave his parents a hard time accusing them of feeding their child to death but he ate healthy all the time. dont always assume all kids are obese from eating junk food because they may have a medical condition that affects their weight!
I think if the child's morbid obesity is directly related to overfeeding or inappropriately feeding the child, then they should be taken. As it's been stated, diabetes, heart complications and other health problems arise from being so overweight, and I believe that most morbidly obese children would benefit from being placed in an environment that encouraged a healthy, active, and nurturing lifestyle so that they have a chance at life without all of those medical issues so early in their lives. Any cases where the obesity is caused by a previously existing health condition should be exempt as it could not be as easily prevented, if at all, and so there is no blame.
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When I was much younger I was obese. Close to 200lbs 5'1ish 12 years old. I played Soccer in the spring, track and field during the spring and summer, swim team in the summer, football in the fall, and basketball during the winter. All year long I was exercising and eating a fairly good diet. I didn't have any medical problems which was causing me to be obese. Some people are just genetically predispositioned to be... well... fat. My parents were completely supportive and didn't feed me "crap" all day everyday. I think that taking peoples kids away from them for the kids being obese is just way too harsh. Perhaps instead of punishing, we help the kids get into better shape. And if you think that a kid wont fall into depression from being taken away from their parents because they are fat, then you naive.
There is a distinct lack of formal education when it comes to food - I can only speak for the UK here, but it's all very well sticking pretty colour-coded labels on packs of food to say what percentage of your GDA is inside but only serial dieters seem to add up the numbers. People are not taught how to cook anymore and instead the local councils chuck out dancing DVD's or try to make getting fit fun. Cooking programmes rabbit on about healthy eating but the chefs themselves use high fat, high salt ingredients for the most part because otherwise taste is compromised and then no one wants to eat whatever it is.

Two things no one ever seems to take into consideration either are convenience and finance. I've got kids meself and it's a damn sight easier some evenings to whop some cheese on toast for dinner than spend three hours pratting about making an uber healthy meal which tastes of cardboard and everyone just goes "ugh" when presented with it. My kids will try new stuff, don't get me wrong, but if they don't like it there isn't a power on earth that will make them try it again. And as a parent it's utterly frustrating because you are trying to feed them the right stuff and they simply won't have it. So you'd rather they ate something than just went to bed hungry night after night - it's actually quite difficult to manage. I don't keep junk in the house such as snacks and chocolate and desserts and I'm well aware that up to a certain age a child will not willfully starve himself, but getting the right stuff into kids is sometimes a lot harder than you would think and having a heart of stone when they refuse food and not giving them an alternative is easier said than done.

Financially speaking, I have yet to come across a celebrity chef on TV or indeed anyone who bleats about childhood obesity with authority to offer an affordable solution to those who simply cannot afford the poncy ingredients so often used in healthier meals. Meat and poultry are insanely expensive, fresh fruit and vegetables are pricey with a poor shelf life if no one eats them in time and for a lot of families, something zapped in a microwave or a Happy Meal are much more affordable than home cooking and a lot less stressful. Sure, feeding your family chips every night for dinner is just plain lazy and people like that need a good slap - but when you've got 3 kids, one wage, lots of bills and barely any time to wipe your backside let alone anyone elses, cooking takes a major backseat. You just want to know they've eaten something that vaguely qualifies as a meal even if you'd prefer it to be salad.

I used to have to feed a family of three on £10 per week - I kid you not. Two adults, one child. And all the will in the world could not make a nice-tasting healthy meal affordable. We had supermarket value branded crap because there was no viable alternative. As much as I tried, plain pasta four days a week and rice on the others was not ideal and had less nutritional value than a fast food menu. What I think is needed is a FREE course for EVERY family, regardless of status and age, which is fully accessible for them in whichever manner suits their needs for them to be able to learn how to cook within their means a nice, tasty but most of all AFFORDABLE menu which they can sustain week by week and then couple that with some basic out-and-about ideas to get exercise into their routine. You gotta remember that the vast majority of school leavers seem to not even know how to boil an egg, let alone make a meal, and all to often kids are having their own kids before they've even figured out how to tie their own laces - so they do what they know which is microwave something or get takeout. And so the cycle continues. The day they make unhealthy eating too expensive an option is the day they will see a difference in how kids are fed - right now, the balance is all wrong and it's simply cheaper and quicker to grab a burger than plan and prepare something more substantial.
Interesting concept, but no. You're simply trading physical health for mental health. The Faster care system is terrible and foster care? Really? That's the government's way of intervening? Bull$***. It makes no sense. A rehibilitation center, yes. Foster care? Never. That's cruel.
I like the idea of government intervention, but foster care is not the way to do it. Manditory rehab with a government official for checking in is probably best. You'd create a few more jobs while you're at it too. Foster care... where did that even make sense...?